Monthly Archives: September 2015

Woman Accidentally Sends Dirty Snapchat to Boss, Check Out This Legendary Reply!


Sending nudey-dudey pictures on snapchat is risky business these days, what with people being able to replay pictures and save them secretly and all. But this poor woman fell victim to the ‘I-accidentally-clicked-the-wrong-name’ error that we all know too well. 

That was how her boob ended up on the screen of her boss, instead of her boo-thang. Why exactly she has her boss on snapchat is another question entirely.

The casual boob snap was complete with a cheeky message that we’re sure she spent a bit of time pondering over – snapchats are a work of art, you know.


Her boss’ response to her boob was pretty simple, and he wasn’t too mad:


Yikes. We wouldn’t liked to have been in the office the Monday morning after that snapchat conversation…

Basically double check who you are sending your pics to guys…


Air Hostess Made A Fortune Having Sex With Passengers!

An air hostess has since been sacked by her (unnamed) employers when it came out that she was earning £650,000 a year by having it off with her passengers in the on-board toilets.

The matter came to light after she was caught in the act in the toilets. She was immediately sacked which is, you know, hardly surprising…

It is claimed that she preferred long haul flights between the Gulf and the USA for obvious reasons and she was charging up to £1,500 per… favour.

A source speaking to the Arabic language newspaper Daily Sada said:

“She admitted that she had sex with many other passengers during flight and that she preferred long distance flights between the Gulf and the United States.”


Although the airline has not been named, the general consensus is that it was a middle-eastern firm. Definitely not Virgin… get it?!

So there you have it. It’s easier to join the mile-high club than you might have thought. All you need to do is get the particular hostess rehired and then save up £1,500. Easy.


Girl strips naked in shopping centre after boyfriend refuses to buy her iPhone 6s

People are usually desperate to get their hands on the latest Apple product.

But it could be argued that this woman has gone to extreme lengths in an attempt to secure herself an iPhone 6s .

After reportedly failing to persuade her boyfriend to buy her the latest gadget, the woman, who was caught on camera in a shopping centre in China, decided she had only one option.

Girl strips naked after her boyfriend refuses to buy her the iPhone 6s
Angry: The girl took off all her clothes after her boyfriend ‘refused to buy her the latest gadget’

And that option was to strip completely naked in front of hundreds of other shoppers.

In the clip, the woman can be seen exchanging words with her partner before tearing her clothes off and throwing them onto the floor.

Have your say in our comments section below

Girl strips naked after her boyfriend refuses to buy her the iPhone 6s
Unashamed: The girl tears off her clothes after the argument

Her unimpressed boyfriend walks away, but she soon follows, pushing him several times.

It is not clear how the argument ended – or whether the woman ever ended up getting her hands on the iPhone 6s.

The clip was uploaded to YouTube on September 20 and has clocked up more than 1.2 million views .

Click here to view video (source)

Top 25 Highest Earning Youtube Stars

Here’s how it works: Have you ever tried to watch a video on Youtube but before it plays you need to watch a commercial? That’s called a pre-roll. Every 1000 times a pre-roll advertisement is shown, Youtube gets paid some amount of money. The amount can vary but typically Youtube is paid between $20 and $25 for every thousand ad views. This is called a CPM. This is exactly how CelebrityNetWorth makes money as well, except our CPMs are nowhere near $25, because we think pre-roll commercials are really annoying.

When a Youtube channel has enough followers, the owner of the account can apply to become a member of their Partner Program. Youtube Partners earn a cut of the CPM earned off the videos in their channel. Youtube takes 45% of whatever the partner channel earns. The CPM price can vary quite a bit, but typically a Youtube Partner ends up earning a roughly $5-7 CPM. That means, for every 1000 times an advertisement is shown on their channel, the Partner could earn $7 (and Youtube would take the remaining ($18). Sometimes they earn way more, sometimes way less. Assuming a Partner’s video has one million views and every single viewer watched a pre-roll advertisement, the Partner would earn $7000 (1 million divided by 1000 * $7). That’s a very rough example. In reality, for a variety of reasons, Youtube would never show a pre-roll on every single video view. For example, many ads are only targeted at people in the United States. Other times, YouTube won’t show a pre-roll to someone who just got one. A pre-roll that is viewed all the way through without skipping obviously pays much more. A pre-roll that advertises the next Iron Man movie pays more than a small banner ad for a domain name company…

So just how much money can you make off Youtube? If you’re one of Youtube’s biggest stars, you can make a ton! It’s a good deal for Youtube because these Partners are driving billions of video views and giving people to come back every day. Below is a list of the 25 highest earning Youtube stars. Their earnings may inspire you to quit your job and start making home movies! Also keep in mind these numbers don’t even include additional sources of revenue like merchandise, licensing, affiliate programs and sponsorships. These numbers are just how much these stars are making off their hundreds of millions of videos views…

Freddie Wong Camera

The Highest Earning Youtube Stars:

(estimated annual earnings)

  • #41: TimothyDeLaGhetto – $1 million (619 million total video views)
  • #40: SHAYTARDS – $1 million (1.7 billion views)
  • #39: Shane Dawson – $1 million (1.1 billion views)
  • #38: TheRadBrad – $1 million (1.6b views)
  • #37: ElRubiusOMG – $1.1 million (2.1b views)
  • #36: Vsauce – $1.2 million (826 million views)
  • #35: EvanTubeHD – $1.3 million (1.4b views)
  • #34: PrankvsPrank – $1.3 million (788m views)
  • #33: EpicMealTime – $1.3 million (814m views)
  • #32: FPSRussia – $1.3 million (667m views)
  • #31: MichellePhan – $1.3 million (1.3b views)
  • #30: TheDiamondMinecart – $1.4 million (3.4b views)
  • #29: Potemi926 – $1.6 million (30.9m views)
  • #28: Vegetta777 – $1.6 million (2.9b views)
  • #27: WhiteBoy7thst – $1.7 million (635m views)
  • #26: TheLonelyIsland – $1.7 million (1.6 billion views)
  • #25: Sxephil – $1.7 million (1.3b views)
  • #24: FreddieW – $1.8 million (1.2 billion views)
  • #23: SpeedyW03 – $2 million (1.2b views)
  • #22: TheBajanCanadian – $2 million (817m views)
  • #21: HolaSoyGerman – $2 million (1.9b views)
  • #20: TheWillyRex – $2 million (1.8b views)
  • #19: Tobuscus – $2 million (1.1b views)
  • #18: TheFineBros – $2.2 million (3.1b views)
  • #17: AdamThomasMoran – $2.2 million (886m views)
  • #16: SkyDoesMinecraft – $2.3 million (2.6b views)
  • #15: BoyceAvenue – $2.3 million (1.9b views)
  • #14: Nigahiga – $2.3 million (2.5b views)
  • #13: ERB – $2.4 million (1.7b views)
  • #12: CaptainSparklez – $3.2 million (1.7b views)
  • #11: CollegeHumor – $3.3 million (3.7b views)
  • #10: RealAnnoyingOrange – $3.4 million (2.7b views)
  • #9: UberHaxorNova – $3.5 million (1.5b views)
  • #8: RayWilliamJohnson – $4 million (2.9b views)
  • #7: TobyGames – $4.2 million (1.8b views)
  • #6: JennaMarbles – $4.3 million (1.7b views)
  • #5: Smosh – $6 million (4.5b views)
  • #4: BluCollection – $6.5 million (3.78b views)
  • #3: YOGSCAST (formerly BlueXephos) – $6.7 million (3b views)
  • #2: Funtoys Collector (formerly DisneyCollectorBR) – $8 million (7b views)
  • #1: Pewdiepie – $12 million (9.3b views)

Four Held After Attack On Jockey At Racecourse


Four people have been arrested over an assault on a jockey in the weighing room of a racecourse in Nottinghamshire.

Aiden Coleman, one of the youngest-ever riders to compete in the Grand National, is said to have suffered minor injuries in the attack which took place on Tuesday after the last race at Southwell racecourse.


Fellow rider Paul Moloney, witnessed the incident and said: “When I came into the weighing room after the last, there were these two blokes there.”

Coleman had been “shaken” but not seriously injured, the rider told The Guardian, adding he did not think Coleman had been deliberately singled out.

“I don’t think these guys knew anything much about racing,” he said.

The 27-year-old jockey is reported to have had a bloody nose and chipped teeth.

Two men and a woman are being held on suspicion of assault and criminal damage while a second woman was arrested on suspicion of obstructing the police.

A stewards’ report said: “The stewards held an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding an incident which occurred after the last race in the jockeys’ changing rooms after two members of the public gained access, and during which a jockey sustained minor injuries.

“They interviewed jockeys Aidan Coleman, Adam Pogson and Tom Scudamore, two of the jockeys’ valets, a racecourse medical officer, the clerk of the course and two members of the racecourse executive.

“Having heard their evidence, the stewards passed the matter to the BHA (British Horseracing Authority) for further consideration.”

A Nottinghamshire Police spokesman said: “Four people have been arrested following an assault at Southwell racecourse this afternoon.

“Officers were called at 5.23pm to reports of a man being assaulted in the weighing room.

“They attended and arrested two men and one woman on suspicion of assault and criminal damage, and another woman for obstructing police.

“The victim sustained minor injuries.”

Mum Charged After Newborn Thrown From Apartment


A woman who threw her newborn baby girl to her death from a seventh-storey window has been arrested on murder and manslaughter charges, police have said.

Officers found the infant with her umbilical cord still attached in a courtyard of her boyfriend’s Bronx apartment on Monday.

An autopsy revealed the baby girl died from blunt force injuries, chief medical examiner Dr Barbara Sampson said.

The baby’s death has been ruled a homicide, meaning she had been born alive.

Jennifer Berry, 33, from Yonkers, is being held in police custody over her death.

Her boyfriend told police he was in another room when the baby was born and when the child fell from the window.

He told investigators he did not realise either event had occurred and had no idea his girlfriend was pregnant.

Officials said it was unclear how much time elapsed between the baby’s birth and her fall from the window.

CCTV captured part of the girl’s fall from the building at 130 West 183rd Street.

NYPD Detective Annette Markowski told Sky News a 911 call was made at 2.40pm on Monday.

She said: “Officers observed a female infant unconscious and unresponsive at the rear of the address.

“EMS responded and found the infant DOA (dead on arrival) at the scene.”

Neighbour Sammy Batista told the New York Daily News: “The baby look like it was new.

“It was on the floor covered in blood. It hurt my heart.”

VW Scandal: 1.189m Vehicles In UK Affected


Volkswagen has announced 1,189,906 of its vehicles in the UK are affected by the diesel emissions scandal.

The German car-maker said it would inform customers how to get their vehicles “corrected in the near future”.

Per brand the number breaks down as:

:: Volkswagen Passenger Cars – 508,276

:: Audi – 393,450

:: SEAT – 76,773

:: Skoda – 131,569

:: Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles – 79,838

Volkswagen Group UK also revealed how it plans to modify diesel vehicles with EA 189 engines.

It said that the details of affected cars would be sent to retailers “in the coming days”.

On top of this a “self-serve process” will be set up for customers to check if their vehicle needs a refit.

A VW statement read: “Step by step, affected customers will be contacted, with details of a process to get their vehicles corrected in the near future.

“In the meantime, all vehicles are technically safe and road worthy.”

VW has admitted that 11 million of its diesel vehicles worldwide were fitted with defeat device software to con testers into believing their vehicles met environmental standards.

The Environmental Protection Agency said 482,000 of VW’s 2009-15 models in the US were fitted with the sophisticated software, which switches engines to a cleaner mode when they are being tested.

Once on the road the cars produced nitrogen oxide pollutants at up to 40 times the legal standard.

In the UK the Department for Transport has launched an investigation which will include retesting to compare laboratory results with actual driving emissions.

VW said it would present its technical solutions and measures to the relevant authorities in October.

It added that it was “committed to supporting its customers and its retailers through the coming weeks”.

Princess Michael Says Animals Don’t Have Rights


Princess Michael of Kent has sparked an angry backlash after reportedly saying animals do not have rights “because they don’t pay taxes”.

The princess, who is married to the Queen’s cousin, is said to have made the remarks at Henley Literary Festival during a discussion about her new novel, Agnes Sorel: Mistress Of Beauty.

“I’m a great animal lover and I’m involved in a lot of conservation, but animals don’t have rights. They don’t have bank accounts. They don’t vote,” she apparently said.

“We have obligation. We have obligation to animals, but to say they have rights?

“They don’t have rights. You only have rights if you pay your taxes. You earn your rights.”

Animal rights campaigners have branded the alleged comments “ignorant” and “daft”.

They have also urged her to “exercise caution” before giving her views on the issue in future.

Elisa Allen, associate director of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), told The Times: “PETA urges Princess Michael to study the subject, rather than making an off-the-cuff statement that reflects ignorance of the issue of what fundamental rights animals have, which do not include the right to drive a car or build up an overdraft.

“She should also exercise caution in opining at all on such issues, because her daft assessment would mean that children and certain classes of human beings are also not entitled to rights.”

The princess has previously clashed with animal rights campaigners over her love of fur coats.

Charlie Nicholas: Arsenal won’t qualify after home loss


Charlie Nicholas felt Arsene Wenger was wrong to select David Ospina against Olympiakos – and that the decision may cost Arsenal their Champions League place.

Wenger left £11m summer signing Petr Cech on the bench for Tuesday night’s visit of the Greek champions but Ospina dropped a corner over his line for an own goal as Olympiakos recorded a shock 3-2 victory.

The result means the Gunners have lost their first two games in a Champions League season for the first time and Nicholas felt Wenger was wrong to make five alterations from the line-up which beat Leicester City 5-2 on Saturday.

Police hunt men who tried to abduct boy, 6, as he played in the street


The boy screamed and managed to break free before running away from the two men and their ‘dirty white van’

Police are hunting two men who tried to snatch a six-year-old boy as he played in the street with his friends on Saturday afternoon.

The young boy was with his eight-year-old brother and another six-year-old boy on their bikes, when a man grabbed him and dragged him towards a “dirty white van” where another man was holding open the rear doors.

The boy screamed and managed to break free before running away from the white men in their 30s.

Police are now searching for the man who tried to abduct the boy in Romford, who was bald with short facial stubble in his 30s dressed in black trousers and T-shirts.

They are also looking for the man by the van who has brown hair and wore a blue T-shirt.

A spokesman for Scotland Yard said: “Detectives in Havering are investigating an allegation of attempted abduction of a boy in Harebell Way, Romford on Saturday, 26 September at 12.08pm.

“The six-year-old boy had been playing with his eight-year-old brother and another six-year-old boy on their bikes in the street, when the victim was approached and grabbed by a man that had got out of a parked dirty white van.

“The man is alleged to have attempted to drag the boy whilst a second man opened the rear doors of the vehicle. The boy began to scream, broke free and ran away.

“The first man is described as white, he had a bald head, short facial stubble and was aged in his 30s. He was wearing a black T-shirt and black trousers.

“The second man is described as white, aged in his mid-30s, with brown hair. He was wearing a blue T-shirt.”

Detective Chief Inspector Denise Johnson, from Havering CID, said: “High visibility patrols have been increased in the area to provide reassurance to the local community.

“I would always ask parents to remind children about the importance of not talking to or going with strangers.”

Anyone with information should call 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Death Row Woman Executed Despite Pope’s Plea


The US state of Georgia has executed its only female death row inmate, Kelly Gissendaner, depite a plea for clemency from the Pope.

The parole board denied her a stay of execution and she was pronounced dead at 12.21am local time (5.21 BST) after a lethal injection.

Gissendaner asked for a final prayer before she died, according to prison spokeswoman Lisa Rodriguez-Presley.

The board was not swayed by her appeal, nor by a letter they received from Pope Francis’ US representative seeking mercy for Gissendaner.

Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano’s message on the Pontiff’s behalf asked for a commutation of her sentence “to one that would better express both justice and mercy”.

The Pope, who toured the US last week, is an outspoken opponent of the death penalty.

Gissendaner, 47, was convicted over the 1997 murder of her husband, but her lawyers argued she was a model inmate filled with remorse over the killing.

Her lover, Gregory Owen, carried out the murder – abducting Doug Gissendaner and stabbing him to death in woods in Atlanta.

Owen took a plea deal and testified against her. He is serving a prison sentence.

Gissendaner’s lawyers argued her sentence was disproportionate because she did not carry out the murder herself and was not there when it happened.

The family of Doug Gissendaner said she had shown him no mercy.

“As the murderer,” the family said in a statement, “she’s been given more rights and opportunity over the last 18 years than she ever afforded to Doug who, again, is the victim here.”

However, the couple’s three adult children had backed their mother’s case.

Gissendaner’s execution – which took place at Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson – is the first carried out on a woman in the state in 70 years.

She is the 16th woman executed in the US since the Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976.

Sympathisers had taken to social media using the hashtag #kellyonmymind to call for her life to be spared.

Gissendaner had requested a last meal of cheese dip and chips, Texas fajita nachos and a diet frosted lemonade.

Her date with the death chamber had been postponed twice this year.

The first was in February because of a winter storm, and the second time a month later because the lethal drugs were “cloudy”.

Meanwhile attorneys for Oklahoma death row prisoner Richard Glossip have made a last-ditch appeal to the US Supreme Court to grant a stay of execution.

He is due to die at 3pm local time (9.00pm BST) today.



Jim Carrey‘s on-again/off-again 28-year-old girlfriend has committed suicide … TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement tells TMZ, LAPD responded to a call in the L.A. area Monday night. We’re told they went to a residence and found the body of Cathriona White.

Our sources say White left a suicide note addressed to Carrey which references their break up on Sept. 24. Cathriona tweeted on the 24th … “Signing off Twitter, I hope I have been a light to my nearest and dearest.”

Law enforcement tells us they believe she died from an overdose of drugs — pills were next to her body. We’re told 2 friends found Cathriona last night when they went to check on her.

53-year-old Carrey and White met in 2012, dated a few months and then split. They rekindled their relationship in May.

Story developing …

Read more:

Sweet Yeezus! Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s second child ‘is expected to arrive on Christmas Day’


Is this the proof we needed that Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are bearing the second coming of Christ together?

According to sources close to the family, Kim Kardashian’s due date for her second child is on Christmas Day, the day many people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Quite aside from the fact that this baby is going to get both birthday and Christmas presents from one of the richest families in the world, on the same day (we doubt the Kardashians and Jenners do joint birthday and Christmas presents), it has raised speculation and jokes that the baby is a Deity.


Lest we forget, Kanye has actually released a song called ‘I Am A God’ and released an album called ‘Yeezus’, illustrated with a picture of him as Christ.

This news will probably inspire even more classical and religious-style artwork of the famous couple and their child, North West.

However, the due date is so specific for quite a serious reason. According to TMZ, Mrs. Kardashian-West has a condition where the placenta grows too deeply into the uterus, which could be dangerous.

Doctors are planning a natural birth on Christmas Day, but she may have to have a caesarian if she doesn’t give birth beforehand.

The famous couple have booked a swish Deluxe Maternity Suite at the Cedars-Sinai hospital in L.A. for the special day.

Joking aside, it must be pretty rough to give birth on December 25th – you probably wouldn’t feel like eating turkey with all the trimmings.

The pair already have one child together, two-year-old North West, who is often seen accompanying her glamorous mother to fashion shows.

Wayne Rooney reveals truth behind his Manchester United ‘transfer request’

England's record goal scorer insists he did not hand in a transfer request under Sir Alex Ferguson in new BBC documentary© Press Association England’s record goal scorer insists he did not hand in a transfer request under Sir Alex Ferguson in new BBC documentary Wayne Rooney has revealed that he told Sir Alex Ferguson that it “might be better” if he left Manchester United if he was no longer going to be in the team under the club’s former manager.

However Rooney insisted that he did not submit a transfer request and expressed his surprise that the claim was made public.

In a wide-ranging documentary – “Wayne Rooney – The Man Behind The Goals” – to mark his remarkable achievement at becoming England’s record goal-scorer, surpassing Sir Bobby Charlton’s total of 49 goals, the striker also reveals his disappointment at his country having failed at major tournaments.

Rooney also admits he should not have gone to the 2006 World Cup Finals in Germany because he was not fit enough and says the England manager he was most disappointed in was Fabio Capello who failed to live up to his reputation.

In the film, to be aired on BBC One next Tuesday, Rooney pays tribute to Ferguson who signed him from Everton in 2004.

“He was the reason why I wanted to join Man United, to work with him,” Rooney says. “In my eyes the best manager of all-time. For him to be interested in me and wanting me to play under him, there was nowhere else I was going to go.”

Rooney enjoyed astonishing success at United under Ferguson but twice tried to leave the club – asking to be sold in 2010, with Manchester City leading the interest, and with the player accusing United of lacking ambition, before he signed a new contract and subsequently apologised to his Old Trafford team-mates.

Then two years ago Rooney was in and out of the United team before Ferguson’s retirement and Chelsea wanted to sign him. “I went in to see him (Ferguson) and just said ‘if you are not going to play me then it might be better for me to move on’,” Rooney explains in the film, narrated by Gary Lineker.

“Then, all of a sudden, it was all over the press that I had put a transfer request in which I never did. I don’t know what happened, why that came out that way.”

Asked about his relationship with Ferguson, which is understood to have improved in the past two years, Rooney says: “It is not just me who has had a fall-out with Alex Ferguson. I think many players have. Some have left. Some have stayed.”

Man’s Leg Ravaged By Flesh-Eating Spider Bite


A holidaymaker has described how his leg “resembled something from a horror film” after he was bitten by a venomous spider.

Jonathan Hogg, a keen footballer and kickboxer, has required three operations and a skin graft since the brown recluse spider attacked.

Within hours, the venom began to eat away at the 40-year-old’s flesh – doctors say he could have lost his leg had it been left untreated.

Mr Hogg, from north London, said: “The pain was like nothing I’ve been through in my life. By the time I got to hospital my leg was bursting open, there was pus, it was black.”

The barrister believes he was bitten while travelling on a Qatar Airways flight from Doha to South Africa, and the airline says it is currently looking into the incident.


He added: “I was struggling to get comfortable during the journey and crossed my legs to get into a better position when I felt a small, sharp pain radiating in my left leg.

“I turned on the light and clearly saw a spider running across the floor before hearing two stewardesses screaming ‘Spider’, but I wasn’t sure if I had been bitten as it really wasn’t painful.”

When Mr Hogg’s leg first swelled up and became bruised, he took painkillers and mistook it for deep-vein thrombosis.

But the pain got worse a day later and his friends urged him to see a doctor, thinking it looked like a spider bite.

He had taken five months off work for a once-in-a-lifetime holiday and the ordeal began shortly after he finished volunteering at an orangutan sanctuary in Borneo.

He was travelling on to South Africa so he could dive with sharks.

Mr Hogg is now taking legal action against the airline, and alleges it had refused to take responsibility.

What is the Deep or Dark Web?

What is the Dark Web?

The Dark Web is a term that refers specifically to a collection of websites that are publicly visible, but hide the IP addresses of the servers that run them. Thus they can be visited by any web user, but it is very difficult to work out who is behind the sites. And you cannot find these sites using search engines.

Almost all sites on the so-called Dark Web hide their identity using the Tor encryption tool. You may know Tor for its end-user-hiding properties. You can use Tor to hide your identity, and spoof your location. When a website is run through Tor it has much the same effect.

Indeed, it multiplies the effect. To visit a site on the Dark Web that is using Tor encryption, the web user needs to be using Tor. Just as the end user’s IP is bounced through several layers of encryption to appear to be at another IP address on the Tor network, so is that of the website. So there are several layers of magnitude more secrecy than the already secret act of using Tor to visit a website on the open internet – for both parties (See also: How to delete your Google location history).

Not all Dark Web sites use Tor. Some use similar services such as I2P – indeed the all new Silk Road Reloaded uses this service. But the principle remains the same. The visitor has to use the same encryption tool as the site and – crucially – know where to find the site, in order to type in the URL and visit.

Infamous examples of Dark Web sites include the Silk Road and its offspring. The Silk Road was (and maybe still is) a website for the buying and selling of recreational drugs. But there are legitimate uses for the Dark Web. People operating within closed, totalitarian societies can use the Dark Web to communicate with the outside world. And given recent revelations about US- and UK government snooping on web use, you may feel it is sensible to take your communication on to the Dark Web. (I’ll stick to Facebook, but I like the attention.) See also: What does Google know about me?

Dark Web or Deep Web? (Or Deepnet, Invisible Web, or Hidden Web?)

Although all of these terms tend to be used interchangeably, they don’t refer to exactly the same thing. An element of nuance is required. The ‘Deep Web’ refers to all web pages that search engines cannot find. Thus the ‘Deep Web’ includes the ‘Dark Web’, but also includes all user databases, webmail pages, registration-required web forums, and pages behind paywalls. There are huge numbers of such pages, and most exist for mundane reasons.

We have a staging version of all of our websites that is blocked from being indexed by search engines, so we can check stories before we set them live. Thus for every page publicly available on this website (and there are literally millions), there is another on the Deep Web. The content management system into which I am typing this article is on the Deep Web. So that is another page for every page that is on the live site. Meanwhile our work intranet is hidden from search engines, and requires a password. It has been live for nearly 20 years, so there are plenty of pages there.

Use an online bank account? The password-protected bits are on the Deep Web. And when you consider how many pages just one Gmail account will create, you understand the sheer size of the Deep Web.

This scale is why newspapers and mainstream news outlets regularly trott out scare stories about ’90 percent of the internet’ consisting of the Dark Web. They are confusing the generally dodgy Dark Web with the much bigger and generally more benign Deep Web. Mixung up the act of delibarately hiding things, with that of necessarily keeping pages away from search engines for  reasons of security or user experience. (See also:How to use torrent sites in UK: how to access The Pirate Bay, blocked torrents.)

Wait, what about the ‘Dark Internet’?

Confusingly, ‘Dark Internet’ is also a term sometimes used to describe further examples of networks, databases or even websites that cannot be reached over the internet. In this case either for technical reasons, or because the properties contain niche information that few people will want, or in some cases because the data is private.

A basic rule of thumb is that the phrases ‘Dark Web’ or ‘Deep Web’ are typically used by tabloid newspapers to refer to dangerous secret online worlds, the ‘Dark Internet’ is a boring place where scientists store raw data for research. The Deep Web is a catch-all term for all web pages that are not indexed for search, the others refer to specific things. (See also: Take precautions when using public Wi-Fi networks.)

How to access the Dark Web

Technically, this is not a difficult process. You simply need to install and use Tor. Go to and download the Tor Browser Bundle, which contains all the required tools. Run the downloaded file, choose an extraction location, then open the folder and click Start Tor Browser. That’s it. The Vidalia Control Panel will automatically handle the randomised network setup and, when Tor is ready, the browser will open; just close it again to disconnect from the network.

Depending on what you intend to do on the Dark Web, some users recommend placing tape over your laptop’s webcam to prevent prying eyes watching you. A tinfoil hat is also an option.

The difficult thing is knowing where to look. There, reader, we leave you to your own devices and wish you good luck and safe surfing. And a warning before you go any further. Once you get into the Dark Web, you *will* be able to access those sites to which the tabloids refer. This means that you could be a click away from sites selling drugs and guns, and – frankly – even worse things.

Aggregation sites such as Reddit offer lists of links, as do several Wikis, including  – a list that offers access to some very bad places. Have a quick look by all means, but please don’t take our linking to it as an endorsement.

Also, Dark Web sites do go down from time to time, due to their dark nature. But if you want good customer service, stay out of the dark!

And do heed our warning: this article is intended as a guide to what is the Dark Web – not an endorsement or encouragement for you to start behaving in illegal or immoral behaviour.

This Teen Is Not Willing To Be Quiet About Her School’s Sexist ‘Shame Sweatsuit’

When I asked 17-year-old Lydia Cleveland if she had any hobbies, she laughed, and said, “Netflix? Or, wait, no — burning the patriarchy!” She’s being modest — the guitar-playing teen interns at a hospital, and aspires to someday be a nurse. She works part-time at a local restaurant, in Midlothian, Virginia, as a hostess. Oh, and she wasn’t kidding about dismantling the patriarchy. National media has covered the teen activist’s every move after she took a stand against administrators at James River High School in protest of their dress code, which she deems sexist and unfair. From an interview with local news all the way to Cosmopolitan, Seventeen Magazine, and the American Civil Liberties Union (where Lydia will be penning an upcoming blog post), she’s prepared to fight for her constitutional rights — including the right to never wear the “shame sweatsuit” currently being used to punish dress code violators at JRHS.

MTV News reached out to James River High School but has not heard back at press time. We did, however, talk to Lydia about how it feels to be a student activist and leader, why feminist causes are so important to her, and why punishing young women by making them wear that sweatsuit is

‘Fake Sheikh’ Charged Over Tulisa Drugs Trial


The former undercover journalist known as the Fake Sheikh has been charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice.

It follows the collapse of the drugs trial of pop star and former X Factor judge Tulisa Contostavlos in July last year.

Mazher Mahmood is alleged to have misled the court, the Crown Prosecution Service said.


Mahmood, who used to work for the now defunct News of the World and The Sun on Sunday, denies the charge.

“I am deeply disappointed that, after a totally unjustified delay, the Crown Prosecution Service have today informed me that they have decided to charge me with conspiracy to pervert the course of justice,” he said in a statement issued through his lawyers.

“I deny the offence. I will vigorously contest it at court.

“In the meantime, I have nothing further to say.”

Mahmood is charged alongside Alan Smith, a driver. The pair will appear at Westminster Magistrates’ Court in London on Wednesday.

Nick Vamos, deputy head of Special Crime at the CPS, said: “The CPS has… charged Mazher Mahmood and Alan Smith with conspiring to pervert the course of justice after a full file of evidence was submitted by the Metropolitan Police on 5 June this year.

“After carefully considering all of the evidence, the CPS has decided that there is sufficient evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction and it is in the public interest to charge both men.

“This decision comes after it was alleged that Mr Smith agreed with Mr Mahmood to change his statement to police as part of a trial in July 2014, and that Mr Mahmood then misled the court.”

Contostavlos, 27, was accused of helping to supply cocaine after an expose in The Sun on Sunday following a sting by Mahmood.

He posed as a film producer and led her to believe she was in the running for a £3.5m film deal along with Keira Knightley and Kate Winslet.

In an interview with Sky News, Contostavlos said she played up to the role of a bad girl to get the job.

She vehemently denied being concerned with the supply of Class A drug and her case was eventually thrown out by a judge at Southwark Crown Court.

Mahmood spent 25 years as an undercover reporter and claims to have helped put more than 100 criminals behind bars.


Kim and Kanye Baby Yeezus To Be Born on Birthday of Baby Jesus!

Kim Kardashian‘s due date is December 25, 2015 … seriously.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ, doctors have back timed the date of conception and they’ve been told their son will be born on Xmas day.

Obviously, the due date is always a little up in the air, but Xmas is the likely date, and here’s why. We’re told Kim has a condition where the placenta grows too deeply into the uterus, which could be dangerous.

We’re told as of now, doctors are planning on a natural birth on Xmas day, but a c-section might be necessary that day for safety reasons, if she doesn’t give birth beforehand.

And, we’re told, Kim and Kanye have already booked a Deluxe Maternity Suite at Cedars-Sinai in L.A.

Read more:

Prison worker gets seven-year term for aiding escape

A former jail worker will be behind bars for up to seven years after helping two convicted killers escape from a New York prison.

Joyce Mitchell, 52, provided inmates Richard Matt and David Sweat with tools that allowed them to break through the wall of their cell to freedom.

Mitchell sobbed in court on Monday, saying she made a “horrible mistake”.

Matt and Sweat escaped on 6 June, sparking a huge three-week manhunt across New York and Vermont.

Hundreds of police officers scoured the remote wooded areas near the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York.

“A large portion of the local population were terrorised,” Judge Kevin Ryan said on Monday. “Many were forced to flee their homes.”

The inmates stayed together for week,s sleeping outside and hiding in vacation homes, but they eventually separated.

Both men had been serving life sentences at the maximum-security prison when they escaped.

Matt, who had escaped from prison before, was convicted of dismembering his former employer while Sweat had been found guilty of killing a sheriff’s deputy.

Jamaica calls for Britain to pay billions of pounds in reparations for slavery

Jamaica’s prime minister Portia Simpson Miller© Press Association Jamaica’s prime minister Portia Simpson Miller

David Cameron is facing calls for Britain to pay billions of pounds in reparations for slavery ahead of his first official visit to Jamaica on Tuesday.

Downing Street said the prime minister does not believe reparations or apologies for slavery are the right approach, but the issue is set to overshadow his trade trip to the island, where he will address the Jamaican parliament.

Ahead of his trip, Sir Hilary Beckles, chair of the Caricom Reparations Commission, has led calls for Cameron to start talks on making amends for slavery and referenced the prime minister’s ancestral links to the trade in the 1700s through his cousin six times removed, General Sir James Duff.

In an open letter in the Jamaica Observer, the academic wrote: “You are a grandson of the Jamaican soil who has been privileged and enriched by your forebears’ sins of the enslavement of our ancestors … You are, Sir, a prized product of this land and the bonanza benefits reaped by your family and inherited by you continue to bind us together like birds of a feather.

“We ask not for handouts or any such acts of indecent submission. We merely ask that you acknowledge responsibility for your share of this situation and move to contribute in a joint programme of rehabilitation and renewal. The continuing suffering of our people, Sir, is as much your nation’s duty to alleviate as it is ours to resolve in steadfast acts of self-responsibility.”

Professor Verene Shepherd, chair of the National Commission on Reparation, told the Jamaica Gleaner that nothing short of an unambiguous apology from Cameron would do, while a Jamaican MP, Mike Henry, called on fellow parliamentarians to turn their back on Cameron if reparations are not on the agenda, noting that the Jamaican parliament has approved a motion for the country to seek reparation from Britain.

“If it is not on the agenda, I will not attend any functions involving the visiting prime minister, and I will cry shame on those who do, considering that there was not a dissenting voice in the debate in parliament,” he told the newspaper.

Jamaica’s prime minister Portia Simpson Miller called for non-confrontational discussions at the UN in 2013, but Britain has never accepted the case for any compensation payments.

A Number 10 official said: “This is a longstanding concern of theirs and there is a longstanding UK position, true of successive governments in the UK, that we don’t think reparations are the right approach.

“The PM’s point will be he wants to focus on the future. We are talking about issues that are centuries old and taken under a different government when he was not even born. He wants to look at the future and how can the UK play a part now in stronger growing economies in the Caribbean.”

The official said Cameron’s purpose in visiting Jamaica and Grenada was to reinvigorate their relationship with the UK.

“He looks at that kind of relationship and who the Caribbean see as their major partners and sees them looking to China and Venezuela and thinks Britain should be in there. Britain has long historical ties with these countries,” she said.


Paul Walker’s Daughter Sues Porsche Over Crash


The daughter of actor Paul Walker has filed a lawsuit against Porsche, claiming the car her father was in when he died had numerous design flaws.

Meadow Rain Walker is suing the German car company for unspecified damages, arguing that defects in the Porsche Carrera GT meant he was trapped in the vehicle after the 2013 crash.

The suit claims the car lacked a proper stability control system and safeguards to protect passengers and stop it from catching fire after a crash.

Walker, 40, died in the one-car crash in Santa Clarita, California, in November 2013.

He was on a break from filming the seventh instalment of the Fast & Furious film franchise at the time.

Walker had completed most of his scenes before his death, but Universal Pictures was forced to put production on hold to figure out how to continue filming without him.

The film was eventually released in the UK in April this year.

British IS Fighters Hit With UN Sanctions


Four British jihadis who have travelled to Syria to join Islamic State have been hit with UN sanctions.

They are: Omar Hussain from High Wycombe, Nasser Muthana from Cardiff, Aqsa Mahmood from Glasgow and Sally Jones from Chatham, in Kent.

Under the UN’s al Qaeda sanctions regime, the jihadists will face a global asset freeze and travel ban.

It means if they try to cross into another country they are likely to be arrested on the spot.

Jones went to Syria in 2013 with husband Junaid Hussain, who was killed in a US airstrike in August.

She uses social media as a recruitment tool to get women to join IS.

Mahmood also went to Syria two years ago, and is believed to be a key figure in the al Khanssaa brigade, a female brigade in Raqqa which was established by the militants to enforce Sharia law.

Hussain, who is also known as Abu-Said al Britani, travelled to the country last year and also uses social media for recruiting fighters.

Muthana, who has been in Syria since 2013, has appeared in IS propaganda and recruitment videos.

He has used social media posts to threaten the UK.

No 10 hopes the sanctions will act as a deterrent to others considering following the 700 Britons who have already made the journey to Syria and Iraq to join IS.

A Government spokeswoman said: “The Prime Minister has been absolutely clear that we will do all we can to stop British citizens from going to fight for ISIL (another name for IS) and that foreign fighters should face consequences for their actions.

“As well as the domestic measures we have introduced, such as the power to seize passports, these sanctions are a powerful tool – freezing an individual’s assets and imposing a global travel ban on them.

“It also sends a clear deterrent message to those thinking of going to fight for ISIL.”

It is the first time since 2006 that the Government has sought to subject British nationals to the UN sanctions regime.

Previously it has been used against people linked to al Qaeda.

Dossiers of evidence were provided to show they were “participating in the financing, planning, facilitating, preparing or perpetrating of acts or activities” related to IS.

One of the five names submitted by the UK to the UN is still to be approved, and more names are expected to be put forward.

Mother suing daughter over lottery win


When Linza Ford won $1 million dollars from a scratchcard in November 2012 she decided to share the winnings with her mother, who said she would use the money to pay off her bills and look after Linza’s little sister.

However, in 2014 she found out her mother planned on using the money for a facelift, tummy tuck and breast reduction surgery.

The mother and daughter started fighting over the use of the money, so Ford closed the account and moved out.

Linza’s mother, Barbara Quiles, says that the lottery winnings were initially hers but she made arrangements for her daughter to claim the money because she was ill.

Now, according to a lawsuit filed in May at the Brooklyn Supreme Court, Quiles is suing her own child over the family’s financial disagreement.

If this is all true then lawyers say Quiles could be charged with attempting to cheat the system and not repay the government for ten years of food stamps and disability benefits that she has received.

Quiles already has a prior conviction for welfare fraud from 1989, where she was sentenced to five years probation in order to pay $7,500 in restitution.

According to the New York Post, Quiles said: “I felt like she stabbed me not in the back but right in the heart and twisted the knife,”

Adding: “I’m the one who went out to buy the ticket with my money, I have a lot of witnesses.”

The mother and daughter pair will return to court on 22 October to find out what will happen.

MTV extreme sports star killed in Cali


SAN FRANCISCO — An extreme sports star skydiving for the opening ceremony of a golf event in Northern California died when he struck a tree Monday, authorities said.

Placer County sheriff’s Capt. Dennis Walsh said Erik Roner, of Tahoe City, died during a skydiving accident at a golf course in Squaw Valley, about 5 miles from Lake Tahoe’s northwest shore.

Witnesses told deputies Roner, 39, was part of a group conducting a skydiving performance before a golf tournament when he hit a tree while trying to land and became entangled high above ground, Walsh said.

Authorities were not able to remove him from the tree, and Roner was pronounced dead at the scene.

The other skydivers landed safely on the golf course in Squaw Valley, home of the ski resort that hosted the 1960 Winter Olympics.

Walsh said the investigation was continuing and the Federal Aviation Administration was notified.

Roner, a professional skier and avid BASE jumper, was known for being part of “Nitro Circus,” an MTV show centered around freestyle motocross rider Travis Pastrana and his crew of extreme sports athlete friends. He also hosted the TV show “Locals” on sports network Outside Television.

“Nitro Circus” ended in 2009 after two seasons. “Nitro Circus Live,” where Roner also appeared, aired on MTV2 for four seasons until last year, MTV spokeswoman Jennifer Solari said.

“Erik was an amazing person who made everyone and everything around him better,” Pastrana said.

Roy Tuscany, a friend of Roner who witnessed the accident, said he watched as two other parachutists landed safely on the golf course’s fairway for the ninth hole but then looked on in horror when Roner slammed hard into a tree about 25 to 30 feet above the ground.

He said Roner’s parachute got caught in the tree and Roner dangled there while many on the ground scrambled to find ladders and other means to get to him. At one point, several people attempted to stand on one another’s shoulders to reach him.

“There’s no protocol for this kind of rescue,” Tuscany said. “There’s no manual. It was just horrible.”

Tuscany said Roner was “hilarious” and was a “stand-up guy” who could always be counted on to help with benefit events like the golf tournament. The tournament is sponsored by the Squaw Valley Institute, a nonprofit organization that describes itself as being “dedicated to presenting enriching and inspirational programs to the Lake Tahoe region.”

“We are still trying to process this tragedy,” said Rob Faris, a senior vice president at Outside Television. “Our hearts go out to his family.”

Outside Television will air “Locals” from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. EDT Tuesday in Roner’s honor.

Roner’s death comes four months after world-famous wingsuit flyer Dean Potter and fellow adventurer Graham Hunt fatally crashed after the pair leaped from Taft Point, 3,500 feet above Yosemite Valley, attempting to clear a V-shaped notch in a ridgeline.

Roner is survived by his wife and two children, according to the Squaw Valley Institute.

Mr Smithers is finally going to come out as gay in the new series of The Simpsons


One of Springfield’s worst kept secrets is about to be revealed.

Mr Smithers, Mr Burns’ dutiful assistant, will finally come out as gay in season 27 of The Simpsons.

He’s been in love with his boss for years now so it’ll hardly come as a big surprise for viewers.

The US cartoon will feature a two-episode special which will explore his journey to self acceptance and unrequited passion for the evil Mr Burns.

Executive producer Al Jean told TVLine: ‘In Springfield now, most people know he’s gay, but obviously Burns doesn’t.

‘We deal with that in two episodes. We actually do a lot with Smithers this year; he gets fed up with Burns not appreciating him and considers his options.’

Good to see that he finally grows a backbone and doesn’t just continue to suffer in silence.

Smithers is finally going to come out as gay in The Simpsons season 27  Credit: Fox/The Simpsons

Smithers is finally going to come out as gay in The Simpsons season 27 Credit: Fox/The Simpsons

Nicky Bacon wasn’t taken seriously by police when she reported a stolen pig

Nicky Bacon with her pigs after one was stolen. See SWNS story SWPIG: A farm worker was visited by police officers who thought she was trying to prank them when she reported a stolen pig - because her name is NICKY BACON.  Nicky called officers to report the theft of a piglet from her place of work, as the CEO of the farm was on holiday at the time. But shortly after, the 50-year-old got a phone call questioning the details of the log - in particular her name. Despite reassuring them the report was genuine, two officers from Avon and Somerset Constabulary turned up at her home.

When Nicky Bacon called police to say that one of her pigs had been stolen, they didn’t take her seriously.

Can’t think why.

Ms Bacon, 50, reported that a piglet had disappeared from the farm where she worked while the CEO was on holiday.

Not only did police not respond to the call, they called back to query a couple of details from the log – specifically, her name.

Ms Bacon assured Avon and Somerset police that the call was legitimate but regardless two officers turned up at her home to investigate whether she was a prankster.

In fact, the whole situation is a little reminiscent of this scene from Hot Fuzz.

Gogglebox’s Steph and Dom booted out of TV bash for being too boozy

Gogglebox stars Steph and Dom asked to leave BBC show after enjoying too many drinks
Could Steph and Dom be heading into the Celebrity Big Brother house this year? (Picture: Channel 4)

Everyone knows Gogglebox stars Steph and Dom love a tipple or two.

Especially as they kicked off the new series showing off the new massive bar in their lounge.

The BBC, however, seem to have missed that fact because the pair were reportedly kicked out of the green room for the The One Show after enjoying a few too many free drinks.

Fans wouldn’t expect anything less!

The posh B&B owners admitted that they ‘overdid it a bit because we were excited’.

Speaking to The Sun, the pair said: ‘We just opened the fridge in the green room and went, “Hello, why should we go anywhere else? It’s all here!” But then the security man came in and asked us to leave.’

Dom added: ‘We really do believe in having fun.’

The pair were on the show to promote their new book, Steph and Dom’s Guide To Life, and they later shared a fun behind the scenes snap of their time on the BBC chat show.

‘Bloody Marvellous so excited to have been part of The One Show – thank you to all the team! #chinchin’ they wrote on Twitter.

Cereal cafe protesters say they’re going to target Jack the Ripper Museum


A group of anti-gentrification protesters who attacked a cereal cafe in east London have announced plans to demonstrate outside a controversial Jack the Ripper museum.

On Saturday evening, hundreds of protesters from the anarchist ‘Class War’ group descended on the Cereal Killer Café in Brick Lane – and threw paint on the building and scrawled ‘scum’ on the windows as customers and staff cowered within.

It is believed that the café was deliberately targeted due to the prices it charges for its cereal, which protestors have described as a sign of ‘inequality’.


But their anger has now been directed to a nearby museum dedicated to the Jack the Ripper murders– which attracted controversy when it opened earlier this year.

The museum, in Cable Street, was originally billed as an exhibition of women’s history by founder Mark Palmer Edgcumbe.

But it attracted controversy after Edgcumbe announced that it would focus on Jack The Ripper – with critics claiming that the museum was at risk of glorifying sexual violence.

Now, the ‘Class War’ group has announced a protest outside the museum at 2PM next Sunday.

Defending the museum at the time of opening, a spokesman said: ‘The purpose of the museum, as stated in the original proposal, is to highlight the often overlooked history and untold stories of women in the East End of London.

‘In Tower Hamlets, the female victims of Jack the Ripper have formed a significant and undeniable part of that history.

‘There are many tours and ‘attractions’ that exploit these women’s stories, often unregulated and with an uncomfortable focus on the horror story rather than the women’s stories. We felt that the impact on women in this period has never seriously been examined and we intend to put that right.’

Joshua Walker, a spokesman for the museum, said: ‘Having met with delegates from Class War for a coffee only a few weeks ago and enjoying a friendly rapport with them, I’m disappointed that they have planned another attack on the museum – rather than working with us on our mission to tell the stories of the women of the East End and helping us with our upcoming exhibition schedules, charity work, debates and fundraising.

‘We do not believe that targeting small local businesses is the answer to protecting the interests of the poorest members of our local community – issues that we are equally passionate about and look to help with our fundraising and charity efforts.’

Doctor Who: Goodbye Sonic Screwdriver, hello Sonic Shades

WARNING: Embargoed for publication until 09/07/2015 - Programme Name: Doctor Who   - TX: 09/07/2015 - Episode: n/a (No. n/a) - Picture Shows: screen grab taken from the Doctor Who trailer released 9th July 2015  - (C) BBC - Photographer: screen grab

WARNING: Embargoed for publication until 09/07/2015 – Programme Name: Doctor Who – TX: 09/07/2015 – Episode: n/a (No. n/a) – Picture Shows: screen grab taken from the Doctor Who trailer released 9th July 2015 – (C) BBC – Photographer: screen grab

As the dust settles on the latest epic and brilliant Doctor Who adventure, starring Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman, one iconic piece of time-traveling technology has made its last appearance – the Doctor’s trusty Sonic Screwdriver.

In last week’s episode, The Magician’s Apprentice written by Sherlock’s Steven Moffat, we saw the Time Lord give his Sonic to the young Davros (creator of the Daleks). Now, it seems, he is totally ‘over’ it.

Claiming it ruins the lining of his suit, Peter Capaldi’s incarnation of the Gallifreyan has opted for the trendier ‘wearable tech’ – in the form of shades.

Doctor Who: Goodbye Sonic Screwdriver, hello Sonic Shades

The Sonic Shades, which might seem like an idea from a 90s reboot of Doctor Who starring David Hasselhoff that never happened, will feature throughout the rest of Doctor Who Series 9 and Capaldi has already been pictured many times on location filming with them already.


While the Sonic Screwdriver was most definitely not a screwdriver, the shades are just normal shades. There’s no beeping or fancy lights – just shades.

Yet another cheap and cheerful way for everyday Whovians to emulate their current hero (Capaldi famously stated that his costume should be attainable for everyone).

Chatting to Moffat in Edinburgh in 2013, comedian Frank Skinner (who went on to star in 2014’s Mummy on the Orient Express) amusingly ribbed the Doctor Who showrunner about the use of the Sonic in the series, suggesting it was akin to a ‘magic wand’.

Perhaps Steven took that on board?

Sonic Screwdriver – The Facts!

• First use in 1968’s Fury From The Deep

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• Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor once turned to the camera and said, ‘Even the Sonic Screwdriver won’t get me out of this one!’ when faced with a locked door on Gallifrey.

• The Sonic was destroyed in the 1982 story The Visitation which also explained The Great Fire of London. ‘I feel as though you’ve just killed an old friend,’ Peter Davison’s Fifth Doctor lamented.

• One Doctor Who came back for one night only in 1996 with Paul McGann, so did the Sonic! Briefly.

• The 2005 relaunch brought about the return of the Sonic from the very first episode with Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper. Captain Jack Harkness, TV’s John Barrowman, mocked the Time Lord, ‘Who looks at a screwdriver and thinks, ooo, this could be a little more sonic?’

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• John Simm’s The Master had his very own Laser Sonic Screwdriver

• In the spin-off series The Sarah Jane Adventures, former companion Sarah Jane had her very own Sonic Lipstick.

• The Sonic doesn’t ‘do wood’.

• River Song, played by Alex Kingston, has her own Sonic Screwdriver. But just how did she get it…

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• The Sonic got a revamp in 2010 with the introduction of Matt Smith as the new Doctor.

• Multiple Sonics came into play in the multi-Doctor 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor.

• RIP (again) in 2015


Known for accepting dramatic changes positively (coughs), it’ll be interesting to see how the Doctor Who fan community reacts to this latest move from writer Steven Moffat…

Coefficients explained: How Premier League may lose Champions League spot

English clubs will lose a fourth Champions League place if they perform as poorly in Europe as they did last season
A repeat of last season’s performances in Europe from English and Italian clubs would see the Premier League lose its fourth Champions League spot to Serie A for the 2017/18 season.
The Premier League’s poor show in Europe last season, where no club reached the quarter-final of the Champions League or Europa League, has weakened England’s coefficient ranking, while the progress of Italian sides to the latter stages of both competitions has strengthened theirs.

PL club’s worst ever Euro start

We take a look at how the English clubs fared on a disappointing opening CL matchday

The top three ranked European countries – currently Spain, Germany and England – gain four Champions League places each, while fourth, fifth and sixth-placed nations – currently Italy, France and Portugal – are awarded three spots. These places are awarded based on performances in both the Champions League and Europa League.

Man shoots himself in the balls after being caught relieving himself by police

Man shoots himself in the balls after being caught relieving himself in the street
Javier Thomas’ gun was recovered at the scene (Picture: Police handout)

Another day, and yet another example of karma working its wicked way once again.

A man who was caught urinating in the street accidentally shot himself in the privates while attempting to get rid of a gun he was carrying.

Javier Thomas, 26, was caught relieving himself in a Brooklyn street in the early hours of Saturday, and immediately attempted to throw away his 9-mm Glock pistol.

But he was left in agony when he accidentally pulled the trigger and shot himself in the privates, police said.

Thomas was taken to Kings County Hospital with a non-life threatening wound, and was later arrested on charges of weapon possession and reckless endangerment.

Family members claimed that Thomas had become increasingly elusive in recent years.

‘I haven’t seen him since he was a little boy’, relative Claudette Butler said. ‘I didn’t think he was still in New York.’

A musical penknife was valued at £80,000 on Antiques Roadshow!!!

Antiques Roadshow, that cosy Sunday night programme you watch until the show you’re actually waiting for starts, just gave everyone a bit of a shock.

The latest episode took place at Broughton Castle, where the usual myriad dusty objects were paraded in front of Fiona Bruce.

But it wasn’t the police mugshots or the Victorian baby bouncer than got people talking.

It was this thing.

This beautiful, Swiss musical penknife was brought in by a man who said it belonged to his daughter-in-law, who couldn’t appear on the show herself as she’d just had a baby.

The knife was hand-enamelled with two blades and was inlaid with pearls on the handle. It also contained a small mechanism you could wind up so a tune could be played.

antiques roadshow
(Picture: BBC)

The key that came along with it sadly didn’t fit as it had broken, but experts said it could be easily fixed by a watchmaker.

antiques roadshow
(Picture: BBC)

Expert Jon Baddeley said: ‘It’s one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen on the Antiques Roadshow. Absolutely exquisite quality.

‘It is something that is fantastic quality, extremely rare and currently very popular. If you’re a collector this has got something everyone wants, because they haven’t got one.

‘I would put this between £60,000 and £80,000.’

The man who brought the object on the programme said the value was ‘astonishing’ and, from everyone’s reaction on Twitter, they agreed with him.


Just hit Ctrl+P: how to 3D-print a 700bhp supercar


“I’ve done wheelies in it. I’ve lifted the front wheels going up a hill in fourth gear by four or five inches,” says Kevin Czinger, founder and CEO of Divergent Microfactories. Fair to say, we like him already.

The wheelie machine in question is the DM Blade – the world’s first 3D-printed supercar that Czinger hopes to put into limited production, although that’s not actually the golden doughnut.

“The core company aim is to work with OEMs and licence the tech for higher-volume cars,” Czinger explains. “But within 18 months we’ll make a street-legal Blade, and sell a small run of the cars.”

Not every part of the blade is 3D-printed – the composite panels are made in a traditional way (although they could be printed in the future when the tech improves, say Czinger), as are perishables like brakes and tyres.

But it’s the aluminium and carbon-fibre chassis where the magic really happens.

Each car is constructed from 70 or so 3D-printed, aluminium alloy nodes. The largest takes around four hours to print, and the nodes are connected by carbon fibre rods.

“The chassis is like the motherboard, you just plug whatever components you like in,” Czinger says. “As a result it’s easy to adapt the system for anything from a two-seater to a pick-up truck.”


This is no off-the-shelf 3D printer. Czinger is working with one of the three-biggest 3D metal printing companies in the world and the process, called Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) where the piece is built up layer after layer, is improving all the time. Within 18 months Czinger expects the print time for a large node to reduce to between one and two hours.

Nasa scientists: We have detected flowing water on Mars

Mars captured during a flyby of the planet by the comet-chasing Rosetta spacecraft. Clouds can be seen, including exceedingly high-altitude ones at the Martian limb on the top left and right. Rosetta, February 24, 2007 --- Image by © ESA/Michael Benson/Kinetikon Pictures/Corbis

Mars captured during a flyby of the planet by the comet-chasing Rosetta spacecraft. Clouds can be seen, including exceedingly high-altitude ones at the Martian limb on the top left and right. Rosetta, February 24, 2007 — Image by © ESA/Michael Benson/Kinetikon Pictures/Corbis

Scientists have announced that flowing water is almost definitely present on the surface of Mars.

Nasa said last week that there had been a ‘major science finding’ on the Red Planet and a ‘mystery had been solved’.

Scientists said today in the journal Nature Geoscience that long, dark streaks found on the Martian terrain consisted of mineral salts that easily absorb moisture, and that flowing water on the surface is the likeliest explanation for their appearance.

‘Our findings strongly support the hypothesis that recurring slope lineae [the long streaks] form as a result of contemporary water activity on Mars,’ read the study.

‘Water is essential to life as we know it. The presence of liquid water on Mars today has astrobiological, geologic and hydrologic implications and may affect future human exploration.’

Speaking to the Guardian, lead scientist on Nasa’s Mars explanation programme Michael Meyer said:

‘There is liquid water on the surface of Mars. Because of this, we suspect that it is at least possible to have a habitable environment today.’

Doug McCuistion, the former head of Nasa’s Mars programme, previously said in an interview with the Boston Herald that the discovery of ‘accessible, freely-flowing liquid water’ on the Red Planet would have ‘massive implications both for the potential for life on that planet and sustainability of humans.’

‘It might be the game-changing trigger for both finding life and hurrying up and getting people to Mars.’,uk

Heartbroken boyfriend gets ‘engaged’ to girlfriend after she died

Abigail Hall from Doncaster, South Yorkshire who was found after a sudden unexplained death earlier this week. Since her death she has become engaged to her boyfriend Josh Thompson af ter her family gave their blessing. See Ross Parry copy RPYRING : A grief-stricken boyfriend has got 'engaged' to his girlfriend after her sudden death - and posted an image of his ring on her finger on Facebook.  Tragic Abigail Hall, 18, collapsed and died on Wednesday night after less than a week at university. The devastating news was broken to her boyfriend Josh Thompson who was teaching tennis in Corfu and he immediately came home. After asking her parents for permission for the unusual gesture he put a ring on her finger and then announced ìAbigail Hall and I are now engaged. She is my life." Josh added on Facebook: "Words cannot express the love that I have for her, she was the reason I would wake up in the morning.

Abigail Hall from Doncaster, South Yorkshire who was found after a sudden unexplained death earlier this week.  

A heartbroken boyfriend got ‘engaged’ to his dead girlfriend – after posting a Facebook photo of an engagement ring on her finger.

Abigail Hall, 18, collapsed and died after less than a week at University – with devastated boyfriend Josh Thompson rushing back to the UK from Corfu.

After seeking permission from Abigail’s parents, he placed a ring on her finger and romantically announced ‘Abigail Hall and I are now engaged. She is my life.’

Josh, who had been planning to propose to Abigail before her untimely death, wrote on Facebook: ‘Words cannot express the love that I have for her, she was the reason I would wake up in the morning.


‘Thank you to everyone for the support you have given Abbie’s family and myself. Life will never be the same again, we need to continue to support each other.

Abbie, from Doncaster, South Yorks, had just begun studying biomedical sciences at Sheffield Hallam University when she was found in her flat by friends on Wednesday.

Police believe there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding her death.


Paying tribute and praising Josh’s gesture, friend Nina Andreia said: ‘I’m completely lost for words, this is an example of love. So beautiful.

‘She would have loved that ring and it looks so beautiful on her delicate finger.

‘Thinking of you and Abbie’s family in this hard time. Stay strong.’

In a statement, South Yorkshire Police said: ‘Emergency services were called at around 7.35pm on Wednesday following the discovery of a body of an 18-year-old woman at a property in Shoreham Street, Sheffield.

‘There are not believed to be any suspicious circumstances surrounding the death and officers are liaising with the coroner.’

Man is shot and killed in front of terrified shoppers in broad daylight

man shot in hackney  Credit: Twitter/Hackney Computers

man shot in hackney Credit: Twitter/Hackney Computers

A man has been shot dead on a busy shopping street in the middle of the day.

Shoppers reportedly ducked for cover and ran away in terror as the shots rang out in Chatsworth Road in Hackney, London at about 1pm today.

Witnesses said three men converged on the victim in a butchers before firing two shots.

Police and an air ambulance were quickly on the scene, however the man died from his injuries.

A member of staff from the nearby Creperie du Monde ‘A woman who was walking past when it happened came in our shop for refuge. She told me she saw it all happen.

‘Apparently some men went into one of the shops opposite and opened fire on a man. She was terrified.’

Police have confirmed that a man died from gunshot wounds at the scene and said a murder investigation has been opened.

A police spokesman said: ‘A post mortem-examination will be scheduled in due course.

‘Next of kin have not been informed. The Homicide and Major Crime (HMCC) are in the process of being informed.

‘Local road closures are in place. No arrests and enquires continue.’

Teenager killed himself after Wonga cleaned out his bank account

wonga death  Picture: Facebook

wonga death Picture: Facebook

Kane Sparham-Price, 18, hanged himself hours after Wonga cleaned out his bank account.

After turning 18 and leaving social authority care Kane, from Ashton-under-Lyne, Manchester, took out several loans but quickly found himself unable to pay back what he owed.

His agreement with Wonga allowed them to take payments directly from his bank account.

Kane, who also suffered from mental health problems, was due to move into a new flat before he committed suicide.

Despite Wonga’s actions being completely legal, a coroner John Pollard told an inquest into the teenager’s death of their involvement, and wrote to the Financial Conduct Authority warning them of future tragedies similar to Kane’s death.

He said in his report, which was sent to the FCA: ‘[Kane] was left with no money in his account and no means of borrowing any more.

‘Whilst I accept that the various payday lenders are legally entitled to “clear out” someone’s bank account if money is owing to them, it struck me that there ought to be a statutory minimum amount which MUST be left in an account (say £10) to avoid absolute destitution; and as I understand you set and regulate the rules, you might look at this with a view to preventing further deaths.’

Mr Pollard added that debt collection by some payday loan companies has left people ‘unable to pay for essentials such as food and heating’.

Lee Rigby revenge attack ‘like a horror movie’

An ex-soldier who stopped a neo-Nazi beheading a Flintshire shopper with a hammer and a machete says he is still haunted by the savage attack.

Zack Davies, 26, tried to kill dentist Dr Sarandev Bhambra, 25, in revenge for the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby.

The racially motivated attack happened in Tesco in Mold in January, and earlier this month Davies was jailed for life for the attempted murder.

Mr Fuller said it was “like something out of a horror movie”.

“I will think about what happened for the rest of my life,” he said.

“That’s the image I still have in my head every night – him running towards me with the machete raised and dripping blood.

“It is like something out of a horror movie.”

Dr Sarandev Bhambra
Image captionDr Sarandev Bhambra said there were no winners from the case

Mr Fuller said he heard Davies shout “remember Lee Rigby”.

“Initially I just thought it was kids larking about but then as I moved about four paces I saw a man on the floor surrounded by blood and the guy standing over him and hitting with a hammer,” he said.

“I decided then that there was no way I was backing away.

“There was no-one else around me, they were all running and screaming, so I moved to one side to let Mr Bhambra run past and then I moved into the middle of the aisle and made myself as big as possible.

“I started shouting at the guy that what he was doing was madness and that I was ex-Forces. I made it clear that he was either going to have to go through me or he was going to stop.”

During the trial, Gareth Preston, senior prosecutor for the Crown Prosecution Service Wales, said: “Such was the level of violence involved that, were it not for the extremely courageous actions of ex-serviceman Peter Fuller, this offence could have become an act of murder.”

Mr Fuller has received an award for outstanding bravery from the Pride of Britain Awards.

Fusilier Lee RigbyImage copyrightPA
Image captionLee Rigby, 25, was killed in an extremist attack outside his barracks in Woolwich, London


Apple sells 13 million iPhones in opening weekend record

Apple’s iPhone 6S and 6S Plus were released last week and have already clocked up record sales figures. The company says that it sold more than 13 million new devices over the weekend, a record for the iPhone. “Sales for iPhone  iPhone 6S Plus have been phenomenal, blowing past any previous first weekend sales results in Apple’s history,” said Apple CEO Tim Cook in a press statement. “Customers’ feedback is incredible and they are loving 3D Touch and Live Photos, and we can’t wait to bring iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus to customers in even more countries on October 9th.”

These bumper results are thanks in no small part to the inclusion of China in its opening weekend sales. The country overtook Europe to become Apple’s second biggest market earlier this year, with sales growing three times faster than in the Americas. By comparison, last year Apple sold 10 million units of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus in its opening weekend (when the Chinese launch of the phones was delayed), and 9 million units of the iPhone 5S and 5C the year before that.

With New Ad Features Tapping Gmail, YouTube and Mobile, a Step Closer to ‘One Google’

In recent years, the motto inside Mountain View has been “One Google” — a goal to achieve uniform experiences among its products for users and customers. Amid Kordestani, the outgoing business chief, mentioned this on the company’s last earnings call. At Code Conference in May, Kordestani described it as a “dashboard” for chief marketers, a comprehensive offering that ensures Google is “getting our advertisers to the right people.”

On Monday, the company’s ad business took two steps in that direction. At Advertising Week in New York, Google introduced new ad features that make use of its very broad reach across the Internet as it wages a heated battle with Facebook and others over digital spending.

The first, Customer Match, makes the most use to date of Google’s immense well of email users. Advertisers can upload customer Gmail addresses — “in a secure and privacy-safe way,” adds Google — and, for the first time, can deploy them in targeted campaigns along with search and YouTube.

Here’s how Sridhar Ramaswamy, Google’s SVP of ads and commerce, explained the feature in a press release: “Whether they’re searching on Google, checking promotions on Gmail, or watching videos on YouTube, we can deliver the most relevant information based on what they’re doing, wherever they are, when they’re looking, and on any device they’re using. Today, we’re building on these capabilities with new ads innovations to deliver even more relevance.”

The Wall Street Journal reported on the product’s arrival back in April. Facebook has offered a similar feature for advertisers since 2012, with targeted info based in email and phone numbers.

The second ad update is about apps. In May, Google unveiled “Universal App Campaigns,” a central portal for developers to manage the promotion of their apps across Google’s media channels. On Monday, Google opened the feature up more widely. Developers can now push apps within search, Google’s massive display ad network, Google Play and YouTube.

App ads have been a boon for Facebook. And Google has steadily trying to draw that spending, too, as it refines its mobile strategy. With both new products, Google is stressing, as it has lately, the ability to influence consumers when they are close to making a purchase — something that Facebook lacks.

For advertisers, both features will likely be welcomed. On the ads side, Google has tended to shy away from targeting capabilities well within its reach. (How many Gmail users thought their emails were already used to sell targeted ads? Many, probably.) But ad buyers love that type of precise targeting, and will pay for it. And unlike other ad targeting options that scrap info following a website visit, Google says it is only matching Gmail addresses that customers have given voluntarily to companies.

“Only Google can help you do this to delight your most loyal customers in the moments that truly matter,” Ramaswamy said.


Zuckerberg To Bring Internet To Refugee Camps


Mark Zuckerberg has said he will help the United Nations bring the internet to refugee camps.

The Facebook founder and CEO made the announcement as he addressed the UN Private Sector Forum.

“Connectivity will help refugees better access support from the aid community and maintain their links to families,” he said.

Mr Zuckerberg called for universal internet access to be made a global priority.

He said wide internet access “needs to be at the heart of the global development strategy” to address new challenges and needs of the new generation.

In the long term, Facebook will help UN agencies develop tools to track progress toward implementing the development goals, Mr Zuckerberg said.

“Data can help us make smarter decisions but only if you can interpret it quickly and with confidence, so we want to help the UN make decisions that will advance our goals,” he added.

The UN adopted a new set of 17 development goals on Friday designed to end poverty and hunger and fight inequality over the next 15 years.

Mr Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla were seen in public at the weekend when they attended a White House state dinner for Chinese President Xi Jinping.

It was the first time the couple had been seen since Mr Zuckerberg announced that his wife is expecting their first child.

Marijuana bundle drops from sky, slams into family’s carport


Maya Donnelly awoke to what sounded like thunder in the early morning hours, but dismissed it as a typical monsoon storm and went back to sleep.

Later that morning, she looked in the carport at her home in Nogales, near the U.S.-Mexico border, and saw pieces of wood on the ground. She found a bulky bundle wrapped in black plastic.

Inside was roughly 26 pounds of marijuana — a package that authorities say was worth $10,000 and likely was dropped there accidentally by a drug smuggler’s aircraft.

“It’s all right on top of our dog’s house,” Donnelly said of the Sept. 8 incident, which was first reported by the Nogales International newspaper. “It just made a perfectly round hole through our carport.”

Living near the border, Donnelly said she assumed the object was drugs. She immediately called her husband, Bill, who told her to call 911.

The couple said officers who responded told them an ultralight aircraft smuggling marijuana from Mexico had probably let part of its load go early by accident before dropping the rest farther north, the newspaper reported.

Nogales Police Chief Derek Arnson said it’s the first time in his three-year tenure that he’s ever seen a load of drugs hit a building.

“Someone definitely made a mistake, and who knows what the outcome of that mistake might be for them,” Arnson said.

Police are trying to determine whether the bundle was transported by an aircraft or a pilotless drone. Such runs usually occur at night.

Maya Donnelly said she thinks it’s unlikely someone will come looking for the drugs, which are now in police custody. Arnson agreed but said police have boosted patrols in the Donnellys neighborhood for now.

The family will have to pay the estimated $500 in repairs, as well as pay for a new home for their German Shepherd, Hulk. But the scenario could have been much worse for the couple and their three teenage daughters.

“Where it landed was clear on the other side of the house from the bedrooms,” Maya Donnelly said. “We were lucky in that sense.”

Friends and family also have gotten a laugh. Several joked that the couple could have profited from the surprise package.

“That’s what everybody says: ‘Why did you call 911?'” Maya Donnelly said. “But how can you have a clear conscience, right? We could have made lots of home repairs with that.”

TV Ghost Hunters Found Dead In Apartment


The bodies of an estranged husband and wife who appeared as ghost hunters in a paranormal television show have been found in a barricaded apartment in Nevada.

Mark and Debby Constantino, who appeared on the Travel Channel show Ghost Adventures, were found in the apartment in Sparks, east of Reno, on Tuesday.

Police have released few details surrounding their deaths, which came hours after the killing of another man in Reno.

They were found dead when a SWAT team responding to a hostage situation stormed their adult daughter’s apartment.

Lieutenant Rocky Triplett, of Sparks Police, said Mark Constantino fired at officers as they approached the apartment door.

He said: “The subjects involved in this incident were not shot at or injured by gunfire from any law enforcement personnel.”

Lt Triplett added that the two incidents were “directly related”.

Officers found a man dead at a home in northwest Reno on Tuesday morning, where Debby Constantino and another woman had been living.

They tracked her mobile phone to the apartment in Sparks.

Gunshots were heard in the apartment when officers knocked on the door and a man shouted “give me 15 minutes to gather my thoughts, or I’ll kill her”, Deputy Police Chief Tom Robinson told the Reno Gazette-Journal.

Police used explosives to open the door. One officer was hurt by broken glass at the scene.

Washoe District Court records showed Debby Constantino obtained a restraining order on her estranged husband last week.

The two were scheduled to appear in court in December over their divorce.

They were featured on the Travel Channel series, including episodes shots at the Mustang Ranch brothel near Reno, the Goldfield Hotel and the Market Street Cinema in San Francisco.

Both had a professional history of working with Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) during their paranormal investigations.

French Jets Wipe Out IS Training Camp In Syria


Six French fighter jets have destroyed an Islamic State training camp in Syria, in France’s first airstrikes in the country.

President Francois Hollande, speaking at the United Nations in New York, said the camp was a threat to French security and was destroyed without any civilian casualties.

Mr Hollande’s office earlier said that the strikes were based on information from reconnaissance flights conducted earlier this month.

France has been conducting airstrikes on IS extremists in Iraq as part of the US-led coalition since last year.

But Mr Hollande’s government had resisted joining the campaign in Syria because it did not want to strengthen the regime of President Bashar al Assad.

In his statement on Sunday before his comments at the UN, Mr Hollande said: “Civilian populations must be protected from all forms of violence, that of IS and other terrorist groups but also the murderous bombardments of Bashar Assad.”

The French leader announced a change in strategy earlier this month because of concerns about Syria’s refugee crisis.

The president’s office earlier argued the airstrikes were to protect national security, as France has been attacked and threatened by militants who have claimed to have ties to IS.

Mr Hollande, who along with other world leaders is in New York for the UN General Assembly, also stressed the importance of finding a political solution to Syria’s four-year civil war.

“More than ever the urgency is putting in place a political transition,” including elements of the opposition and the Assad regime, he said.

The French government has insisted that while it is part of the US-led coalition, it is deciding who and what to hit.

Two teenagers held on suspicion of arson after London mosque fire

Two teenagers have been arrested on suspicion of arson after a fire engulfed part of a south London mosque said to be the largest in western Europe.

Seventy firefighters battled the blaze at at the Baitul Futuh mosque in Morden on Saturday afternoon, which London fire brigade said had hit admininstrative buildings and not the main prayer room.

One man was taken to hospital suffering from smoke inhalation.

Two boys aged 14 and 16 have been arrested on suspicion of arson, and both remain in custody at a south London police station, Scotland Yard said on Sunday.

Crews from fire stations across south London responded to the fire, which was reported by a member of the public just after midday.

Pictures on social media showed a column of black smoke billowing up from the mosque. Half of the building’s ground floor was on fire, along with a quarter of its first floor and roof.

By mid-evening on Saturday, the fire had damaged 50% of the ground floor, according to LFB. Most of the damage occurred at the front of the building, while the prayer area of the mosque was unaffected.

Merton council leader Stephen Alambritis described the mosque as as “beautiful” and a “major landmark”. He said damage would be a “big blow” to the community, adding that the mosque was a very secure building which is manned by security staff.

Siobhain McDonagh, the Labour MP for Mitcham and Morden, spoke of her shock at news of the fire. “The mosque does a huge amount for the local community,” she said. “They are tireless raisers of funds for charity – their own charities’ funds and charities in the community.”

Police, ambulance services and 10 fire engines attended the scene and the A24 London Road was partially closed, causing traffic tailbacks. British Transport Police were at Morden South overground station, next to the mosque, where trains ran at reduced speed and passed through the station without stopping.

The vast Baitul Futuh mosque complex, which covers 21,000 sq m, was completed in 2003 at a cost of about £5.5m. It is said to be able to accommodate 10,000 worshippers

iPad Mini 4 review: A long wait makes for a potent upgrade

Fans of Apple’s smaller iPad Mini caught a tough break last fall when the company unveiled its new tablets for the year. Although Tim Cook & co. lavished plenty of attention on the faster, slimmed-down iPad Air 2, the upgraded iPad Mini 3 was regarded as a mere afterthought. The list of changes was so short, in fact, that some of us wondered why Apple would introduce a performance gap between the Air and Mini lines. Still more people wondered when they’d get a Mini with enough power to match its larger sibling. Turns out, the answer was “a year later.” I’ve been testing the new iPad Mini 4 for over a week now and can say with confidence this is the Mini we should’ve gotten last year.

Teens Among Four Killed In Quad Bike Crash

Two teenage girls and two men have died after a quad bike collided with a car.

Police said the vehicle collided with a bronze Nissan 350Z sports car on the A6201 between Upton and Hemsworth in West Yorkshire at about 12.30am on Sunday.

Investigators believe the Nissan had been travelling towards Hemsworth when it came into contact with the rear of the quad bike.

The girls, aged just 16 and 18, and a 20-year-old man on the quad bike were confirmed dead at the scene.

The A6201 between Hemsworth and Upton.

The crash happened on the A6201 between Upton and Hemsworth

A second 20-year-old man taken to hospital with critical injuries died later at Leeds General Infirmary. It was unclear if he had also been on the quad bike.

Two men in the Nissan have been arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving.

The pair, aged 21 and 22, are being questioned in police custody.

DCI Richard Holmes, who is leading the investigation, said: “Widespread investigations are continuing into what is a significant incident on the district’s roads which has now tragically now resulted in the loss of four lives.

“Painstaking investigative work is continuing at the scene and the road itself will not be re-opened until tomorrow.

“The victims are from the local area and are two men aged 20 and two females aged 18 and 16.

“Their families are currently being supported by specially trained officers and we are not in a position to release any further details of those who have lost their lives at this time.”

He added: “We continue to appeal for witnesses to the collision and would also like to speak to anyone who may have seen a unregistered quad bike driven on the roads around the Hemsworth area in the evening of 26 September 2015 and up to 00.30 on 27 September 2015.

“Similarly I would appeal for any witnesses who saw a bronze coloured Nissan 350Z driven in the Hemsworth area on the evening of 26 September 2015 and up to 00.30 on the 27 September 2015 to come forwards.

“Anyone who has information is asked to contact the Major Collision and Enquiry Team on 101.”

Teens Among Four Killed In Quad Bike Crash


Two teenage girls and two men have died after a quad bike collided with a car.

Police said the vehicle collided with a bronze Nissan 350z sports car on the A6201 between Upton and Hemsworth in West Yorkshire at around 12.30am on Sunday.

Investigators believe the Nissan had been travelling towards Hemsworth when it came into contact with the rear of the quad bike.

The girls, aged just 16 and 18, and a 20-year-old man on the quad bike were confirmed dead at the scene.


A second 20-year-old man taken to hospital with critical injuries, died later at Leeds General Infirmary. It was unclear if he had also been on the quad bike.

Two men in the Nissan have been arrested on suspicion of dangerous driving.

The pair, aged 21 and 22, are being questioned in police custody.

DCI Richard Holmes, who is leading the investigation, said: “Widespread investigations are continuing into what is a significant incident on the district’s roads which has now tragically now resulted in the loss of four lives.

“Painstaking investigative work is continuing at the scene and the road itself will not be re-opened until tomorrow.

“The victims are from the local area and are two men aged 20 and two females aged 18 and 16.

“Their families are currently being supported by specially trained officers and we are not in a position to release any further details of those who have lost their lives at this time.”

He added: “We continue to appeal for witnesses to the collision and would also like to speak to anyone who may have seen a unregistered quad bike driven on the roads around the Hemsworth area in the evening of 26 September 2015 and up to 00.30 on 27 September 2015.

“Similarly I would appeal for any witnesses who saw a bronze coloured Nissan 350Z driven in the Hemsworth area on the evening of 26 September 2015 and up to 00.30 on the 27 September 2015 to come forwards.

“Anyone who has information is asked to contact the Major Collision and Enquiry Team on 101.”

‘Oculus Ready’ PC program offers VR-ready rigs for less than $1,000

Oculus Ready is a new program that offers officially licensed, Oculus-branded PCs from Alienware, Dell and Asus. These rigs will be ready to run the consumer Oculus Rift when it launches in Q1 2016, with at least the minimum specs of 8GB RAM, an Intel i5 processor and NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD 290. All of the manufacturers will offer Oculus Ready PCs for less than $1,000, Oculus announced during its second annual Connect conference.

Oculus also showed off some of the games coming to the Rift, including Gang BeastsAdr1ftThe Vanishing of Ethan Carter and Battlezone. For developers, version 1.0 of the Oculus Rift software development kit launches in December. A second SDK, this one specific to Oculus’ Touch motion controls, will be available to developers before the Rift launches in 2016. Oculus Touch will launch with Oculus Medium, a 3D sculpting tool.

F1: Race results from the Japanese GP

Lewis Hamilton scored his eighth win of the 2015 season in the Japanese Grand Prix at Suzuka International Racing Course. The victory was the second of Hamilton’s career at Suzuka.

Hamilton led all 53 laps after he was able to overtake Mercedes teammate, Nico Rosberg at the start of the race. Rosberg went from first to fourth, but was able to rebound to finish on the podium.

Infiniti Red Bull Racing’s Daniel Ricciardo and Williams’ Felipe Massa touched at the start, which resulted in both drivers dropping to the rear.

Hamilton now has a 48-point lead over teammate Rosberg in the championship standings.

Click here for full race recap.

092715_MOTOR_F1Japanresults .vadapt.955.high.42

Ref: Fox Sports

Corbyn Facing Trident Defeat At Union Hands


Jeremy Corbyn looks like he is heading for defeat on scrapping Trident after the Unite union – the party’s biggest financial backer – said it would vote to keep the nuclear deterrent.

Len McCluskey, who backed Mr Corbyn’s leadership campaign, told Sky News he would vote to protect jobs.

He said: “Everyone would love the whole world to get rid of nuclear weapons – we understand the moral arguments and cost arguments in these days of austerity.

“However, the most important thing for us is to protect jobs. In the absence of any credible alternative to protect jobs and high skills we will vote against any anti-Trident resolution.”

However, Mr McCluskey suggested the unions could come to some arrangement with Labour over how the issue is debated to avoid a straight yes/no vote, which could be potentially embarrassing for Mr Corbyn in what is proving to be his first major test since being elected leader.

he issue is expected to be debated at the Labour Party Conference in Brighton on Monday and the unions hold 40% of the vote.

The GMB has also said it would vote to keep Trident, but Unison’s leader, Dave Prentis, said his union would back Mr Corbyn’s position, adding that it was wrong to prioritise a £20bn nuclear deterrent when vital services were stretched.

Mr Corbyn has suggested Labour MPs may be given a free vote on scrapping Trident because of the shadow cabinet split on the issue.

The Labour leader accepted he may not be able to unite the party on his no-nukes policy and conceded he would probably have to “come to an accommodation of some sort”.

Speaking on the first day of the party’s conference in Brighton, he asked if it was “so disastrous” for a party to have “two different opinions” on an issue.

However, he added: “I will do my persuasive best to bring them around to my point of view.”

Investigators can’t make you give up your work phone’s passcode

American law enforcement might have free rein to make you unlock a phone using your fingerprint, but personal passcodes? Nope. A Pennsylvania-based federal judge has ruledthat the Securities and Exchange Commission can’t make two former Capital One employees hand over the passcodes for their old work-supplied smartphones to prove that they’re guilty of insider trading. While the US Constitution’s Fifth Amendment doesn’t protect people from self-incrimination using corporate records, both devices were locked with codes that only their owners knew. That’s personal information still covered by constitutional protections, according to the court.

The judge also didn’t buy the SEC’s attempt to lean on a Fifth Amendment exemption which allows searches when investigators know where evidence is. The Commission merely had a hunch that there might be proof of wrongdoing on the phones, the court found, not a clear connection indication that something was hidden. As it stands, there’s no way to show that the accused remember their passcodes — they could be lying, or they could simply have forgotten.

The ruling could set an important precedent in an era where many phones have a mixture of personal and professional data, especially those using office-friendly tech like Android for Work. The decision draws an effective line in the sand: just because you’re using a company-issued phone doesn’t mean that everything involving that phone is up for grabs. This won’t save you if your employer has the passcode on file, but it could prevent officials from obtaining data that isn’t actually relevant to a case.

[Image credit: Getty Images]

Divine Guidance Sought For Saggy Trousers Ban

No butts about it – an Alabama councillor has been seeking divine guidance for a plan to ban saggy jeans, trousers and shorts.

Dadeville’s legal team is currently drafting the wording of the public dress code before it goes to a vote.

City Council member Frank Goodman told a council meeting “I prayed about this” reports the Alex City Outlook.

“I know that God would not go around with pants down.”

Saggy shorts generic

The much-vilified trend spread through hip-hop culture in the 1990s

The ordinance is currently being rewritten to include a ban on short skirts, so that it won’t just be men who fall foul of the fashion police.

“My concern is it should be for everybody,” council member Stephanie Kelley told the meeting, reports the Outlook.

“I think for the girls, with these shorts up so high looking like under garments and dresses so short, I don’t want us to be showing favouritism.”

Opa-Locka, Florida, and Wildwood, New Jersey, are among other communities that have banned low-slung clothing in recent years.

The much-vilified trend, known as sagging, spread through hip-hop culture in the 1990s.

NASA to Announce Mars Mystery Solved

There is much speculation that the mystery to be addressed is the phenomena known as ‘recurring slope lineae’, the dark tendrils observed on the planet surface during warm seasons, which it is speculated is evidence of water.

Among those speaking at the briefing will be Alfred McEwen from the University of Arizona in Tucson, who in July published a study on slope activity in Mars’s Gale crater, and Lujendra Ojha, a PhD candidate from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta who has collaborated with McEwen and has also studied the possible water activity on Mars.

Science and technology website highlighted Ojha as “the odd-person out at the news conference”, pointing out that it was Ojha’s undergraduate research that helped identify the recurring slope lineae.

The existence of water would be significant as it would mean there was a prospect of life on Mars.

(Nature Geoscience has Embargoed Details until 11 a.m. EDT Sept. 28)

NASA will detail a major science finding from the agency’s ongoing exploration of Mars during a news briefing at 11:30 a.m. EDT on Monday, Sept. 28 at the James Webb Auditorium at NASA Headquarters in Washington. The event will be broadcast live on NASA Television and the agency’s website.

News conference participants will be:

·         Jim Green, director of planetary science at NASA Headquarters

·         Michael Meyer, lead scientist for the Mars Exploration Program at NASA Headquarters

·         Lujendra Ojha of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta

·         Mary Beth Wilhelm of NASA’s Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California and the Georgia Institute of Technology

·         Alfred McEwen, principal investigator for the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) at the University of Arizona in Tucson

A brief question-and-answer session will take place during the event with reporters on site and by phone. Members of the public also can ask questions during the briefing using #AskNASA.

To participate in the briefing by phone, reporters must email their name, media affiliation and telephone number to Steve Cole at by 9 a.m. EDT on Monday.

Ref: The independent and Nasa

Rugby Has Worst Doping Record Of Any UK Sport


The UK Anti-Doping Agency has said there is a “very high” risk of cheating in rugby union – as a day of awareness calls on players to keep the sport clean.

Of the 46 British athletes currently serving doping bans, 16 are rugby union players, UKDA figures show.

This makes rugby union the country’s dirtiest sport – and of the 25 sporting professionals banned in the past year, 11 were involved in rugby.

It’s a troubling fact for a sport which prides itself on its values. But while the numbers are concerning, there is no evidence of cheating by elite players.

Instead, it is often young players who use steroids or supplements in an effort to bulk up.

According to the UK Anti-Doping Agency’s legal director, Graham Arthur, the advantages of increased power, strength and endurance to a young rugby union player are obvious – as it can potentially help them become better performers on the pitch.

However, he added: “In many ways, this is a misperception – because power and strength don’t make a good rugby union player.

“Readily available substances and the perception that the use of those substances would them better players, means rugby union is a high-risk sport as far as UKAD is concerned.”

To coincide with today’s World Cup game between England and Wales, Keep Rugby Clean Day is being held to assist players – warning them of the dangers that doping can bring to a professional’s health and career.

According to World Rugby, just four of 2,021 tests held at an international level were positive for doping last year, which suggests that the next generation of rugby players are most at risk of taking banned supplements.

David Howman, director-general of the World Anti-Doping Agency, added: “It is only by carrying the preventative message to the rugby players of tomorrow that we will be able to level the playing field fully and ensure that sport is competed fairly and without its integrity being questioned.”

Marksmen Guard Suspects In Bomb Reconstruction


Heavily-armed police have accompanied two suspects in a reconstruction at the site of a bomb attack that left 20 dead and 120 injured in Bangkok.

Adem Karadag and Yusufu Mierili wore bulletproof vests and were flanked by officers with automatic weapons as they were paraded at the Erawan Shrine on Saturday.

They were also led to a nearby shopping mall as part of the police re-enactment.

Officers say they have gathered enough evidence to charge the pair with the blast that killed 14 tourists on 17 August.

They allegedly have CCTV footage of them, as well as witness statements and DNA evidence linking them to the scene.

Police say Karadag, also known as Bilal Mohammed, was the yellow-shirted man seen in security footage placing a backpack at the shrine moments before the blast.

Karadag wore a yellow shirt and sat on a bench next to where the backpack was left during the re-enactment.

Mierili, who allegedly used a mobile phone to detonate the bomb, went through his re-enactment at a nearby shopping mall.

Authorities had earlier claimed it was unlikely either of the men carried out the bombing.

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Karadag has denied any involvement in the attack, according to his lawyer Chuchart Kanphai.

“The appearance of the yellow shirt man (in the CCTV footage) and Adem do not match. I do not believe Adem would confess,” he said.

However, National Police Chief Somyot Poomphanmuang said the two men – who are believed to be from Turkey – have both confessed to the crime.

The motive was a revenge attack by a people smuggling gang after Thai authorities broke up their network, he claimed.

Karadag was arrested at an apartment in the Nongjok district of the Thai capital on 29 August.

Police allegedly found bomb-making materials and fake passports there.

Mierili was later arrested near the Cambodian border.

Detectives say the pair were part of a criminal network, and did not have political motive.

Blood Supermoon Sparks ‘End Of Days’ Theories


While most stargazers will be looking forward to the spectacular supermoon this weekend – more suspicious folk will be hunkering down for the End of Days.

The blood-red full moon – caused by a new moon making its closest approach to the Earth combined with a total lunar eclipse – has happened only five times since 1900.

What is more, the impending “blood moon” will be the last in a sequence of four in a row occurring at six-monthly intervals on biblical feast days – a so-called “biblical tetrad”.

Throughout history, these incredibly rare events have been associated with major global events and disasters.

And for devout followers of religion the latest episode, coming soon after a solar eclipse in March, could signal the end is nigh.

In the Bible’s Book of Joel, it is written: “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the Lord comes.”

John Hagee, a pastor and author from Texas who has written a book about the blood moon phenomenon, claims biblical tetrads have only occurred a few times in 2,000 years – and always in conjunction with a significant religious event.

The 1493 tetrad was marked by the expulsion of the Jews by the Catholic Spanish Inquisition, in 1949 another came at the same time as the establishment of the state of Israel and in 1967 the tetrad coincided with the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War.

Neymar Has £31m Assets Frozen In Tax Probe


Barcelona striker Neymar has had assets of more than £31m frozen for alleged tax evasion.

The Brazilian player is accused of not paying £10m in taxes between 2011 and 2013.

He only declared assets of £3.3m for those years, according to a statement by Sao Paulo federal court in Brazil.

Judge Carlos Muta said he was seizing three times the amount the 23-year-old allegedly owes to cover potential interest and fines.

The action covers property and vehicles, but Neymar will still have access to bank accounts and other liquid assets.

Neymar is accused of “omitting sources of income from abroad,” with Barcelona named as the source of unreported earnings, said Judge Muta.

In May, a Spanish court alleged Barcelona President Josep Bartomeu and his predecessor Sandro Rosell evaded millions in taxes after signing Neymar from Brazilian club Santos in 2013.

Rosell said Neymar cost £42m, but the deal was shrouded in secrecy.

Bartomeu eventually admitted the total cost was £63m once additional payments to the player and his family had been included.

Iagaro Jung Martins, an auditor for Brazil’s federal tax agency, said Neymar is unlikely to go to jail if he pays what he owes.

“He will be able to discuss the frozen assets in a civil court,” he said.

“But legislation in Brazil isn’t too harsh. If Neymar pays what he owes, he is very likely to be free from any other punishment.”

Neymar’s father and business manager Neymar da Silva Santos called the charges “unjust”.

“Neymar Jr is not a partner in any of those companies, and therefore he cannot declare something he does not own,” he said.


Saudi Prince Accused Of LA Mansion Sex Attack

A Saudi prince has been arrested at a mansion near Beverly Hills after allegedly trying to force a worker to perform oral sex on him, say officials.

Los Angeles police say they were called to the property on Wednesday at a gated community in the Beverly Glen area after a report of a disturbance.

Saudi royal Majed Abdulaziz Al-Saud, 28, was arrested on suspicion of “forced oral copulation of an adult”.

He was freed on $300,000 (£197,000) bail on Thursday afternoon.

Police have said Al-Saud does not have diplomatic immunity from prosecution.

The royal, who was renting the $37m, 22,000 sq ft mansion, is due to appear in court next month.

Neighbour Tennyson Collins told the Los Angeles Times a resident saw a bloodied woman scream for help as she tried to climb over the property’s wall.

The US State Department and the Saudi Arabian embassy in Washington DC could not immediately be reached for comment.

ref: sky news

Man Mauled By Bear After Shooting It In Face

A hunter has described the moment he felt the teeth of a bear sink into his head after he was attacked in Alaska.

Greg Matthews, from Plano in Texas, was hunting moose with his brother Roger at Skilak Lake when he stumbled on the female brown bear and her cubs.

The bear charged at him and he managed to hit it in the jaw with a single shot, but the animal still attacked.

Mr Matthews, 47, told CBS11 TV: “I knew at that point I was in trouble. The last thing you want to do is try to outrun a bear.

A library picture of a brown bear.

Mr Matthews said the female brown bear was with her cubs

“She hit me basically like an NFL football player. She just ran right over me.

“She went to bite my head again and then she picked me up by my back. And of course I was screaming.”

His brother heard his frantic shouts and ran over, shooting the bear multiple times before it ran off into woods.

Mr Matthews added: “My brother saved my life is the bottom line.”

Fishermen alerted Alaska State Troopers and Mr Matthews was flown to Central Peninsula Hospital in Soldotna with injuries to his head, back and right arm.

It is the third bear attack on the Kenai Peninsula in two months.

Investigators will try to establish if the bear needs to be euthanised if it was injured.

Obama Tells China President Hacking Must Stop

US President Barack Obama has bluntly told Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping during a joint press conference that cyber attacks must stop.

He said the two leaders had agreed that neither country’s government would conduct or support cyber theft of intellectual property.

Mr Obama said he expected Mr Xi to take the pact seriously and threatened sanctions if he doesn’t.

He told reporters he had raised “serious concerns” about growing cyber threats with Mr Xi.

President Obama Hosts Chinese President Xi Jinping For State Visit

(L-R) Peng Liyuan, Michelle Obama, Xi Jinping and Barack Obama

“I indicated that it has to stop,” he said.

But he acknowledged Mr Xi had told him he cannot guarantee the conduct of all 1.3 billion people on Chinese soil.

Mr Xi agreed his country would not “knowingly support” cyber theft and promised to abide by “norms of behaviour” in cyberspace.

“Confrontation and friction are not the right choice for both sides,” the Chinese leader said.

If China reneges on the deal, Mr Obama said the US would also use law enforcement and other measures “to go after cyber criminals either retrospectively or prospectively”.

In their bilateral, Mr Obama said he had also raised concerns over human rights, advocating for freedom of the press and religion.

The US President said he had reiterated the right of all countries to have unimpeded commerce in the disputed South China Sea.

Mr Xi said China was committed to resolving peacefully any disputes in the region.

But he added: “Islands in the South China Sea since ancient times are China’s territory.

“We have the right to uphold our own territorial sovereignty and lawful and legitimate maritime rights and interests.”

He also reaffirmed Chinese support for the Iran nuclear deal.

And he said China would commit $3.1bn to help developing countries cut carbon emissions.

The US earlier pledged $3bn to a similar initiative through the United Nations.

The state visit is Mr Xi’s first to Washington since taking over as president in 2013 and the first by a Chinese head of state since 2011.

Republican outrage over cyber attacks had prompted calls to scale back the grandeur of Mr Xi’s visit, which includes a 21-gun salute and a glitzy black-tie dinner.

China has denied being behind cyber spying in the US and says that it, too, is a victim of such espionage.

As the two leaders met in the Oval Office, First Lady Michelle Obama took her Chinese counterpart, Madame Peng Liyuan, on a tour of a panda exhibit at Washington zoo.

Real fight clubs.. The truth told about UK bare knuckle fighting

Once regarded as something that happens exclusively in Guy Ritchie films and on gypsy sites, bare knuckle boxing is fast becoming a thriving scene in the UK – the ultimate British bloodsport.

When Clive Martin embeds with the bare knuckle boxing elite, what he discovers is not dissimilar to Fight Club; IT technicians, builders, lifestyle coaches and even a solicitor, all throwing their unprotected fists into each other’s faces. It’s a subculture of honour, pride and violence.

As the UK prepares to play host to the first US vs UK bare knuckle title fight in 150 years – the biggest event the scene has known since it went underground in the 19th Century – Clive tries to find out if violence is a cause or effect for these angry young men.

Lamborghini Diablo: Buying Guide


The tangled spaghetti of Lamborghini’s history saw the Diablo first developed under the Mimram brothers. They commissioned Marcello Gandini to style the car, but it was Chrysler’s 1987-on stewardship that provided the cash to bring the Diablo to the Hotel de Paris in Monte Carlo for its launch in 1990. The spectacular machine arrived with a breathtaking 202mph top speed, and the ability to cover 0-62mph in 3.9 seconds – crushing performance figures that varied only slightly throughout its 11-year production life.

The V12 engine, with a history tracing back to the Miura, was still the heart of the Diablo. It arrived in 5.7-litre form with 492bhp and grew to 6.0-litres, with power peaking at 595bhp in the limited-run Jota. There were numerous revisions and upgrades to the engine and transmission throughout the Diablo’s life, as well as styling changes. The most notable styling revision was the switch from pop-up to fixed headlights with the arrival of the second generation VT in 1999, making the earlier Diablo the last car on sale with pop-up headlights before legislation caused their demise. (Well almost, see thread below – Ed.)

Lamborghini’s sometimes turbulent ownership history entered calmer water in 1998 when Audi acquired the Italian firm from short-term custodians Megatech. It set about improving quality and making the most of the Diablo before it was replaced by the Murcielago in 2001.

Diablo ownership is not for the uninitiated, as there are a plethora of different models, rear- and four-wheel drive and special editions, even though overall production didn’t top 3000. In fact it’s reckoned just 2884 Diablos of all types were made, breaking down (sic?) thus:

Model Year Nos. built
Diablo 1990-96 873
VT 1993-99 Info unavailable
VT-R 1994-95 3
SE 30 1994 135
SE 30 Jota 1994-1995 15
SV 1995-99 Info unavailable
SV-R 1996 31
VT Roadster 1996-2000 466
SV Roadster 1998-99 5
GT (1&2) 1999-2000 80 (Split unavailable)
GTR 2000 30
VT 6.0 2000-2001 260
VT 6.0 SE 2001 42

Gerrard: Real Madrid wanted me to start war with Liverpool renders:


Steven Gerrard has revealed Real Madrid wanted him to “kick up a war” in order to force through a move away from Liverpool.

The now LA Galaxy midfielder was a constant transfer target for Madrid during his time as Liverpool captain, and the veteran midfielder claims Jose Mourinho – now back in charge of Chelsea – was desperate to bring him to the Santiago Bernabeu.

In an interview with BT Sport set to be aired on September 30, Gerrard said his love for Liverpool was too strong, despite the advances of Mourinho, who came close to luring the former England international to Chelsea in 2005.

“They wanted me to kick up a war to get out of Liverpool for a certain amount of money, which I wasn’t prepared to do,” the 35-year-old said.

“I think Real Madrid, when they’re after a player they have the attitude of ‘we’re Real Madrid, you should fight to come to us’.

“But with my love for Liverpool, I’m not prepared to go to war and plus I was very happy and stable at the time.”

Gerrard has scored one goal since moving to the Galaxy, who are third in the MLS Western Conference with four regular-season matches remaining.

Monkey Should Get Damages For Selfie – Lawsuit


A rare crested macaque monkey should get damages for copyright infringement after a selfie he took was used in a wildlife book, animal rights activists have claimed.

Naruto, who lives free in the Tangkoko Reserve on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi, snapped the image and several others four years ago using a camera left unattended by British photographer David Slater, according to a federal lawsuit filed by the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).

The images came from “a series of purposeful and voluntary actions by Naruto, unaided by Slater”, said the complaint, which has been filed in the US District Court in San Francisco, California.

“Naruto has the right to own and benefit from the copyright … in the same manner and to the same extent as any other author,” the suit said.

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Mr Slater told the Reuters news agency he felt “rather bemused” and persecuted by the claim, which he thinks is a publicity stunt.

He added he was very disappointed not to have been contacted beforehand by PETA, and described himself as a low-paid wildlife photographer who has been struggling to earn a living.

Last year, the organisation behind Wikipedia refused to take down the picture, arguing Mr Slater has no rights to the image.

Mr Slater said that he set up the picture before the monkey clicked the shutter – therefore it is his copyright, and he should be paid when people use the picture.

The PETA lawsuit names Mr Slater, his UK-based company Wildlife Personalities and Blurb Inc, a Delaware firm which published and sold for profit in the US a book containing copies of the photos.

PETA said it was taking legal action on Naruto’s behalf because he could not “due to inaccessibility and incapacity” and that the court had jurisdiction because the book was on sale in the US.

The Copyright Act of 1976 was “sufficiently broad … to extend to any original work, including those created by Naruto,” the group’s complaint said.

Sulawesi crested macaques are critically endangered, according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species.

Between 4,000 and 6,000 live on the island, and PETA said their population has decreased by about 90% in the last 25 years.

PETA has asked the court to declare Naruto the author and copyright owner of the selfies, and to give him damages.

The activists are also seeking a court order allowing PETA and a noted primatologist, Dr Antje Engelhardt, to administer the proceeds of sales from the photograph.

This would be on the condition that all proceeds are used solely for the benefit of Naruto, his family and community, “including the preservation of their habitat”.


Let’s go inside Samsung’s new Silicon Valley headquarters


While Apple has gone for a flying saucer design, Samsung’s new Silicon Valley officeslook more like a giant Rubik’s Cube. The $300 million campus opened yesterday, cementing the South Korean company’s presence in the Valley. The 1.1 million-square-foot site in San Jose is intended to accommodate up to 2,000 employees, bringing together Samsung’s American R&D teams as well as providing a home for its local sales and marketing staff. Samsung says the site’s open design is intended to foster collaboration between employees, enabling those “impromptu, spur-of-the-moment interactions that are the genesis of many great ideas.”

The company broke ground on the 10-story campus back in 2013, with architecture firm NBBJ designing the site, which includes courtyards, open “garden floors,” and lab space. “Today represents a major milestone as we open our most strategically important Samsung facility in the U.S. and also our biggest investment in Silicon Valley,” said Jaesoo Han, Samsung’s devices president in America, in a press statement. “Samsung’s goal is nothing less than to develop the best next‐generation technologies for device solutions.

Samsung-Campus-NBBJ-2 samsung_rotated_.0 NBBJ_Samsung-4110.0 NBBJ_Samsung-4085.0

Bear Grilles: Koala Survives Being Hit By Car


A lucky koala has been dubbed “Bear Grylls” after managing to survive being hit by a car travelling at more than 60mph.

The animal was struck on a motorway in Australia on Tuesday by Loren Davis, who unsurprisingly thought she had killed the marsupial.

She told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation she was travelling on an unlit road in the Adelaide Hills area of South Australia state and only saw the koala when it was too late.

Ms Davis said: “I didn’t see the koala until my headlights found it but I couldn’t change lanes because another car was there (on the inside lane).

“I slammed my brakes on but another car was behind me, so there was no choice but to hit the koala.”

Fearing the animal was dead, Ms Davis rushed inside to get her fiance and his son.

They pointed out the koala was actually still alive, and Ms Davis said he seemed quite “with it” and growled every time they moved closer.

They got the animal out by pushing a blanket underneath his arm, which he then used to pull himself free.

Ms Davis added: “We backed my car out and closed the garage door to let him rest in there.

“We didn’t want him to wander off until we’d seen he was okay.

“We’re calling him Bear Grylls (after the British survivalist).”

The koala was later taken to the vet for an x-ray, where it was found he had suffered only abrasions.

It expected to be released into the wild again soon.

Paralysed Man In Wheelchair Shot Dead By Police!!

Video has emerged of the moment police officers shot dead a man in a wheelchair while responding to a 911 call in Delaware.

Officers had responded to an emergency call in Wilmington from a man who had apparently shot himself.

When they arrived, they found Jeremy McDole in his wheelchair “still armed with a handgun”, according to Police Chief Bobby Cummings.

The footage shows an officer approaching the 28-year-old with a gun drawn, shouting “show me your hands” and “drop the gun”.


Other officers then appear in the video also with their guns drawn, shouting similar commands.

Mr McDole can be seen moving around in his wheelchair, before he reaches into his jeans and the officers fire multiple shots.

He then slumps out of his wheelchair to the ground.

His mother, Phyllis McDole, told a news conference on Thursday that her son’s death was “unjust”.

She said: “He was in a wheelchair, paralysed from the waist down.

“There’s video showing that he didn’t pull a weapon… I need answers.”

Chief Cummings said officers “engaged” Mr McDole as he was removing the gun from his waist.

He added: “I assure that not one of those officers intended to take anyone’s life that day.”

The shooting is being investigated by the department’s criminal investigation and professional standards units, along with the Delaware Department of Justice’s Office of Civil Rights and Public Trust.

Eugene Smith, Mr McDole’s uncle, said he was with his nephew 15 minutes before the shooting.

He said: “He had a book bag, but I never seen a gun. It was an execution. That’s what it was.

“I don’t care if he was black, white, whatever.”

All four of the officers are currently on administrative duty. One has been on the force for 15 years, while the others have been there for around five years, Chief Cummings said.

Mr Smith said his nephew had been released from prison last year and was living in a nursing home.

Mr McDole has convictions for drug possession and disorderly conduct. He was paralysed when he was shot in the back in 2005 by a friend with whom he had been smoking marijuana, according to court documents.

GO INSIDE THIS £22.5 million mansion in London

Go inside this £22.5 million house in one of London’s most expensive neighbourhoods

St. John’s Wood, an area in northwest London, is one of the most exclusive and expensive places to live in the city. According to a 2014 study, residents here pay the highest average weekly rent in London. In 2015, the average house price in the area is just north of £21 million ($32 million).

One of the most recent houses to sell in the area is 42 Avenue Road, a mansion with six bedrooms, three bathrooms, and two reception rooms as well as a whole spa, including swimming pool and steam room. The house also includes a separate living area for staff.

Redesigned by Celia Sawyer, a businesswoman who remodels high-value homes, the property features lavish trimmings that signify its status as one of the most expensive homes in London. Sawyer described the house as “a residence of distinction not to be missed” in press materials.

Here’s what it looks like on the inside. 

Brutal Female Mob Boss Turned In To Mexican Police By Hitman Lover

This woman is one of the fiercest on the planet, but her reign of terror over a large part of Mexico is seemingly at an end after she was taken into police custody.

Melissa ‘La China’ Calderon stands accused of over 150 murders and has overseen an alarming rise in the nations murder rate.

The 30-year-old was sold out by her hitman lover Pedro ‘El Chino’ Gomez, who was second in command within the cartel she established in June, ruling the underworld in Baja California Sur, La Paz, and Cabo San Lucas.

‘El Chino’ exchanged vital information which could be used against Calderon in court to reduce his own expected sentence, and allegedly labeled her as “Maniacal” and a “Control freak”.

Now Vladimir Putin really has called Sir Elton John


Russian president Vladimir Putin has called Sir Elton John and agreed to meet with him after Russian pranksters called the singer, posing as the president.

Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov has told Russian news agencies that the president called Sir Elton and “asked him not to feel offended” by the prank.

The president promised to meet the singer as long as his schedule permits and discuss “any issues that he is concerned about”.

Peskov quoted Putin as saying: “I know that those phone pranksters fooled you. Please don’t be angry with them.”

“Putin also said that he understands how popular Elton John is, so if their schedules permit, he will be willing to meet him in the future and discuss any issues that he is concerned about,” Peskov said.

Earlier this month Sir Elton claimed on Instagram that he had spoken to the Russian president about gay rights in the country, but comedians Vladimir Krasnov and Alexei Stolyarov later claimed responsibility for the phone call.

In the phone call, Krasnov and Stolyarov posed as Mr Putin and his press secretary Dmitry Peskov, with the fake Peskov translating.

The audio was released on Russia’s Channel 1 and Sir Elton can be heard telling the pair it would be a “dream come true” to discuss gay rights with Mr Putin.

They made plans to meet face-to-face in November to talk about “the violence towards LGBT people” in Russia.

Sir Elton concluded the call by saying: “Please thank him for his time and tell him he’s made my day. It’s a very wonderful moment in my life.”

Sir Elton had previously told the BBC at an LGBT conference in Ukraine that he wished to sit down with Mr Putin and discuss his “ridiculous” attitude towards gay rights and particularly the 2013 Russian law that bans the spreading of “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations” to minors.

Man’s decomposing body found ‘tied to a supermarket trolley’ in London canal


A decomposing body has been found in London’s Regent’s Canal “inside a supermarket trolley”.

Detectives at Scotland Yard launched a murder investigation after the discovery was made on Wednesday morning and have not yet formally identified the victim.

The man’s body was spotted in the water by a member of the public near the entrance to the Islington Tunnel, by a houseboat-lined towpath popular with local residents, dog walkers and joggers.

Police were last night searching the banks as divers combed the bed of the canal for evidence.

A houseboat owner told the Evening Standardofficers asked him whether he had heard a shopping trolley pass by along the towpath.

“I’d gone to sleep at 11pm after being at the pub to watch the rugby and woke with the police banging on my window, he added.

“That’s when I found out the body had been found in a trolley. I think he was tied to it.

“There have been police around all day pulling things out of the river and divers down there.”

A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police said officers were called shortly after 9am on Wednesday to reports of  a “body submerged in the canal”.

“The body, believed to be a man, has now been removed from the canal and a post-mortem examination will take place in due course,” he added.

“Officers are now appealing for anyone who may have witnessed anything suspicious in the area in recent days.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact the incident room on 020 8721 4868, call 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Liverpool owners have decided to replace Brendan Rodgers but next manager WON’T be Jurgen Klopp


Liverpool owners Fenway Sports Group have already made the decision to replace Brendan Rodgers as manager, but Jurgen Klopp is NOT in line for the role at Anfield, talkSPORT has been told.

The Northern Irishman’s future in charge is under threat following the Reds’ uninspired start to the season, with the team currently languishing in 13th place in the Premier League.

Despite kicking off the new campaign with back-to-back victories over Stoke and Bournemouth [both 1-0], Liverpool’s form spiralled, with Rodgers’ men now without a win in six games – a run which includes defeats to Manchester United and West Ham and a dismal draw with Norwich.

Progression in the League Cup still did little to ease the pressure on Rodgers, as his side needed a penalty shoot-out to see off League Two outfit Carlisle United following a 1-1 draw after 120 minutes.

And Merseyside correspondent Graham Beecroft believes Wednesday night’s stale home performance was the final straw for FSG.

John W Henry would have looked at that performance and thought, ‘this is not good enough and a change has to be made’, and I understand that is going to happen,” Beecroft told the Alan Brazil Sports Breakfast.

“In fact, the club board were split in what to do with Brendan Rodgers, but the power base in Boston decided before this game they were going to make the change.

“This result will simply have reinforced the fact they feel they have to do that.”

Former Real Madrid manager Carlo Ancelloti and ex-Borussia Dortmund coach Jurgen Klopp have been strongly linked with the job, though, ahead of Wednesday’s cup clash, Liverpool publicly rubbished reports in several newspapers which suggested they had made an approach for the Italian.

However, Beecroft claims the club will only stick with Rodgers if their top candidates turn down the opportunity.

He added: “Liverpool swiftly denied any talks with Carlo Ancelloti when the rumours became public, however you might remember Jurgen Klopp has been linked with the Liverpool job for quite some time and they’ve never issued any statement regarding that, so Liverpool fans saw that as being a little bit fishy.

“Unless something happens, whereby Ancelloti says no, that will be the only thing that will save Brendan, and even then, he would only stay in the short term.

“One thing I can tell you is that Jurgen Klopp will not be the next Liverpool manager.”

Mother complains after school confiscates her 14-year-old son’s e-cigarette – because he was using the device to quit smoking

Mother complains after school confiscates her 14-year-old son’s e-cigarette – because he was using the device to quit smoking

  • Mason Dunn was caught vaping at Kearsley Academy, Greater Manchester
  • School confiscated e-cigarette as it has a strict no-smoking policy in place
  • But his mother Sue says he is using device to help cut down 10-a-day habit
  • Principal Suzanne Pountain says school has duty of care and against rules

A mother has complained after her 14-year-old son’s school confiscated the e-cigarette he was using to quit smoking.

Mason Dunn, who has a 10-a-day habit, was caught vaping at Kearsley Academy in Greater Manchester where there is a strict no-smoking policy.

But his mother Sue Dunn, a van driver from Bolton, says he was using the device in an attempt to kick the habit, which began after his father died when he was 12.

Mason Dunn's mother Sue (left, with her son right) has complained after his school confiscated his e-cigarette

Kearsley Academy has 487 students – smaller than average but the proportion of disadvantaged students supported by the pupil premium much larger than the national average.

Miss Dunn, who is a single mother, said: ‘I am not happy about the fact that he smokes in the first place, but we have tried everything to help him stop.

‘We have tried patches and have been to the doctor, but nothing worked, so my eldest son bought him an e-cigarette and it has helped him stop smoking cigarettes. He has really made an effort.

‘I went into school and explained the situation but was told it is against the school policy.

‘He came home from school in a terrible state because he needed nicotine. We have tried to wean him off the e-cigarettes as well, but it is helping.

Principal Suzanne Pountain (pictured) refused to allow Mason to use the e-cigarette at school

Principal Suzanne Pountain (pictured) refused to allow Mason to use the e-cigarette at school

‘If it helps to prevent people from developing cancer at a later stage, I think it should be allowed.’

After swapping to the electronic device at the start of the summer, the teenager managed to avoid smoking any cigarettes but since going back to school this month he has taken it up again.

Mason said: ‘It feels like the school don’t want me to stop smoking.

‘It is really irritating because they shout at me when I have got a cigarette and tell me to stop and then when I try to quit, they tell me to stop doing that as well.

‘It is really hard and I don’t know what to do next.’

Suzanne Pountain, principal of the school where 58 per cent of students achieve A* – C grade at GCSE, said: ‘Kearsley Academy is a no smoking site. We have a duty of care to our students to reinforce this and discourage them from doing so.

‘As a healthy school we encourage students to lead healthy lifestyles and to make healthy choices.

‘We offer students access to the school nurse and if necessary pathways such as the smoke cessation programme, if this is needed.

‘We will continue to work with and support Mason within the guidelines of our policy.

‘For the safeguarding of all our students, smoking, including the use of any nicotine inhalation devices are not allowed.’

The e-cigarette has since been returned to Mason’s mother, as per the school’s policy on smoking.

Battery powered e-cigarettes are an alternative way of consuming nicotine, without inhaling harmful chemicals such as tar and carbon monoxide.

The e-cigarette converts liquid nicotine into a mist which the smoker inhales.

A recent report carried out on behalf of Public Health England concluded that they are 95 per cent less harmful than tobacco, and that they could be prescribed on the NHS in future to help smokers quit.

However concerns have been raised about the possible inconsistencies of quality in e-cigarettes, and whether they are completely safe.

There are currently no restrictions on those under the age of 18 buying e-cigarettes but a new policy will be introduced on October 1 making it illegal for retailers to sell them to them.

The new law however does not make it illegal for under-18s to use e-cigarettes in public but it is an offence for an adult to purchase one on behalf of a child.

Those that do may be issued with a fine of £90, reduced to £60 if it is paid within 15 days.

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Help! I’m a VW car owner, what should I do?


Drivers of Volkswagen diesel cars – watching the emissions scandal engulfing the company – will naturally want to know whether they have bought a car with the performance they expect.

Add to that worries about the original cost of the car, and its value should they come to resell it, and the effect of this scandal becomes clearer in terms of pounds and pence.

And yet, absolute financial clarity remains a distant prospect.

Experts are divided as to whether the price of second-hand VWs will be affected. Despite lawyers circling, there are not enough details to conclude whether drivers will, or won’t, have a claim for compensation.

What do we know so far?

VW car

The German car giant – the biggest global carmaker in terms of sales – has admitted it had used software in the US to provide false emission test results. The boss said it “totally screwed up”.

The Jetta, Beetle, Golf and Audi A3 models in the US from 2009 to 2015 and the Passat from 2014 to 2015, had the devices which produced doctored results.

Some 500,000 vehicles in the US have been affected.

This is a fraction of the 11 million cars around the world that have the same equipment, but Volkswagen has yet to reveal how many are in the UK or indeed in Europe.

It is also far from clear as to whether these vehicles, despite having this device, would break any emissions rules.

There have been suggestions from Germany’s transport minister that Volkswagen has admitted using the same fake emissions test in Europe as it used to falsify results in the US

What do UK drivers say?

Robin Cole with his VW
Image captionRobin Cole with his VW

Robin Cole, a medical physicist from Surrey, says low emissions were a key factor behind his decision to buy a diesel VW Golf BlueMotion.

The 33-year-old is worried that the performance statistics were too good to be true.

“I am confident that VW will do the right thing when it comes to compensating consumers if it turns out they were misleading us into paying a premium,” he says.

“They will want to keep us as faithful customers.”

Oliver Ealey, a VW Golf owner from Oxfordshire, wants more information from the company.

“I want to know as soon as possible if my car has been affected and, if so, what are the actions from this point on,” he says.

Will Mr Ealey get his wish?

VW is preparing to release more details about which brands and models could be affected and the next steps to be taken by the company and drivers.

It will cover any costs involved, having already set aside €6.5bn (£4.7bn).

At present affected drivers in the US should probably expect a recall at some point in the next year, but there are no details yet as to whether the same will happen elsewhere.

There is no suggestion that the cars are in anyway unsafe to drive, so owners can carry on motoring as normal.

That is particularly important in the UK where diesel cars account for 50% of sales.

Volkswagen scandal

11 million

Vehicles affected worldwide

  • €6.5bn Set aside by VW
  • $18bn Potential fines
  • No. 1 Global carmaker in sales

Will this scandal affect the resale price of the car?

That is very much a matter of debate at the moment, given there is relatively little detail about the extent of the issue.

Jim Holder, editorial director at Haymarket Automotive which publishes WhatCar and AutoCar, told the BBC: “In the short-term there will be an impact on the value of these cars and their desirability. That is because we do not know where the other 10.5 million cars with these cheat devices are, which has led to an obvious concern there will be some in Europe.”

The longer term picture might be better news for owners.

Dylan Setterfield, senior editor at CAP Black Book – a manual referred to by professional used-car dealers, says: “We do not expect there to be any significant impact on used values in the UK as a direct result of the US emissions scandal.

“The last global recall was the Toyota/Lexus issue, and despite the fact that this had serious safety implications, there was no discernible impact on used values.”

He says there are reasons – other than emissions – that make diesel cars popular such as the pulling power of these engines.

“The overriding view is that diesel vehicles are more economical than their petrol equivalents – even if this is not always the case – and the torque characteristics of diesel engines are generally popular with drivers,” he says.

Is compensation a possibility?

Again, it really is too early to say, but lawyers in the UK believe there is a chance.

“If UK cars are found to contain defeat devices, this would give rise to a claim by car owners and car dealerships who bought VW vehicles on the basis of false information and whose asset has now devalued,” says Jacqueline Young, head of group litigation at law firm Slater and Gordon.

Lawyers in the US are already considering bringing cases.

Will this happen again?

There are plenty of questions as to whether this scandal will expose further emission testing failures and, in turn, whether this affects prices.

The RAC Foundation says that new diesels are performing as they are expected to.

More robust testing of car emissions across Europe is likely to be brought in sooner to bolster confidence. These proposed tests reveal emissions of pollutants in real driving conditions, rather than in the lab.

How VW rebounds from this crisis for the company will be important not only for drivers, but also for investors in the company who have watched the value of their shares tumble.

What person would bully a blind kid!!

“Who the fuck punches a blind kid?”

This guy does, and quickly finds out what can happen to people who bully blind people, they get a massive portion of instant karma. In this case, karma is getting knocked on your arse.*

A highlight is the exchange between the blind kid, Austin, and Cody, the guy who stops the bully:

“You okay Austin?”

“I’m f**king good, Cody.”

Must read Five bizarre ‘lessons’ in Indian textbooks

India, which has a literacy level well below the global average, has intensified its efforts in the field of education.

In 2012 the country passed the Right to Education act which guarantees free and compulsory education for all children until the age of 14.

However, some of the “facts” that have been found in textbooks around the country have given rise to speculation over what exactly passes for “education” in India.

Glaring mistakes, downright lies and embellishments in textbooks are often featured in local media. A trend that is all the more worrying, given that India’s education system promotes rote learning at the cost of analytical thinking.

The BBC’s Ayeshea Perera looks at five of the most outrageous excerpts from Indian textbooks that have made headlines in recent times:


A teacher in the central Indian state of Chhatisgarh recently complained about a textbook for 15-year-olds in the state, which said that unemployment levels had risen post independence because women have begun working in various sectors.

When contacted by the Times of India newspaper, the director of the state council for educational research and training told the newspaper: “It’s a matter of debate. It was a writer’s view out of his experience. Now, it is the teacher’s job how they explain things to the students and ask the students for their view whether they agreed to it or not.”

Never trust a meat eater


A national textbook for 11-year-old students created uproar in 2012 when it was discovered that it said that people who eat meat “easily cheat, tell lies, forget promises, are dishonest and tell bad words, steal, fight and turn to violence and commit sex crimes”.

Later, the director of the Central Board for Secondary Education (CBSE) told the NDTV news channel that school books used across the country are not monitored for content.

‘Donkey’ wives


In 2006, it was discovered that a textbook for 14-year-olds in the northern Indian state of Rajasthan compared housewives to donkeys.

“A donkey is like a housewife. It has to toil all day and, like her, may even have to give up food and water. In fact, the donkey is a shade better, for while the housewife may sometimes complain and walk off to her parents’ home, you’ll never catch the donkey being disloyal to his master,” the Times of India quoted the Hindi language textbook as saying.

An official told the newspaper that the comparison had been made in “good humour”.

Japan did what in World War Two?


In what can only be described as a complete distortion of history, a social science textbook believed to have been taught to 50,000 students in the western Indian state of Gujarat declared that Japan had launched a nuclear attack on the US during World War Two.

Officials said the textbooks, which also got the date of Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination wrong, would be corrected. However, officials had also said that the textbooks currently in circulation would not be recalled.

‘Sewage’ Canal


Don’t be too shocked if you find students from the west Indian state of Maharashtra telling you that the “Sewage Canal” is one of the most important shipping lanes in the world. That is how the Suez Canal has been spelled in an English language textbook in the state.

The book, meant for 15-year-olds also spelled “Gandhi” as “Gandi”, and got a number of important Indian historical dates completely wrong. The NDTV website which reported the errors said that it had not been able to contact the officials responsible for the textbooks.

Cartoons by BBC Hindi’s Kirtish Bhatt

Pope Makes History In Speech To US Congress


Pope Francis has tackled divisive issues such as immigration and the death penalty as he became the first pontiff to address a joint meeting of Congress.

Supreme Court justices, the President’s Cabinet and diplomats have joined hundreds of lawmakers in the packed House of Representatives.

Outside, many thousands of spectators are watching from the West Lawn of the Capitol.

“I am most grateful to address this joint session of Congress in the land of the free and the home of the brave,” he began his closely scrutinised speech.


He was applauded as he appealed for tolerance towards immigrants, always a touchy US political issue.

“We, the people of this continent, are not fearful of foreigners, because most of us were once foreigners,” he said.

Mr Boehner, a former altar boy, invited the Pope to speak after trying unsuccessfully to entice previous pontiffs to the Capitol.

Francis delighted Democrats at the White House on Wednesday when he praised President Barack Obama’s efforts to fight climate change.

But at least one Republican congressman, Paul Gosar, a Catholic, has said he will boycott the Pope’s address to Congress because of his global warming views.

House Speaker Boehner denied the pontiff would be stirring up an ideological hornet’s nest.

“The Pope transcends all of this,” he said. “He appeals to our better angels and brings us back to our daily obligations.”


UPDATE: Hajj Stampede: 717 People Die In Mecca Crush


At least 717 people have died and hundreds more are injured after a stampede on the edge of Mecca, Saudi authorities say.

Civil defence officials said more than 800 were also injured in the crush at Mina, on the outskirts of the Muslim holy city, where some two million people are at the annual pilgrimage.

Some 4,000 rescue workers and 220 ambulances are involved in the emergency operation, officials said.

Pictures on social media showed a devastating scene, with dozens of bodies lying among water bottles and crushed wheelchairs.

Mina is where pilgrims go to carry out a symbolic stoning of the devil by throwing pebbles against stone walls.


Witnesses said the stampede happened on Street 204, one of the main roads leading through the camp set up for pilgrims to get to the three stone walls, known as Jamarat.

More than 160,000 tents are set up in the area.

Researchers create a “wormhole” that makes the magnetic field INVISIBLE

August 24th, 2015

  • This “device” is capable of making magnetic fields invisible
  • The device is able to produce an illusion that a magnetic field has literally “tunneled” through space

Several physicists, including Spanish scientist Jordi Prat-Camps have created, inside their laboratory a “wormhole” that is capable of making the magnetic field invisible through space.

It was Albert Einstein who first believed it possible

The idea of creating a “wormhole” comes for the great Albert Einstein. In 1935, Einstein and his colleague Nathan Rosen realized that the general theory of relativity allowed the existence of bridges that could link two different points in space-time. In theory, the Einstein-Rosen bridge, or wormhole could allow something travel “instantly” from great distances. According to Einstein and Rosen, these tunnels would be very small, making it “impossible” for a time traveler to fit through. So far, no one has found evidence that there really wormholes in spacetime.

The “wormhole” researchers managed created in the lab, isn’t a space-time”wormhole” but a realization of a futuristic ‘invisibility cloak’ proposed in 2007 in the journal Physical Review Letters. This wormhole hides electromagnetic waves from being viewed from the outside.

A new device can cloak a magnetic field so that it invisible from the outside. Here, a picture of how the wormhole would work. Credit: ordi Prat-Camps and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

A new device can cloak a magnetic field so that it invisible from the outside. Here, a picture of how the wormhole would work.
Credit: ordi Prat-Camps and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

“This device can transmit the magnetic field from one point in space to another point, through a path that is magnetically invisible,” said study co-author Jordi Prat-Camps, a doctoral candidate in physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain. “From a magnetic point of view, this device acts like a wormhole, as if the magnetic field was transferred through an extra special dimension.”

“From a magnetic point of view, you have the magnetic field from the magnet disappearing at one end of the wormhole and appearing again at the other end of the wormhole,” Prat told Livescience.

What scientists did was use magnetic metamaterials and metasurfaces which are specifically designed to have properties which are not found in nature, enabling them to create a working model of a “wormhole.” (Metamaterials are made from assemblies of several elements created with the use of metals or plastic. Their precise shape, geometry, size, orientation and arrangement gives them their properties.)

3D model of the device. Jordi Prat-Camps / UAB.

3D model of the device. Jordi Prat-Camps / UAB.

The inner cylinder of the device is made of ferromagnetic mu-metals. Ferromagnetic materials exhibit the strongest form of magnetism, while the mu-metals are highly permeable and are often used to shield electronic devices. A thin shell made of a high temperature superconducting material called yttrium oxide, of barium copper protected the inner cylinder, doubling the magnetic field that traveled through the interior.

The final shell was made of other mu-metals, but made out of 150 cut pieces which were perfectly placed to neutralize the bending of the magnetic field by the superconducting layer. The entire device was placed in a liquid nitrogen bath. Typically, the magnetic field lines radiate from a particular place and break down over time, but the presence of the magnetic field should be detectable from surrounding points. However, the new wormhole channels the magnetic field from one cylinder to another and making it “invisible” in transit, and appears to come  out of nowhere on the outlet side of the tube, according to a study published in Scientific Reports .

“The problem was make the device work with the necessary materials which need to be very light, which are very impractical and difficult to work with.” said Prat.

There’s no way to know if similar magnetic wormholes lurk in space, but the technology could have applications on Earth, added Prat.

Source / Source

So Kylie Jenner and Tyga ARE engaged? Rumours resurface as Tyga drops massive hint about his marital status


Tyga basically just admitted he and Kylie might be tying the knot. Kinda sorta.

During a Snapchat filmed by his lady love, Tyga referred to her as his betrothed and set the rumour mill’s wheels back in motion.

In the short clip he said: ‘I don’t f*** with nobody, it’s just me, my fiancée, this lil’ dog I just got.’ There, he said it. It’s totally on, right?

Well, it could all be a prank (hilarious, Tyga), as it did all sound a tad tongue in cheek. But the evidence stacks up; there was that ring she was wearing earlier this year, and there was the fact she was compared by Caitlyn to her grandma, who was married by the same age, and Kylie responded: ‘Kind of like me.’


OK not proof at all, but still, something is afoot. Added to that the fact that Tyga just cancelled his Brazilian tour, allegedly because Kylie was worried he’d be flirty with the locals, things are definitely stacking up in the affianced direction.


Alexandre Stocco of AS Productions behind the tour, told MailOnline: ‘We are very upset in finding out an artist lacks the professionalism and the love for Brazilian fans, and allows something personal to interfere with his work schedule.’

He may not have a ring on it just yet, but if that’s true he’s definitely whipped. He knows he’s on to a good thing though. A girl who orders $5,000 worth of Chinese takeaway? She’s a keeper, Tyga.


Lindt Teddy Defeats Haribo Bear In Court


The Lindt teddy has seen off a legal challenge from Haribo’s golden bear after a court dismissed claims that it violated a trademark.

The ruling in Germany means Lindt can continue to sell the chocolate bears it introduced in 2011.

The Switzerland-based firm said it did not copy the golden bear, but simply drew on the styling of the golden bunnies which are already among its best-known products.

The chocolate maker heavily promotes the bunnies, even setting up life-sized statues outside its factory by Lake Zurich and rolling out gold-painted, red-striped Smart cars decorated with golden ears around Easter.


The German Federal Court said terms such as “teddy”, “chocolate bear” or “chocolate teddy” could be applied to the product just as well as “gold bear”.

“It’s not sufficient that the trademarked word is just one of several obvious names to describe the product form,” the court said in a statement.

If the claim was granted without meeting stricter criteria this would create the danger of “product design monopolisation” in the arena of three-dimensional product forms, the statement added.

The decision comes a week after the European Court of Justice rejected a request from Nestle to trademark the shape of its four-fingered KitKat bar in Britain.

Thriving mafia sucks hope from Italy’s struggling south


Most southern Italian businessmen do not cross the ‘Ndrangheta mafia. Gaetano Saffioti did, and paid a high price.

The owner of a successful cement business near the small town of Palmi, Saffioti in 2002 became one of only 30 people to turn state’s witness against Calabria’s ‘Ndrangheta.

That year, out of deference to the mobsters or fear, 55 of his 60 employees quit, local banks closed his accounts, and his clients shunned him. His company’s sales fell 97 percent, and he and his family have lived under 24-hour armed guard ever since.

“Most businessmen learn to live with the ‘Ndrangheta,” Federico Cafiero de Raho, chief prosecutor in the region’s largest city, Reggio Calabria, said of the crime syndicate with a global reach and deep pockets thanks to narcotics.

“It is the arbiter of who can do what in the economy,” added Cafiero de Raho, whose court resides in a city that even saw its local government dissolved in 2012 because it had been infiltrated by the group.

While the ‘Ndrangheta (pronounced en-DRANG-eta) flourishes, Calabria, the poorest of Italy’s 20 regions with a population of almost 2 million, has seen no benefit for its local economy.

Calabria is a natural and historical treasure. It has almost 500 miles (800 km) of pristine beaches. The Apennine mountains rise thousands of feet in the interior, and hillsides tumble down to the sea, covered in cacti and century-old olive groves.

Once at the heart of the Greek and Roman empires, evocative ruins dot the coastline. The Riace bronzes, considered two of the most spectacular sculptures of the ancient world, were pulled out of the crystal clear waters of the Ionian coast.

But like the rest of the Mezzogiorno — Italy’s six southern regions plus the islands of Sicily and Sardinia — Calabria has suffered seven straight years of recession and is challenging Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s efforts to fuel a recovery.

From 2008 to 2014, output in Calabria, which forms the toe of Italy’s boot, shrank more than 11 percent. Unemployment is three times that of the north and annual per capita output is 15,800 euros ($17,600/£11,500), the weakest in the country.

In July, Svimez research institute said 744,000 people left the Mezzogiorno between 2001 and 2014, and more than 70 percent of the emigrants were under the age of 34. The body warned of a “a permanent state of underdevelopment” in a region also home to separate mafia groups in Sicily, Campania and Puglia.

Renzi has promised to tackle the mob and offer a “master plan” for the withered south in coming weeks. But filing cabinets in Rome are full of failed economic initiatives for the south and well-meaning anti-mob plans that have achieved little.

For Saffioti, the reason growth has stubbornly failed to take root in Calabria is because the ‘Ndrangheta chokes it off.

“The ‘Ndrangheta wants a hand in everything,” Saffioti, 54, told Reuters. “If Calabria were wealthy, there would be no need for the ‘Ndrangheta. Real growth would marginalise it.”


Thanks to Saffioti’s testimony and closed circuit video recordings he made when he paid the mob, 48 ‘Ndrangheta members from nine different crime families went to jail. According to his own records and testimony, he paid the equivalent of 2.5 million euros in extortion over 18 years.

He could have fled and assumed a new identity as part of the witness protection programme, but he chose to stay.

Now both his home and adjacent business are surrounded by 4-metre (13-foot) concrete walls, barbed wire, towering spotlights and dozens of video cameras. Four police stand on duty.

“It looks like Guantanamo,” quips the bearded and bear-like Saffioti. “But I’m very happy to have rid my life of that scum. I’m a free man now.”

For many, the Italian mob evokes images from the fictional “Godfather” movies or “The Sopranos” TV series, but the ‘Ndrangheta’s power is real and thriving on the euro zone’s southern periphery in the 21st century.

Over the past two decades, the ‘Ndrangheta, which takes its meaning from ‘strong man’ in ancient Greek, has eclipsed its more storied Sicilian cousin Cosa Nostra by becoming Europe’s biggest cocaine broker and establishing criminal colonies across the globe, prosecutor Cafiero de Raho told Reuters.

But the ‘Ndrangheta business model, he says, requires it to be a local power broker with broad consensus, especially among businessmen, politicians, and the Church.

The ‘Ndrangheta’s role as an intermediary — from job provider to lender of last resort — dates back to the creation of Italy 150 years ago, when a northern king conquered the south. The mob has long cultivated a warped sort of colonial mentality where the state is considered a foreign occupier.

“Whoever is born here must follow the unwritten rules of a parallel state. To buy or sell a property or open a business, you go to the ‘Ndrangheta, not the bureau of commerce,” Saffioti said, adding that no deal was too small.

Before he turned state’s witness, he had a job pouring concrete in the nearby town of Polistena. Though he was going to earn only some 250 euros ($280/£180) for the work, the local boss, Giovanni Longo, demanded his cut.

“He told me it wasn’t a question of money, but of respect. He said: ‘It’s like when you go visit someone’s home, you knock on the door. You don’t just walk in.”

In 2001, a mafia hit man shot Longo dead.


David Bumbaca, whose seaside restaurant and bathing area in Locri is just the kind of economic activity the area needs, is weighing up whether his future lies there.

Over the past year because he refused to pay extortion “as a matter of principle”, two of his cars were burned, two men wearing ski masks tried to beat him up in front of his home, and he received an anonymous letter with a death threat.

“My problems began when I started to be visibly successful,” Bumbaca said, sitting in a shaded corner of his restaurant, which specialises in fresh seafood salad and other local treats.

The 46-year-old Bumbaca got a business degree in northern Italy, but he says he returned out of love for Calabria.

“Now I don’t know how long my love of this land will hold out. I’m thinking more about selling and moving away than investing at this point,” he said. “It’s not a good situation for my family, and these things weigh on you.”

For now, in part because magistrates and police are among his regular clients, he is holding out. He has reported the threats to police, but he does not want to become a state’s witness like Saffioti.

“I admire the people who make those choices. I just don’t know if I could do it. I want to be with my family and live a safe life. I don’t want to be anyone’s hero,” he said. ($1 = 0.8963 euros)


VW ‘Manipulated Emissions Tests In Europe’


Volkswagen manipulated emissions tests in Europe as well as the United States, Germany’s transport minister has said.

Alexander Dobrindt said: “We have been informed that also in Europe, vehicles with 1.6 and 2.0 litre diesel engines are affected by the manipulations that are being talked about,” adding it is unclear how many vehicles in Europe were affected.

Mr Dobrindt added random tests would be carried out on cars made by other manufacturers.

The controversy involving VW is centred on “defeat devices” it used to fool US emissions tests on diesel cars into believing the vehicles met environmental standards.

The company admits the software, which switches engines to a cleaner mode during official testing, may have been fitted in 11 million of its vehicles worldwide.

VW has not responded to Mr Dobrindt’s claim.

At least 482,000 cars are to be recalled and the car maker could face penalties of more than $18bn (£11bn) in the US alone.

:: VW Emissions Scandal: Key Questions Answered

Volkswagen will start firing people responsible for manipulating the tests on Friday, two people familiar with the matter have told the Reuters news agency.

The sources said the carmaker’s supervisory board will not only reveal a successor to chief executive Martin Winterkorn at the meeting, but will give initial findings from an internal investigation into who was responsible.

The global impact of the scandal is not yet known, with drivers in the UK waiting to find out if their cars are affected.

It has been warned the scandal could lead to Britain’s biggest ever class action lawsuit.

Bozena Michalowska-Howells of law firm Leigh Day said: “The key issue in this country is whether or not these devices were able to bypass the European emissions tests.

“If it is shown that this piece of software defeated the European testing then Volkswagen would be in a very similar position as it is in the US and may well then have to call in their cars with all the resulting costs involved.

“This could well lead to one of the largest group claims ever in this country against Volkswagen for the way in which consumers may have been misled in relation to their vehicle.”

A US law firm said on Wednesday it was suing Volkswagen in a class action lawsuit.


Hajj Pilgrimage: 310 People Die In Stampede


At least 310 people have died and hundreds more are injured after a stampede on the edge of Mecca, Saudi authorities say.

Civil defence officials said at least 450 people were injured in the crush which happened at Mina, outside the Muslim holy city where some two million people are at the annual pilgrimage.

Thousands of rescue workers and hundreds of ambulances are reported to have been sent to the scene to help the wounded.

Mina is the city where pilgrims go to carry out a symbolic stoning of the devil – they throw pebbles against stone walls.

Eyewitnesses said the stampede happened on Street 204, one of the main roads leading through the camp set up for pigrims to Jamarat, where the pebble ceremony takes place.

It is the first day of Eid, traditionally the most hazardous day of the Hajj because so many people are trying to perform rituals at the same time in the same place.

The crush happened less than two weeks after a giant crane crashed down on the Grand Mosque in Mecca, the site which is the focal point for the pilgrimage.

At least 111 people died then and more than 390 were injured.

The last time so many people died at the Hajj was in 2006 when more than 360 pilgrims were killed in a stampede in the same area

The pilgrimage lasts for five days.

It is seen as a religious duty for able-bodied Muslims to complete the Hajj at least once in their lifetime and take part in the rituals intended to cleanse their souls and promote the brotherhood and sisterhood of Islam.

See Ronda Rousey as Captain Marvel

During her recent Reddit AMA, UFC fighter Ronda Rousey was asked which superhero she would like to play if given the chance. Her choice? Miss Marvel/Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers.

Now, some amazing fan art shows us what the 28-year-old Rousey–who is basically already a superhero in the octagon–would look like as the character.

“Since the Reddit AMA I’ve received so many badass Ms. Marvel/Captain Marvel edits! There were so many cool ones I couldn’t pick just one to share,” she wrote on Instagram.

A Captain Marvel movie is currently scheduled for 2018, though Marvel has not yet announced who will play the lead role. Rousey could be quietly lobbying for the role (she does have some acting experience, after all, in movies like EntourageThe Expendables 3, and Fast & Furious 7), or just having a bit of fun.

Whatever the case, take a look at the fan art below and let us know what you think in the comments.

Top 50 Best Houses From Around The Globe

For another year, in 2014 ArchDaily has featured hundreds of houses from designers around the globe, with homes that appear to float above ground, sink below grade, snake through forests, jut over cliffs, and blur the line between building and environment. This year, we’ve seen some of the most intuitive, outlandish, and creative designs cropping up around the world, from São Paulo to Ho Chi Minh City to Stockholm, and to celebrate the end of the year we’ve rounded up our 50 best projects from 2014, representing an incredible range of living environments from the world’s most innovative architects.

Enjoy the sandy surrounds of House in Miyake or the minimalist paradise of Love House; or escape for a getaway to Weekend House in Downtown São Paulo. Find out which houses stray from the norm, reviving the wooden cottage and redefining the stone cabin with a touch of linearity and serious panoramic views. Step inside wondrous spaces that soar skyward or connect with the earth, speak to the divine or convene with the spiritual – and yet all share the unmistakable feeling of ‘home.’

Find out which houses make our list after the break

B House / ch+qs-arquitectos

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

Case / Jun Igarashi Architects

© Daici Ano

© Daici Ano

Car Park House / Anonymous Architects

© Steve King

© Steve King

House for Trees / Vo Trong Nghia Architects

© Hiroyuki Oki

© Hiroyuki Oki

House Unimog / Fabian Evers Architecture + Wezel Architektur

© Sebastian Berger

© Sebastian Berger

House in Fontinha / Manuel Aires Mateus + SIA arquitectura

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

Dragon Court Village / Eureka

© Ookura Hideki

© Ookura Hideki

Cien House / Pezo von Ellrichshausen

© Cristóbal Palma / Estudio Palma

© Cristóbal Palma / Estudio Palma

Split View Mountain Lodge / Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter

© Søren Harder Nielsen

© Søren Harder Nielsen

Estate Bungalow / Narein Perera

Courtesy of Narein Perera

Courtesy of Narein Perera

Haffenden House / PARA

© Nathan Rader

© Nathan Rader

Minimod / MAPA

© Leonardo Finotti

© Leonardo Finotti

House 1101 / H Arquitectes

© Adrià Goula

© Adrià Goula

Moose Road / Mork Ulnes Architects

© Bruce Damonte

© Bruce Damonte

House in Kawanishi / Tato Architects

© Shinkenchiku Sha

© Shinkenchiku Sha

B+B House / Studio MK27

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

7×18 House / AHL architects associates

© Hung Dao

© Hung Dao

Lavaflow 5 / Craig Steely Architecture

© Bruce Damonte

© Bruce Damonte

Vault House / Johnston Marklee

© Eric Staudenmaier

© Eric Staudenmaier

Island House / Peter Rose + Partners

© Matthew Snyder

© Matthew Snyder

Gumus Su Villas / Cirakoglu Architects

© Cemal Emden

© Cemal Emden

Savioz House Conversion / Savioz Fabrizzi Architectes

© Thomas Jantscher

© Thomas Jantscher

Solo House / Pezo von Ellrichshausen

 © Cristóbal Palma / Estudio Palma

© Cristóbal Palma / Estudio Palma

Villa-Gallery in Karuizawa / Makoto Yamaguchi Design

© Koichi Torimura

© Koichi Torimura

Xan House / MAPA

© Leonardo Finotti

© Leonardo Finotti

Love House / Takeshi Hosaka

© Masao Nishikawa

© Masao Nishikawa

Tree House / 6a Architects

© Johan Dehlin

© Johan Dehlin

Casa C / Camponovo Baumgartner Architekten

© José Hevia

© José Hevia

Summerhouse in Denmark / JVA

© Torben Petersen

© Torben Petersen

Ipes House / Studio MK27 – Marcio Kogan + Lair Reis

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

Mölle by the Sea / Elding Oscarson

© Åke E:son Lindman

© Åke E:son Lindman

Quebrada House / UNarquitectura

© Natalia Vial

© Natalia Vial

IST-Family House / JRKVC

© Peter Jurkovič

© Peter Jurkovič

Weekend House in Downtown São Paulo / SPBR

© Nelson Kon

© Nelson Kon

House in Balsthal / PASCAL FLAMMER

© Ioana Marinescu

© Ioana Marinescu

A Hill On A House / Yuko Nagayama and Associates

© Daici Ano

© Daici Ano

House #1.130 / Estudio.Entresitio

© Roland Halbe

© Roland Halbe

Brick House / LETH & GORI



The House of the Infinite / Alberto Campo Baeza

© Javier Callejas Sevilla

© Javier Callejas Sevilla

Desert Courtyard House / Wendell Burnette Architects

© Bill Timmerman

© Bill Timmerman

Till House / WMR Arquitectos

© Sergio Pirrone

© Sergio Pirrone

Jerry House / Onion + Arisara Chaktranon & Siriyot Chaiamnuay

© Wison Tungthunya

© Wison Tungthunya

Tula House / Patkau Architects

© James Dow

© James Dow

Los Limoneros / Gus Wustemann

© Bruno Helbling

© Bruno Helbling

House in Miyake / Hidetaka Nakahara Architects + Yoshio Ohno Architects

© Kenji Masunaga

© Kenji Masunaga

Skylight House / Andrew Burges Architects

© Peter Bennetts

© Peter Bennetts

S House / Vo Trong Nghia Architects

© Hiroyuki Oki

© Hiroyuki Oki

House Husarö / Tham & Videgård Arkitekter

© Ake E:son Lindman

© Ake E:son Lindman

House in Byoubugaura / Takeshi Hosaka

© Koji Fujii / Nacasa&Partners

© Koji Fujii / Nacasa&Partners

Tetris House / Studio MK27

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG

© Fernando Guerra | FG+SG