Monthly Archives: October 2015

So what would YOU pick? Catsuit-clad girlfriend tries to tempt her lover over by sending him racy photos of her cleavage – only to dump him after he chooses Grand Theft Auto over her

  • The unnamed woman sent pictures of herself in a Catwoman outfit
  • Her boyfriend responded with pictures of his gaming session
  • She dumped the man because it was the ‘final straw’

A woman trying to tempt her boyfriend with sexy selfies as she tried on her Catwoman outfit for Halloween has been rejected by her other half – as he was too busy playing video games.

The unnamed woman, believed to be from the UK, sent pictures that showed her wearing a clinging catsuit to her boyfriend over text.

But after he refused to help her ‘take off’ her skin-tight costume and chose Grand Theft Auto over her, she dumped him.

The anonymous woman later revealed to the site that her boyfriend had been getting on her nerves and that was the last straw and led to her breaking up with him.

Some of the site’s readers may feel suspicious that story emerged just as the veteran game announced a new version involving the Hulk, while wondering if the girlfriend’s model looks are too good to be true, but the exchange has clearly touched a nerve as it is sweeping the internet.

She told him it was his ‘last chance’ and she needed help ‘taking it off’ with another picture of the plunging neckline.

He sent back a picture of Grand Theft Auto V.

She sent the picture in to Dude Comedy website and told them she had since broken up with the guy.

She said: ‘He was already on my nerves and this was the final straw.’

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Hacking group Anonymous threaten to reveal identities of 1,000 Ku Klux Klan members ahead of first anniversary of Ferguson protests

  • Hackers Anonymous say they will unmask 1,000 Ku Klux Klan members 
  • Add they will also shut down KKK websites and social media accounts
  • Hacking will coincide with the first anniversary of the Ferguson protests 
  • They were sparked when unarmed black teenager Michael Brown was shot dead 

Hacking group Anonymous has threatened to reveal the identities of 1,000 members of the Ku Klux Klan to mark the first anniversary of the Ferguson protests.

Dubbed Operation KKK, the cyber activists say they will also shut down websites and other social media accounts affiliated to the white supremacist group next month.

The protests in Ferguson were sparked after unarmed black teenager Michael Brown was shot dead by white police officer Darren Wilson last August.

Violent protests erupted on November 24 last year, when it was decided that Wilson would not be indicted in connection with the shooting.

During the demonstrations KKK members warned protesters that ‘lethal force’ would be used against them.

We are not attacking you because of what you believe in as we fight for freedom of speech,

‘We are attacking you because of what you do to our brothers and sisters.

‘Due to your actions we will be rearranging Operation KKK. We’ve gained access to yet another one of your KKK Twitter account.

‘Using the info obtained, we will be revealing about 1000 of your klan member identities. The aim of our operation is nothing more than Cyber Warfare. Anything you upload will be taken down, anything you use to promote the KKK will be shut down.’

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ONE MILLION more migrants could head for Europe over the winter because of the Syrian war, warns Turkey, as official says the EU risks ‘disintegration’ if it fails to tackle the crisis

  • Escalating violence in Syria is expected to lead to more migrants leaving
  • Turkey expecting situation to displace another 2m people over the winter 
  • Country wants extra £2bn a year from EU to cope with deepening crisis 
  • Turkey allows at least 10,000 refugees a day to slip past guards into EU

One million more people could flee war-torn Syria for Europe in a dramatic escalation of the migrant crisis, it was claimed yesterday.

Turkey is expecting the worsening situation in the country to displace another two million people over the winter.

And capital Ankara claimed that half of them were likely to head across its borders into Europe as a result of Russian air strikes in the region.

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German rapper dubbed the ‘Goebbels of ISIS’ who made sickening beheading videos and called for attacks on Britain is killed in a U.S. air strike in Syria

  • Denis Cuspert, also known by artist name Deso Dogg, used to rap in Berlin
  • Believed to have produced films of Jihadi John beheading British hostages
  • The 39-year-old was killed in an air strike on October 16 near city of Raqqa

A German rapper dubbed ‘the Goebbels of ISIS‘ who publicly threatened President Barack Obama has been killed in a U.S. air strike in Syria.

Denis Cuspert, also known by his artist name Deso Dogg, used to rap in Berlin and was one of the most high-profile Western fighters for the Islamic State.

His role making videos for the terror group has been likened to that of Nazi propaganda chief Josef Goebbels.

He is also believed to have produced the sickening footage of Jihadi John beheading British and US prisoners with a knife.

U.S. Defense Department spokeswoman Elissa Smith confirmed the 39-year-old was killed in an air strike on October 16 near the Syrian city of Raqqa.

Cuspert joined ISIS in 2012 and went on to appear in numerous videos from the militant group, including one in November last year ‘in which he appears holding a severed head he claims belongs to a man executed for opposing ISIL’, the State Department previously said.

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Google’s 10 most popular Halloween costume searches

When it comes to Halloween costumes in 2015, the typical vampire or clown costume just won’t do.

Superheroes, who dominate movies and TV, remain popular, but a villain is the most sought-out costume of all, according to Google Trends’ Frightgeist.

The top costume search is “Suicide Squad” character Harley Quinn, according to the site, which measures Google queries locally and nationally.

The character, played by Margot Robbie in the upcoming film, has been popular for decades at fan conventions (her first appearance was on “Batman: The Animated Series” in 1992, before breaking into comics).

Robbie’s memorable performance in the trailer for the movie seems to have made Harley — the on-and-off girlfriend of The Joker — surge to the top.

The Joker also ranks in the top 10 costumes, along with his foe Batman, Wonder Woman and the generic term “superhero.”

Costumes you can get away with

As much as people are anticipating “Suicide Squad,” the excitement around “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is off the charts. It’s no wonder that “Star Wars” is the No. 2 search, hot on Harley’s heels.

The minions from “Despicable Me” are big with kids, and the old standbys pirates and witches also made the top 10.

Top Google Trends’ Frightgeist national searches:

1. Harley Quinn

2. Star Wars

3. Superhero

4. Pirate

5. Batman

6. Minnie Mouse

7. Witch

8. Minions

9. Joker

10. Wonder Woman

Several hurt after plane engine catches fire in Florida

Fifteen people were injured when a plane’s engine caught fire as it taxied for take-off from an airport in Florida.

The Dynamic Airways Boeing 767 was on the runway at Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport, preparing for departure to Venezuela.

The left engine, which had been leaking fuel, caught fire.

The passengers and crew were evacuated and the fire extinguished but one person has been left with severe burns.

“The crew followed the emergency procedures, shut down the engine and evacuated the aircraft in order to assure safety to all on board,” Dynamic Airways said in a statement.

Those hurt are being treated at Florida Broward Health Medical Center in Fort Lauderdale.

One person has been “seriously burnt”, according to Mike Jachles of the Broward County Sheriff’s Office.

The National Transportation Safety Board is sending agents to Fort Lauderdale to investigate the fire.

Dynamic flies between Fort Lauderdale, New York, Venezuela and Guyana.

China one-child policy: Trauma and sympathy shared online

The abolition of China’s controversial one-child policy has triggered an intense emotional discussion online, with netizens expressing a mixture of regret, bitterness and sympathy.

Many have been using the hashtag #Quanmianertai# – shorthand for “Freeing up all aspects to have a second child” – which has become a top trending topic on Thursday night and Friday on the Weibo microblogging network.

Sharing trauma

People have been sharing their own stories about how strictly the one-child policy had been enforced over the decades it has been in place.

“I can still remember when I was little, the family planning department broke down the door in my family home to grab my mum and sterilise her. I still carry this trauma to this day. What kind of methods would they use to make us have a second child?” wrote user MuziD-AiLee.

Her post attracted scores of sympathetic responses recounting similar experiences.

“My first child turned out to be twin girls. Two and a half years ago, I was visited daily in my home by planning officials telling me to go for sterilisation. If I didn’t get sterilised I would not get the hukou,” said Shuangbaotaixiaoruhexiaoyi.

“So I was forced to be sterilised – I was only 23 at that time. My heart hurt so much then – I’m so young and I can’t have any more children. I hate the family planning unit.”

The hukou is China’s identity registration system – officials often deny this to illegal children, making it difficult for them to travel around the country and gain access to state education and healthcare.

Shaker Aamer: Last UK Guantanamo Bay detainee released

The last British resident to be held in Guantanamo Bay has been released, having been detained there for 13 years, the foreign secretary has said.

Philip Hammond said Shaker Aamer had left the US military base and will return to the UK “later today”.

The Saudi national, 48, was held in the military prison in Cuba since 2002 but has never been charged or put on trial.

Mr Aamer, who has four children, has permission to live indefinitely in the UK because his wife is British.

He was detained in Afghanistan in 2001. US authorities alleged he had led a unit of Taliban fighters and had met former al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.

But Mr Aamer maintains he was in Afghanistan with his family doing charity work.

Since 2007 Mr Aamer, who claims he was tortured, has been cleared for release twice, by US presidents George W Bush and Barack Obama.

‘Medical care’

Andy Worthington, co-director of the We Stand With Shaker campaign, said he was “delighted” Mr Aamer’s “long and unacceptable ordeal has come to an end”.

“We hope he won’t be detained by the British authorities on his return and gets the psychological and medical care that he needs to be able to resume his life with his family in London,” he said.

By Dominic Casciani, BBC home affairs correspondent

When the business jet carrying Shaker Aamer lands in London at around 13:00 GMT today, he is likely to be met by British officials and detectives.

But if his case is handled like other returning detainees, he will soon be free to go on his way.

His lawyers say that he will medical and mental assessments. He may, like others who have been held at Guantanamo, be suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.

It’s unlikely we will ever find out if MI5 does decide to monitor Mr Aamer – by definition its work is secret.

On a human level, Shaker Aamer’s return is the end of the UK’s involvement in Guantanamo. But it’s not the end of the story.

The government’s long-promised investigation into substantial allegations that our agencies were mixed up in rendition and torture hasn’t happened – and many people are still demanding answers.

Zayn Malik Planning Massive Tour To Debut His New Music Off Solo Album

This is what we’ve been waiting for! Zayn Malik is planning a massive tour to promote his new album, according to a new report. The singer is so hyper focused on the tour, he’s holed himself up in a tent in the woods so nothing takes his attention away! We have the crazy details.

Zayn Malik, 22, has been out of the spotlight for a while, but he’s about to crash back onto the scene with a massive tour to promote his new solo music, according to one report. He’s dead serious about his music and to prove it he’s pitched a tent in the forest to avoid distractions. Here’s what we know.

While One Direction is out promoting their upcoming fifth album (the first as a quartet), Zayn is reportedly getting ready to release his first solo record, The Sun reports. They say that Zayn is staying in a tent about an hour and a half outside of Los Angeles, but he won’t be there long because he’s planning a massive tour to debut his new music!

Zayn’s reported plan to share his album with the world is quite interesting, if true. “His plans for launching his new music include visiting several major US cities, playing just one song in each, to showcase his work,” a source tells the site. That would be pretty cool, right?

But what’s cooler is the sound he’s reportedly creating. “The set-up may be basic but it sounds like a mix between The Weeknd and Frank Ocean,” continues the source. “He’s really excited about releasing it and has said how he can’t wait to take on his former bandmates in the charts.” And we would be really excited to hear it! The album will allegedly feature him singing, rapping, and playing piano. Very cool!

Perhaps this is his chance to debut not just new music, but the real Zayn. “His biggest qualm in One Direction was always the fact that no one took his music seriously,” continues the source. “So he wants to prove that he’s more than just a former boy band singer.”

Yeah, we know this one’s far-fetched, but we also know that Zayn originally left the group because he wasn’t handling fame well, so what better place to create his own music than a peaceful forest? Perhaps there he can avoid distractions like ex-fiance Perrie Edwards, 22, calling him a “bellend.”We’ll just have to wait and see, but we have our fingers crossed!

The 5 big interview questions you’re bound to be asked if you want to be a banker

Aspiring investment bankers, listen up.

You know how competitive Wall Street internships are — so if you land an interview with a bank, you want to come prepared.

To help you out, we spoke to a former analyst at a bulge bracket bank who’s been through the whole process first-hand.

He told us the five most common technical questions he encountered in investment banking internship interviews.

The good news is, each question is answered in-depth in the Mergers and Inquisitions“Breaking into Wall Street” guide.

“Don’t waste your time with any other prep services,” the former analyst said.

He has no affiliation with Mergers and Inquisitions.

He recommended studying all the “basic” level questions from the M&I guide in addition to these five questions. (If you’re pressed for time, don’t worry about the “advanced” questions, he said. They’re not as essential for internship-level interviews.)

1. If a company incurs $10 (pretax) of depreciation expense, how does that affect the three financial statements?

“Depreciation is a non-cash charge on the Income Statement, so an increase of $10 causes Pre-Tax Income to drop by $10 and Net Income to fall by $6, assuming a 40% tax rate.

On the Cash Flow Statement, Net Income is down by $6 but you add back the $10 of Depreciation since it’s a non-cash expense, so cash at the bottom is up by $4.

On the Balance Sheet, cash is up by $4 on the Assets side, but PP&E has declined by $10 due to the added Depreciation, so the Assets side is down by $6.

On the L&E side, Retained Earnings is down by $6 because of the reduced Net Income on the Income Statement, so both sides of the Balance Sheet are down by $6 and it remains in balance.”

2. Please walk me from Enterprise Value to Equity Value (or the other way around).

“Equity Value represents the value of all the assets a company has, but only to common equity investors (i.e., shareholders) in the company. Enterprise Value represents the value of only the company’s core business assets, but to all investors in the company (equity, debt, preferred, etc.).

So to move from Equity Value to Enterprise Value, you subtract non-core assets, and you add items that represent other investor groups.

In practice, this means starting with Equity Value and subtracting cash (technically excess cash, but usually simplified to just cash) and other non-core assets such as short-term/long-term investments, and then adding debt, preferred stock, non-controlling interests, and other items that represent other investor groups in the company.

To move from Enterprise Value to Equity Value, you do the opposite and subtract all those items representing other investor groups and add the non-core assets such as cash, investments, etc.”

3. Please walk me from revenue to free cash flow.

“First, clarify what type of Free Cash Flow they want. Unlevered? Levered? Something else?

Assuming it’s Unlevered FCF – or what’s available to all investors in the company (which pairs with Enterprise Value):

Start with revenue and subtract COGS and Operating Expenses to get to Operating Income, or EBIT. Multiply by (1 – Tax Rate) to get to Net Operating Profit After Taxes, or NOPAT.

Then, add back the non-cash charges that appear on the Cash Flow Statement, primarily Depreciation & Amortization, and reflect the Change in Working Capital, which may be either positive or negative (follow the sign used on the company’s CFS). And then subtract Capital Expenditures (CapEx).”

4. Please walk me through a DCF.

“A DCF values a company based on the Present Value of its Cash Flows and the Present Value of its Terminal Value.

First, you project a company’s financials using assumptions for revenue growth, margins, and the Change in Working Capital; then you calculate Free Cash Flow for each year, which you discount and sum up to get to the Present Value of Free Cash Flows. The Discount Rate is usually the Weighted Average Cost of Capital.

Once you have the present value of the Free Cash Flows, you determine the company’s Terminal Value, using either the Multiples Method or the Gordon Growth Method, and then you discount that back to its Present Value using the Discount Rate.

Finally, you add the two together to determine the company’s implied Enterprise Value, after which you may then back into the implied Equity Value and implied share price.”

5. Please walk me through an LBO.

“In an LBO Model, Step 1 is making assumptions about the Purchase Price, Debt/Equity ratio, Interest Rate on Debt, and other variables; you might also assume something about the company’s operations, such as Revenue Growth or Margins, depending on how much information you have.

Step 2 is to create a Sources & Uses section, which shows how the transaction is financed and what the capital is used for; it also tells you how much Investor Equity (cash) is required.

Step 3 is to adjust the company’s Balance Sheet for the new Debt and Equity figures, allocate the purchase price, and add in Goodwill & Other Intangibles on the Assets side to make everything balance.

In Step 4, you project out the company’s Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement, and determine how much debt is paid off each year, based on the available Cash Flow and the required Interest Payments.

Finally, in Step 5, you make assumptions about the exit after several years, usually assuming an EBITDA Exit Multiple, and calculate the return based on how much equity is returned to the firm.”

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George W. Bush doesn’t have as much confidence in Kanye West to lead the free world as President Obama — or Kanye, for that matter — in fact, seems pretty comical to him.

We caught up with the former Prez in D.C. Thursday night to get his reaction to Kanye’s early declaration for 2020 … and his reaction is classic Dub-ya.

In fairness, it’s kind of a loaded question, considering Yeezy and Bush’s history — the whole hating black people thing after Hurricane Katrina.

Fair to say, this is one vote Kanye does NOT have in the bag.

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What made Bill Gates so rich?

Bill Gates is worth an astounding $81.6 billion and he keeps getting richer every year.michael-larson

His secret weapon is a man you have probably never heard of: Michael Larson.

Gates hired Larson 20 years ago, when his net worth was a relatively paltry $5 billion, report Anupreeta Das and Craig Karmin at the Wall Street Journal, who just wrote a profile on the notoriously secretive Larson.

Larson runs Gates’ personal investment company Cascade Investment LLC, funded solely by Gates.

At one time, Gates’ wealth depended solely on Microsoft. But for years he’s been selling off his Microsoft stake. The common perception is that he’s been using the proceeds from those sales directly for charity. That’s not entirely how it works.

Although Gates makes his own investments in tech, it is Larson, through Cascade, who has taken Gate’s money and diversified it. Gates now has vast holdings in real estate and nontech companies like the Canadian National Railway Co., AutoNation Inc., and Republic Services Inc. It is these vast holdings that help fund the Gates’ donations.

And although Gates has given an astounding $38 billion to his charitable foundation, thanks to Larson, he’s getting richer faster than he can give his money away.

His $81.6 billion is nearly $6 billion more than it was as of March 2014, when he was worth $76 billion, we reported at the time. And $76 billion was $9 billion more than he was worth in March, 2013.

bill gatesREUTERS/Rick WilkingBill Gates.

In February, Gates celebrated 20 years of this partnership by throwing a gala to honor Larson at his Seattle mansion, reports the WSJ. It was a rare occasion where the two men socialized with each other. Apparently, they aren’t buddies and don’t hang out much, sources told the Journal.

At the party, Gates told guests he has “complete trust and faith” in Larson, meaning that Larson invests Gates’ money, buying and selling, with complete autonomy.

And he does it all under a cover of such ferocious secrecy that he’s been nicknamed “the Gateskeeper.”

Although publicly traded companies do reveal when Cascade has invested heavily in them, Larson has all sorts of tricks for keeping Cascade’s and Bill Gates’ name out of other investments, sources told the Journal.

For instance, he makes employees sign confidentiality agreements which cover them even after they leave. He farms out more than $10 billion to up to 25 outside money managers. This helps him find new investment ideas, but it also helps cover the trail. When Cascade was part of an investment group that bought the Ritz-Carlton hotel in San Francisco, the publicist didn’t even know Cascade, and Bill Gates, was among them.

He’s also been known to fire up a limited liability corporation to make real estate purchases, to keep Cascade’s name off the deal and the deed.

He’s so good at hiding the trail that most people don’t know that Gates, through Cascade, owns a significant stake in the Four Seasons luxury-hotel chain.

And he’s frugal with the bosses’ money, too. Apparently, Cascade employees, of whom there are about 100, are not allowed to stay at the Four Seasons when traveling on business, even if that business is on behalf of the Four Seasons.  They must choose a lower-cost, less luxurious hotel.

“Melinda and I are free to pursue our vision of a healthier and better-educated world because of what Michael has done,” Gates told guests at the party.

And ultimately, the money will go to charity. Bill and Melinda Gates have vowed to donate 95% of their wealth to their foundation, as part of Gates’ giving pledge.

But until then, Larson is making it grow.

The Latest ‘X Factor’ Ratings News Is Pretty Embarrassing

Things are going from bad to worse for ‘X Factor’, and newly-released figures reveal that not only did the show lose out to ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ at the weekend, but it was also beaten in the ratings by ‘Countryfile’. Ouch.

On Sunday night, the average audience figure for ‘X Factor’ was 6.12 million, while 7.05 million saw Matt Baker learning more about the start of the mussel fishing season.

x factor judgs

Our thoughts exactly. 

‘Strictly Come Dancing’ topped them both though, averaging at 8.66 million viewers.

The news comes as Simon Cowell admitted that the live judges’ houses format probably wasn’t the best idea, telling Digital Spy: “It was hell. For the first time, I know what it feels like to be a contestant. At that stage listening to people boo you…”

Well, safe to say that idea won’t be wheeled back out again next year, then.



It was a tough weekend for the ITV show, which suffered a heavy defeat in Saturday’s rating battle, as over three million more TV fans watched their BBC rival.

Bosses will be hoping that the figures improve this weekend when the live shows kick off, choosing ‘X Factor’ over the ‘Strictly’ Halloween special.

‘Top Gear’ Script Editor Richard Porter Admits ‘Jeremy Let Us Down With Half-Hearted, Feeble Apology’

One of ‘Top Gear‘s most senior producers has revealed that Jeremy Clarkson was his longtime hero, but he felt sorely let down by the actions of the show’s star that led to the end of one of the BBC’s most successful programme.

Richard Porter, who worked as script editor for 13 years on the show, told BBC Radio 5 Live that, when Clarkson came to the production office to apologise for the punching incident that led to his exit, the presenter didn’t stay long enough to sit down or take his coat off.

top gear

Richard Porter reveals that the Top Gear were, for once, completely innocent of mischief-making in Argentina

Richard told radio host Phil Williams: “He came in, I don’t know whether he was embarrassed, having to come in straight from BBC management, admitting he’d made a terrible mistake, and then coming in to see the gang.

“It just felt like he wanted to get it over and done with, he didn’t sit down or take his coat off. I think he was quite haunted and hurt by what had happened himself. He wanted to stay at home and lick his wounds. I didn’t want him on the ground kneeling and weeping, but there is a middle ground.”

Richard has written a book about his time on the show, which became increasingly turbulent as Clarkson’s debacles threatened to overshadow the car format that made the show so successful. He reflects in the book on Clarkson’s altercation with producer Oisin Tymon:

“It was stupid and unnecessary. We were a tight team. Whatever else is going on, you don’t turn on one of your own. Jeremy had let us down. When the reward is a smack in the chops, that suggests a lack of respect. His apology seemed half-hearted and feeble.”

top gear

Jeremy Clarkson gave what felt like a “half-hearted and feeble apology” to the Top Gear team

Richard also shed some light on the team’s disastrous foray to Argentina, which saw ‘Top Gear’ run out of town by a crowd of raging locals earlier in the year.

Despite the team’s protestations, few really believed that the cause of the controversy – the licence plates on Jeremy Clarkson’s car which read ‘1982 FKL’ – was anything other than a deliberate slur, a reference to the UK’s conflict with Argentina back in 1982, when we went to war over the Falkland Islands.

However, now Richard has sworn the licence plates were a completely unplanned accident, brought about by the purchase in the UK of the only suitable car, and it being shipped to Argentina before any of the ‘Top Gear’ crew had seen the car to check it out.

“Hand on heart, I can’t say this enough, it wasn’t deliberate. The original concept was to build a small town at the most southerly settlement, and the car bit came belatedly, because there was no obvious car.”

Once the team had settled on V8 engines, Richard reports Clarkson choosing a Porsche 928 GT. He explains a researcher found it online, and an engineer went to check on the car. The team wired the money to the seller, and the car was shipped across the Atlantic without the producers having set eyes on it.

top gear

The car licence plates that caused all the problems were entirely coincidental, confirms Richard Porter

“When we saw the ad, the plates had been blanked out,” says Richard now. “The first time we saw them was in South America, which was when they were spotted by a South American website, who published the pictures.

“We were back in London, and we thought ‘Oh no.’”

During his chat, Richard emphasised how much Jeremy Clarkson contributed to the show, saying he spent many sleepless nights worrying about how to improve the tiniest details of the show.

“I would say that yes, the pressures of the previous year were on Jeremy’s shoulders. He was the engine room of the show.

He was across every small part of the show. He used to lie awake at night worrying about tiny details. He’d be fretting over the minutest thing that he thought should be better, and he put the most pressure on himself.”

Jeremy Clarkson and his former co-presenters Richard Hammond and James May are now set to launch a new car show on Amazon Prime, while the ‘Top Gear’ format is being revamped by the BBC with Chris Evans in the driving seat.

Top 10 Richest NBA Players

  • Michael Jordan

    Michael Jordan Net Worth

    $1 BILLION
    Michael Jordan net worth: Michael Jordan is a former American basketball player and entreprenuer who has a net worth of $1 billion.
Magic Johnson

Magic Johnson Net Worth

Magic Johnson net worth: Earvin “Magic” Johnson Jr. is a retired American basketball player and entrepreneur who has a net worth of $500 million. Magic Johnson
Shaquille ONeal

Shaquille O’Neal Net Worth

Shaquille O’Neal is a retired American basketball player, entrepreneur and television host who has a net worth of $350 million. Shaquille O’Neal
LeBron James

LeBron James Net Worth

LeBron James Net Worth: LeBron James is an American professional basketball player who has a net worth of $300 million. For the 2013/2014 season, LeBron James earned $19 million
Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant Net Worth

Kobe Bryant net worth and salary: Kobe Bryant is an American basketball superstar who plays for the Los Angeles Lakers and has a net worth of $280 million. Kobe Bryant was born
Hakeem Olajuwon

Hakeem Olajuwon Net Worth

Hakeem Olajuwon net worth: Hakeem Olajuwon is a retired Nigerian-American professional basketball player who has a net worth of $200 million. Hakeem Olajuwon
Kevin Garnett

Kevin Garnett Net Worth

Kevin Garnett net worth and salary: Kevin Garnett is a professional basketball player who has a net worth of
Grant Hill

Grant Hill Net Worth

Grant Hill net worth: Grant Hill is a retired American basketball player who has a net worth of $180 million. Grant Hill is one of the highest
Gary Payton

Gary Payton Net Worth

Gary Payton Net Worth: Gary Payton is an American former professional basketball player who has a net worth of $130 million. Gary Payton gained his net worth
Tim Duncan

Tim Duncan Net Worth

Tim Duncan net worth and salary: Tim Duncan is an American professional basketball player who has a net worth of $130 million. Tim Duncan’s salary per year from the

Four extraterrestrial signals that experts cannot explain

The possible existence of extraterrestrial life and, even more, the eventual contact with it, has been the subject of speculation, anger and anxiety for humanity in modern times. Meanwhile, from outer space, science has registered multiple signals, hitherto inexplicable for experts. These signals have led to numerous theories and speculations.

The Signals from the Perseus Cluster. In June 2014, , the Chandra X-ray observatory from NASA, and the XMM-Newton observatory of the European Space Agency, recorded a clearly intelligent signal originating from the Perseus cluster, a group of galaxies located about 240 million light years away from Earth.

The Black sound. As a result from the data obtained from the study of a black hole which is located in the Star system referred to as GRS 1915 +105, a researcher from the MIT, Edward Morgan was able to recreate one of the most mysterious sounds ever registered by humans. The replicated model is the biggest black hole in the Milky Way, exceeding the mass of the Sun by approximately 18 times. This mysterious black hole emits a B flat sound at a frequency 1 million times deeper than anything perceived by the human ear.


Space Explosion. Between 2011 and 1012, the Parkes radio telescope located in New South Wales, Australia performed routine space sweeps and ran into FOUR mysterious bursts of radio signals. Each of those bursts lasted only a couple of milliseconds but their energy was extremely powerful. While researchers speculate that these radio bursts might come from the depths of the Milky Way, there are other scientists who believe that they originated from elsewhere, in a galaxy further away from us. Scientists have no idea what caused these bursts and why they are so powerful.


The Wow! Signal. On August the 15th 1977, exactly at 10:16 p.m. EST, the Big Ear radio telescope in Ohio, USA detected a signal of unknown origin. This mysterious signal lasted for 72 seconds with an intensity 30 times higher than that of the “white noise” or background noise of the Universe. Astronomers decided to call it the Wow! signal because it was the only thing that Professor Jerry Ehman, who was then monitoring the computers, managed to write down on paper at the time the signal was recorded.The circled alphanumeric code “6EQUJ5” describes the intensity variation of the signal. The signal bore the expected hallmarks of non-terrestrial and non-Solar System origin. Up until today, this signal remains one of the most mysterious ever received. many believe that the Wow! signal originated from an extraterrestrial civilization in our galactic neighborhood, in the constellation Sagittarius, near the Chi Sagittarii star group.Several attempts were made by Ehman as well as by other astronomers to detect and identify the signal again. The signal was expected to appear three minutes apart in each of the horns, but that did not happen.

Baby born without a brain amazes doctors by celebrating his second birthday – and says ‘mummy’ for the first time

  • Emma Murray, 24, was told of her son’s condition minutes after giving birth
  • Aaron was diagnosed with rare health disorder called holoprosencephaly
  • He was born with a brain stem so can move and breathe but not a full brain
  • She was told Aaron could die in minutes and helped arrange baptism
  • Two years on, Aaron has amazed doctors – and has spoken his first word 

For any mother, hearing their baby’s first word is a momentous occasion. But for Emma Murray, it was a moment she thought would never happen with her youngest child Aaron.

When the two-year-old said ‘Mummy’, Emma, from Lanarkshire, Scotland, said it seemed like a miracle as her son was born with only the tiniest part of a brain.

Just minutes after giving birth in 2013, Emma, 24, was told by doctors that Aaron had a very rare health condition known as holoprosencephaly which they said left him ‘incompatible with life’.

Aaron was born with only a brain stem – which allows him to breathe and move – but does not have a full brain.

When two-year-old Aaron said 'Mummy', Emma, from Lanarkshire, Scotland, said it seemed like a miracle as her son was born with only the tiniest part of a brain

When two-year-old Aaron said ‘Mummy’, Emma, from Lanarkshire, Scotland, said it seemed like a miracle as her son was born with only the tiniest part of a brain

Emma was advised to invite her closest family to the hospital to meet her newborn boy before he passed away.

But more than two years on, Aaron is not only alive but enjoys giggling and clapping his hands with his big brother, Jack, aged three.

Aaron has amazed doctors so far with his survival – and the family were stunned when a few weeks ago, Aaron said ‘Mummy’ for the first time.

Emma said: ‘When Aaron was first born, I was told there was no way he could survive. I was told he might live for three minutes, three hours or three days.

‘The doctors told me if it had been any of his other organs which had failed to grow, they would have been able to do something but they couldn’t grow him another brain.

‘But right from the very beginning, Aaron proved he is a real fighter.

‘And I was saying “mummy” to him recently and clapping my hands and he was giggling away.

‘He looked at me, and said “mummy”. I couldn’t believe it. I’d been told my son would only live for a few minutes, but now here he was saying ‘mummy’ which is something I never thought I would ever hear.’

Aaron was born in March 2013 after Emma was rushed to hospital with what she thought was a burst appendix.

She said: ‘I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was in labour.

Just minutes after giving birth in 2013, Emma was told by doctors that Aaron had a very rare health condition known as holoprosencephaly which they said left him 'incompatible with life'

Just minutes after giving birth in 2013, Emma was told by doctors that Aaron had a very rare health condition known as holoprosencephaly which they said left him ‘incompatible with life’

This X-ray, which was taken when Aaron was born, shows that his brain stopped growing when it reached the circled point. Above it is where the brain would normally fill the skull cavity, but is instead filled with fluid

This X-ray, which was taken when Aaron was born, shows that his brain stopped growing when it reached the circled point. Above it is where the brain would normally fill the skull cavity, but is instead filled with fluid


Holoprosencephaly is a condition in which the front part of the brain of an embryo fails to form two hemispheres.

The condition varies in severity but about 80 per cent of children with holoprosencephaly have facial abnormalities.

Almost all children with the condition experience developmental delays and many have seizures.

Most babies with the condition do not survive infancy.

The condition affects about one in 10,000 live-born babies.

Source: National Centre for Biotechnology Information

‘With my older son, I had been in no doubt I was pregnant but with Aaron, I had only put on a little weight, I had no sickness or cravings and my periods hadn’t stopped.

‘My mum and dad rushed me to Monklands hospital in the middle of the night, thinking I had an appendicitis. But as soon as the doctors and nurses examined me, they realised I was about to give birth.’

Emma was transferred by ambulance to Wishaw General Hospital where staff quickly realised her unborn baby had a larger head than most infants.

As soon as Aaron was born he was rushed to the neo-natal unit.

She said: ‘I was foggy from all the pain medication from the birth. But I could still see that his head was very large.

‘My stomach was knotted with anxiety, but all I could do was lie back and wait for some answers.’

A brain scan carried out on Aaron had revealed only his brain stem had properly formed, and three hours later, she was told the hospital could only give him palliative care.

He had Holoprosencephaly, a birth defect affecting the brain which occurs in approximately two in ten thousand births.

The condition can be mild or severe and in most cases, babies affected by the condition die before birth.

Emma said: ‘I was absolutely heartbroken. He was hooked up to every machine and had a hat over his head so we couldn’t see the size of it. I just sat by his cot rubbing his little hand. I was in total shock.

‘Everything had happened so fast – I didn’t even know I was pregnant, I’d given birth and been told my baby was going to die all in the same 24 hours.’

Hospital staff helped Emma organise a baptism for her son, but within hours, Aaron’s condition started to improve and they realised he could even breathe unaided.

Emma said: ‘For the first few days of Aaron’s life, it felt like everyone was just waiting for something bad to happen but Aaron had other ideas.

Emma said: 'Everything had happened so fast – I didn't even know I was pregnant, I'd given birth and been told my baby was going to die all in the same 24 hours.' Hospital staff helped Emma organise a baptism for her son, but within hours, Aaron's condition started to improve and they realised he could even breathe unaided'

Emma said: ‘Everything had happened so fast – I didn’t even know I was pregnant, I’d given birth and been told my baby was going to die all in the same 24 hours.’ Hospital staff helped Emma organise a baptism for her son, but within hours, Aaron’s condition started to improve and they realised he could even breathe unaided’

‘The doctors explained that Aaron’s brain stem had developed, so he had limited functions. His internal organs worked and he could breathe, see and hear. It seemed like a miracle.

‘The doctors told me that he would never survive, and he might only be with us for a matter of minutes of hours.’

But a week later he was still fighting. He was transferred to Yorkhill Royal Hospital for Sick Children where he had surgery to have a shunt fitted into his head to drain some of the fluid.

 I was absolutely heartbroken. He was hooked up to every machine and had a hat over his head so we couldn’t see the size of it. I just sat by his cot rubbing his little hand. I was in shock

After eight weeks at Yorkhill, he was allowed home and while he returns to hospital for regular check-ups, he keeps well.

She said: ‘Some days, we take one step forward and two steps back – but since he turned one, we have been taking more steps forward than back.’

And the most emotional moment came just six weeks ago when Aaron amazed Emma by saying ‘mummy’ for the first time.

She said: ‘I was just playing with him in my front room. He was lying on his back on the carpet and I was leaning over him clapping my hands, and saying “mummy” to him over and over, really drawing out the sounds.

‘He was giggling, and then he said “mummy”. He had literally copied what I was saying. I just stared at him in shock, and then I just burst into tears. It was such an emotional moment.

‘When Jack had said “mummy” for the first time, it was amazing, but this was even more special to me. I couldn’t believe it. Mum was with me too, sitting in the lounge. She was so shocked, she could hardly speak.

Emma says that Aaron is adored by his big brother Jack - who sings Twinkle Twinkle to him at night. 'During the day, Aaron giggles away if Jack plays beside him and he giggles too if you clap his hands.'

Emma says that Aaron is adored by his big brother Jack – who sings Twinkle Twinkle to him at night. ‘During the day, Aaron giggles away if Jack plays beside him and he giggles too if you clap his hands.’


Jill Yaz, from the Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (SHINE) said: ‘This is an extremely rare condition and its fantastic that Aaron is going beyond any of the doctors expectations.

‘Because he has some brain stem it helps him to breathe and carry out basic functions – that’s how he manages to survive with no brain.

‘It is remarkable that he has managed to survive and say ‘mummy’ for the first time – it shows how little we really understand about how the human body works. And the body can surprise us and do remarkable things.

‘Children with this condition usually die before birth so the fact that he has even survived is remarkable. It’s a testament to his mother’s love that he is doing so well.’

‘Since then he’s also said “hello” a few times too. It really is remarkable.

‘We were told Aaron would always have the mental age of a newborn but we can see he is much more aware than that.

‘He is surrounded by love and you can see he likes to be involved in everything that is going on.

‘His big brother Jack adores him – and sings Twinkle Twinkle to him at night which makes him fall asleep.

‘During the day, Aaron giggles away if Jack plays beside him and he giggles too if you clap his hands.’

While Aaron can’t walk or support himself and they don’t know what vision he has, his family say he is very cuddly and tactile.

Emma, who is separated from Aaron’s father, said: ‘We don’t know what the future holds but we know Aaron is a happy, contented boy. Every moment we have with him is precious.

‘When he was first born I was encouraged to make a memory box, full of his things that I could treasure after he was gone. But now I don’t put anything in it and I don’t focus on what sad thing might happen in the future.

Aaron is not only alive but enjoys giggling and clapping his hands with his big brother, Jack, aged three

Aaron is not only alive but enjoys giggling and clapping his hands with his big brother, Jack, aged three

‘I never thought I would ever hear him say anything at all – I burst into tears when he said ‘mummy.’ It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard in my whole life.’

The family are planning a special Christmas celebration this year.

Emma said: ‘We are planning a huge family get together, and Aaron will be so excited as he loves being with people. He loves opening presents. I’m getting him a Peppa Pig teddy as he loves watching the programme on TV. ‘

Miracle baby Jaxon Buell shows off his walking and talking
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 A ‘miracle baby’ celebrated his first birthday in August despite missing most of his brain.

Born with most of his brain and skull missing, baby Jaxon Emmett Buell was not expected to live. In fact his parents had been told to abort him when doctors discovered his condition.

But he has defied all odds – and now he has just celebrated his first birthday.

Baby Jaxon’s devout Christian parents, Brandon and Brittany Buell, were told by doctors that he had an extreme brain malformation, which meant he would probably not survive the pregnancy.

But Jax Strong – a nickname he has earned on social media – is now one years old. His inspirational story has captivated families across the U.S., with nearly 90,000 people ‘liking’ his page on Facebook and 18,000 people sharing his story.

Baby Jaxon's devout Christian parents, Brandon and Brittany Buell, were told by doctors that he had an extreme brain malformation, which meant he would probably not survive the pregnancy

Baby Jaxon’s devout Christian parents, Brandon and Brittany Buell, were told by doctors that he had an extreme brain malformation, which meant he would probably not survive the pregnancy

His parents revealed the abuse they’ve received online as a result of their baby’s condition earlier this month.

Brandon Buell spoken out about the abuse he’s received after the inspirational story was shared on social media.

Brandon Buell’s son Jaxon was given only days to live at birth because of a rare neural-tube condition called Anencephaly seen while he was developing in the womb.

News of the child’s miraculous survival was read by hundreds of thousands after his first birthday in August, though some said that Brandon and his wife Brittany were ‘selfish’ or should have aborted the child to avoid the pain he will suffer.

Brandon responded to the criticism in a heartfelt Facebook post Saturday night, saying his wife and his decision to keep their son was ‘our choice, and only our choice’.

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Thousands of commuters are caught in a terrifying rush hour crush after a gang brutally attacked a man on the Tube


Thousands of commuters were trapped in a rush hour crush at a major London station after a man was attacked on a platform.

John Francis Breen, 53, was attacked next to London Overground services around 5pm at Stratford Station in the east of the city – leading to chaos as police and station staff tried to manage panicked crowds.

Witnesses said a child was trampled as commuters tried to make their way through the tunnels and walkways as trains continued to run.

During the attack, thought to have been carried out by four gang members, Mr Breen is thought to have been knocked down a flight of stairs into a tunnel between platforms.

He was seen lying in a pool of blood while paramedics tried to help him, the Evening Standard reported. He was in a ‘critical but stable’ condition as of Wednesday afternoon.

The attackers are thought to have fled on the Jubilee line – four teenagers aged from 14 to 16 have been arrested on suspicion of causing grievous bodily harm.


Nick Paget, a parliamentary researcher, told the paper: ‘No one was in control. It was an accident waiting to happen. It was only luck that it didn’t. Everyone streamed off the Tube lines but they couldn’t get anywhere.’

British Transport Police and Transport for London both apologised for the chaos, but said they did the right thing.

Detective Chief Inspector Dave Shipperlee said: ‘During the initial stages of the investigation it was necessary to cordon off parts of Stratford station.

‘As a result we are aware there were a significant number of people who were unable to access certain sections of the station and we worked closely with the train operating companies to return the area to normal operations as soon as was possible.’


Steve Griffiths, chief operating officer for London Underground, said: ‘We appreciate our customers’ patience during the police incident at Stratford yesterday evening.
‘Our station staff worked hard to keep the station open in order to allow people to leave the area. We monitor such incidents carefully and our priority always remains the safety of our customers.’
Stratford Station, which is served by two Tube lines, Overground, TfL Rail, DLR and National Rail Services, is used by some 160,000 passengers per day.
Rush hour crowds often leave the station overflowing with commuters, leading to passengers being stopped from entering the station in busy periods.

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Apple’s Siri has started refusing to answer one question – here’s why

A customer tries the Siri voice assistant function on an Apple Inc. iPhone 5 at a Telstra Corp. store on George Street in Sydney, Australia, on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012. Apple Inc. is poised for a record iPhone 5 debut and may not be able to keep up with demand as customers line up from Sydney to New York to pick up the latest model of its top-selling product. The device hits stores in eight countries today at 8 a.m. local time, giving customers in Australia the first chance to buy the device. Photographer: Ian Waldie/Bloomberg via Getty Images

A customer tries the Siri voice assistant function on an Apple Inc. iPhone 5 at a Telstra Corp. store on George Street in Sydney, Australia, on Friday, Sept. 21, 2012. Apple Inc. is poised for a record iPhone 5 debut and may not be able to keep up with demand as customers line up from Sydney to New York to pick up the latest model of its top-selling product. The device hits stores in eight countries today at 8 a.m. local time, giving customers in Australia the first chance to buy the device. Photographer: Ian Waldie/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Apple’s love-it-or-hate-it voice assistant Siri has suddenly become a bit coy about some questions – and the reason might make you do a bit of sick in your mouth.

If you ask Siri music questions such as what’s in the U.S. charts, it replies, ‘Sorry, I can’t look up the music charts for you. You don’t seem to be subscribed to Apple Music.’

In other words, you need to pay a tenner a month to use a service you’ve already paid several hundred quid for as part of your iPhone.

(Interestingly, the glitch only happens if you ask for the U.S. charts – if you ask for the UK ones, it looks them up on the internet for you.)


David Cameron May Have Had An Accident At PMQs

Wednesday’s PMQs was a fairly normal affair – the usual lack of real answers, the shouting, the school playground atmosphere.

But one thing stood out… The striking moment David Cameron looked like he may have had an accident in his trousers on the front bench.

The sad realisation of what’s about to happen…

david cameron poo pmqs george osborne

The moment of exit…

george osborne david cameron poo at pmqs

And the silent reshuffle of his trousers….

david cameron george osborne poo at pmqs


Aberdeen School Stabbing Victim Named Locally As Bailey Gwynne After Police Launch Murder Probe

Police in Scotland have launched a murder investigation after a 16-year-old boy died in a stabbing at an Aberdeen secondary school. The victim of the lunchtime attack was named as Bailey Gwynne. The pupil was rushed to hospital after he was attacked this afternoon, but died from his injuries.

bailey gwynne

Bailey Gwynne died after a ‘serious incident’ at Cults Academy

Another 16-year-old has been detained by police to “help officers with their inquiries” after emergency crews were called to a “serious incident” at the Cults Academy, which teaches around 1,000 pupils, just after 1.30pm on Wednesday.


Police surround the school

Although police would not confirm the nature of the incident, there have been multiple reports a stabbing had taken place at the secondary school.

A Police Scotland spokeswoman said: “We can confirm that following reports of an incident at Cults Academy at 1.30pm. A male has been detained and is currently assisting officers with their enquiries.”


Cults Academy, Aberdeen

The police force added: “Enquiries into the circumstances of the incident are ongoing and officers will remain at the scene for the time being. Next of kin are aware but no other details are available at this time.”


Police surround the school

Chief Inspector Graeme Mackie said: “This is a shocking and extraordinary incident for Aberdeen and firstly our thoughts are with the family and friends of the boy who has sadly lost his life today. A full and thorough enquiry is underway has been launched and there will be a police presence in the area for the foreseeable future. We are working closely with the education authorities and wider community as I am sure this incident will be felt not only in Aberdeen but much further afield.”

In 2008, Cults Academy, which is the largest state school in Aberdeen, was the recipient of The Sunday Times’ Scottish state secondary school of the year award, due to its outstanding exam results.

According to the Mirror, worried parents were seen racing to the school following the incident.

A spokeswoman for Aberdeen City Council added: “We are aware of a serious incident at Cults Academy. Due to the nature of this incident, we will not be issuing further comment.”

Guy gets drunk, accidentally buys flight to Brazil, has an awesome time



Most drunken impulse purchases are followed by immediate and immense regret, but not this one.

Bank worker Jamie Ather had a bit of a wild night out in Glasgow recently, only to wake up and realise he had bought a £520 flight to Brazil.

The 24-year-old tried to get his money back, but the airline refused to refund him, so Jamie decided to pack his bags and head to South America.

He didn’t regret it.

Jamie walked the Machu Pichu trail, hung out with sloths in the jungle, and partied in Rio de Janeiro.

He uploaded pictures from his incredible trip to his Instagram account (Warning: looking at his pictures will result in some serious Fomo).


Speaking to the Daily Record, Jamie said: ‘Visiting the sloth sanctuary was one of the highlights – I completely fell in love with the animals.

‘It was just an odd little place run by an old Brazilian woman in the middle of nowhere. I ended up staying for a couple of days and helping out with the sloths that had been rescued from poachers.’

For Jamie, the incredible trip wasn’t just a bit of a jolly, but also a boost to his confidence.

He said: ‘Everyone who knows me knows that I was so nervous about going to South America on my own, so it has given me loads of confidence to have gone and actually had an amazing time.

‘It has really made me realise that you just need to take risks sometimes and get over your fear if you want to get the most from life.’


Officer dubbed ‘PC Strumpet’ sacked after ‘seducing 82-year-old for £100,000 inheritance’

CHARLES YATES STORY West Mercia police officer Clare Stretton (pictured) who has been accused of starting a sexual relationship and extracting £100,000 from grieving octogenarian Charles Foulkes whom she met after taking on an official role during an investigation into his sonís murder.  PIC © Andrew Lloyd

CHARLES YATES STORY West Mercia police officer Clare Stretton (pictured) who has been accused of starting a sexual relationship and extracting £100,000 from grieving octogenarian Charles Foulkes whom she met after taking on an official role during an investigation into his sonís murder. PIC © Andrew Lloyd

A police officer dubbed PC Strumpet was sacked following her alleged seduction of a grieving elderly man.

PC Clare Stretton who was 37 at the time of the alleged seduction took place, is said to have groomed 82-year-old Charles Foulkes to get her hands on the £180,000 he inherited from his murdered son, Colin.

Stretton was sent to the Foulkes family home to guide the pensioner and his wife – who died months later – through the death and court case, but instead, she began to dress in mini-skirts and low-cut tops and encourage Mr Foulkes to buy condoms and Viagra, the family said.

West Mercia Police dismissed Stretton for misconduct when she was found to have a decade-long ‘inappropriate relationship’ with Mr Foulkes, who died in 2011.

CHARLES YATES STORY West Mercia police officer Clare Stretton who has been accused of starting a sexual relationship and extracting £100,000 from grieving octogenarian Charles Foulkes whom she met after taking on an official role during an investigation into his sonís murder.  Pictured is Charles Foulkes who died in 2011. PIC © Andrew Lloyd

CHARLES YATES STORY West Mercia police officer Clare Stretton who has been accused of starting a sexual relationship and extracting £100,000 from grieving octogenarian Charles Foulkes whom she met after taking on an official role during an investigation into his sonís murder. Pictured is Charles Foulkes who died in 2011. PIC © Andrew Lloyd

Mr Foulkes three daughters appealed to the Independent Police Complaints Commission for action to be taken against Stretton. They also took her to the High Court in an effort to take back the £100,000 they said Stretton took from their ailing father.

They won the case earlier this year and were awarded unspecified damages.

‘The West Mercia force closed ranks to protect a fellow officer but justice has now been done,’ the family solicitor, Nick Turner, told The Sun.

NBA’S GLEN RICE JR. SHOT IN LEG In Gunfight At T.I.’s Restaurant


The man who was shot in the leg at T.I.‘s Atlanta restaurant is former NBA player Glen Rice Jr. — son of Glen Rice.

We broke the story … a fight broke out at Scales 925 on Sunday night … after a verbal argument inside the eatery spilled out into the parking lot.

During the incident, shots were fired … and Rice was shot in the leg.

Cops say they have footage showing Rice running from the scene of the crime and ditching a gun by throwing it on a stairwell.

Rice was shown on footage getting into a Porsche and leaving the scene.

Police responded and pulled over the Porsche and found Rice Jr. bleeding from the leg — while in possession of 240 grams of marijuana and $6,000 in cash.

He’s been charged with reckless conduct and possession of weed.

Rice Jr. was a 2nd round pick in the 2013 NBA Draft … and was waived by the Washington Wizards back in January. We’re told Rice Jr. was exploring options to play overseas.

BTW, cops say the man who picked up Rice Jr. in the Porsche is Steven Pryor … who was connected to Rice in a 2012 incident involving a gun.

According to reports, Rice was leaving Halo Lounge near the Georgia Tech campus in 2012 in a Cadillac Escalade when cops responded to shots fired.

When cops pulled over the Caddy, Pryor was a passenger in the car and admitted to firing a shot from a 9mm pistol but insisted it was an accident.

Pryor was arrested and charged with discharge of a firearm while under the influence.

Rice was also charged with a crime from the incident — permitting unlawful operation of a vehicle. He was kicked off the Georgia Tech basketball team as a result.

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R.Kelly Sued!


pissed off a concert promoter by pulling out of an upcoming show, and stiffing the guy on his hefty deposit … this according to the promoter who just hit Kelly with a Texas-sized lawsuit.

Darryl Austin says he hand delivered a $100k deposit to Kelly’s team in January for him to headline an April concert in Dallas. According to the docs … when February rolled around R. Kelly’s rep played dumb and claimed to know nothing about the show.

Austin says the real insult came when the self-proclaimed Pied Piper of R&B returned the deposit … $30,000 SHORT!!

Austin wants the court to either force Kelly to do the show … or pay back the dough.


Floyd Mayweather’s manager confirms star’s retirement as undefeated champion purchases new car worth $3.5m

Floyd Mayweather has retired and will not be making a comeback, ruling out a rematch with Manny Pacquiao or a bout with Amir Khan, according to his manager.

The announcement, made by Mayweather Promotions CEO Leonard Ellerbe on Monday, has put to bed any chance of a return to the ring for the undefeated champion, whose career included 49 wins.

Ellerbe made the claim on Twitter and tweeted: ‘Floyd Mayweather is RETIRED, end of discussion.’2D9DFD8E00000578-3291023-Mayweather_is_all_smiles_as_he_continued_to_enjoy_his_retirement-a-3_1445910469737 2DD296C100000578-3291023-Ellerbe_took_to_Twitter_on_Monday_night_to_confirm_Mayweather_wo-a-5_1445910683984 2DD19CD500000578-0-image-a-2_1445909853414

View Floyds Retirement Video

Welcome To Zaqistan: Robot Guards New Nation

A New York man is attempting to build his own sovereign nation in a remote four-acre patch of Utah.

Zaq Landsberg has created the Republic of Zaqistan in Box Elder County after buying the land on eBay for $610.

The fledgling nation includes its own yellow and red flag, official-looking passports and a border patrol gate guarded by a giant robot sentry, KSL-TV reported.

Zaq Landsberg attempts to create nation of Zaqistan in Utah desert

Zaqistan has its own yellow and red flag. Pic: Mike DeBernardo/KSL-TV

At one stage – for three weeks – it even held its first embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina, hosted inside a contemporary art museum.

Mr Landsberg, who is President of Zaqistan, said he was amazed at how remote the area was after buying the brush-covered stretch of desert in 2005.

He told KSL-TV: “The conceptual goal is I want it to become a real country.

“I mean, that goal is not going to happen. It’s impossible, but going through the motions, (I’m) trying to make that happen.”

Visitors to Zaqistan, which is 60 miles from the nearest town, 15 miles from any paved road and a two-mile hike from the nearest dirt road, can purchase official passports costing $40, which will even be stamped as you leave the area.

Mr Landsberg pays property taxes to Box Elder County, which he refers to as tributes, and says his art project is aimed at seeing how far he can push the boundaries of land ownership and sovereignty.

He told the TV station: “My goal is to, like, probe those little areas. To try and find what that does mean.

“Zaqistan works the best, I think, when it’s wedged up against the real world, and when the passports circulate.

“Out here, it’s not that crazy of an idea to have your own little spot, and to do your own thing and to have your own space and the privacy to do that.”

Zaqistan lists water as its main import and has an unofficial motto which reads: “Something from nothing”.

Darth Vader supporter Chewbacca arrested in Ukraine

Policemen detain a person dressed as Star Wars character Chewbacca during a regional election near a polling station in Odessa, Ukraine,

It’s a sentence we never thought we’d write, but here goes: Chewbacca has been arrested in Ukraine after police say they caught him campaigning for Darth Vader.

A candidate, using the identity of the Star Wars Sith Lord has been running in local elections in the city of Odessa.

It’s claimed the man dressed as Chewbacca had broken election day rules by campaigning on voting day.

It’s being reported Chewbacca was fined the equivalent of a fiver.

He’d arrived at a polling station along with the candidate when police stepped in.

It’s not.

Darth Vader at a polling booth

Image caption Mr Vader at a polling station in Odessa

In fact if, like us, you follow every tiny detail of Ukrainian local politics you’ll know this isn’t the first time.

Chewbacca himself, along with Padme Amidala and Yoda, have all appeared on ballot papers.

It’s thanks to the Internet Party of Ukraine who, for a few years, having been injecting a lighter side to Ukraine’s tense political situation.

In the past Darth Vader’s been seen being driven through the country’s capital Kiev with stormtroopers by his side. Obviously.

He’s also been known to blast the film’s Imperial March through loud speakers.

But whoever he (she?) is, he has a serious side. In addition to pledging to build a “galactic empire” he’s also demanding more transparency in Ukrainian politics.

Darth Vader has even been given his own statue in Odessa.

The reworked statue of Darth Vader

The statue on this plinth used to be of Vladimir Lenin, the founder of the Soviet Union, who has remain a controversial figure among Ukrainians.

Lenin’s statue was removed under laws banning references to Ukraine’s communist past.

The sculptor Oleksandr Milov told the AFP news agency the Darth Vader movement “has been at the centre of Ukrainians’ attention for many years”.

“There are plans to build a Wi-Fi router into the statue’s head so he can communicate with the other Siths,” he added.

Of course, you might think it’s odd Darth Vader was hoping to be elected mayor of Odessa.=Whether it’s a mayoral election or a parliamentary race it’s not clear if the same person is behind the mask each time Darth appears.

U.N. alerted after NASA spots ‘baby polar bear’ walking on Mars


The U.N. has been alerted after NASA found an actual baby polar bear on Mars – with hair and everything.

We should point out that they have been alerted by Scott C Waring, a UFO fan and tireless defender of the human race who has previously spotted crabs, a weird ‘dark lady’, and a statue of Buddha on the Red Planet.

If Waring is right, NASA has a lot of questions to answer – like, do the bears eat the space crabs? Are the bears Buddhists? Where do Martian bears, er, relieve themselves?


Waring writes on UFO Sightings Daily, ‘There is a reason NASA puts photos into black and white. To hide the living creatures and plants that are an obvious color. This is a great example of that. This creature has real hair as seen from the shadows around its body. That means it is not a statue, but a living creature.’

'Bear' seen on Mars
Incredible (Picture NASA/UFO Sightings Daily/Metro)

‘I will send this to the Secretary General of the United Nations at @SecGen Ban Ki-moon of the UN. I often alert them about these amazing discoveries, but as of yet have gotten only one answer, which was him asking me to send it to the @UN account and not his @SecGen account, then another general at the UN followed me that same day…apparently worried I was off my rocker. So…I try, share this with the world please. Help them open their eyes to the truth.’


Couple ‘poo-bombed’ by plane flying over their house


A couple has spoken about their house being ‘poo-bombed’ when a big block of ice crashed into their house.

Keith and Ruth Mead, from Melksham, Wiltshire, are now facing getting repairs done to their roof after the chunk of faeces and urine smashed onto their roof.

Keith, 70, said: ‘On our insurance forms do we put “house hit by frozen urine and poo”… will they believe us?’

They heard a loud bang when the poo-ball hit their house and initially thought there had been a car crash.


Keith found a chunk of ice with brown streaks a few feet away from his house.

Ruth was in the attic room at the time, but escaped unhurt.

She said: ‘It was a horrendous noise, you can’t really describe it. I thought someone had crashed into the front of the house.

The Civil Aviation Authority say incidents like this are relatively rare.

In comparison to the 2.5 million flights a year in UK airspace, approximately 25 ice falls per year are reported to the CAA, said a spokesman.

‘Most hated man in America’ gets a dose of karma with $1 rival drug

Martin Shkreli, chief investment officer of MSMB Capital Management, sits for a photograph behind a chess board in New York, U.S., on Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011. MSMB made an unsolicited $378 million takeover bid for Amag Pharmaceuticals Inc. and said it will fire the drugmaker's top management if successful. Photographer: Paul Taggart/Bloomberg via Getty Images ***Local Caption ** Martin Shkreli

Martin Shkreli, chief investment officer of MSMB Capital Management, sits for a photograph behind a chess board in New York, U.S., on Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2011. MSMB made an unsolicited $378 million takeover bid for Amag Pharmaceuticals Inc. and said it will fire the drugmaker’s top management if successful. Photographer: Paul Taggart/Bloomberg via Getty Images ***Local Caption ** Martin Shkreli

Imprimis Pharmaceuticals, we salute you.

The drugs company has launched a $1 pill to treat Aids and cancer patients, weeks after a rival firm jacked up the cost of its tablets from $13.50 to $750.

It comes as a welcome relief after the 5,500% price hike of life-saving drug Daraprim.

Martin Shkreli, chief executive of Turing Pharmaceuticals – which makes Daraprim – was universally criticised after the price increase.

Forbes Magazine branded him ‘the most hated man in America’, and critics hope he’s got his comeuppance.

The drug is used to treat Aids and cancer while patients are in chemotherapy, but the price went up after Shkerli acquired the patent for it.

Mark Baum, Imprimis’ chief executive, said the company would be targeting drug companies that make treatments unaffordable.

He told Associated Press: ‘We are looking at all of these cases where the sole-source generic companies are jacking the price way up. There’ll be many more of these.’

The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and the HIV Medicine Association both branded the Daraprim price hike ‘unjustifiable’.

But Shkreli seems happy to remain the villain of the piece.

When US Uncut approached him for a comment, his response was simply: ‘lol’.

Guy finds stranger in his bed and is remarkably cool about it!


This guy’s a little bit confused. He was found sleeping in a stranger’s bed.

But what’s most awesome about it all is just how cool the real owner of the bed is about it.

After betting with the stranger in his room that he’s in the wrong house, there’s a clue about how the confusion came about.

The stranger says ‘I used to live in this house’.

The guy filming it all realises that his visitor is somewhat confused and even offers to let him stay in a spare bed.

What a gent.

Hurricane and Tropical Cyclones

Rank Name Year Category Deaths
1. Great Galveston Hurricane (TX) 1900 4 8000
2. FL (Lake Okeechobee) 1928 4 2500
3. Katrina (LA/MS/FL/GA/AL) 2005 3 1200
4. Cheniere Caminanda (LA) 1893 4 1100-1400
5. Sea Islands (SC/GA) 1893 3 1000-2000
6. GA/SC 1881 2 700
7. Audrey (SW LA/N TX) 1957 4 416
8. Great Labor Day Hurricane (FL Keys) 1935 5 408
9. Last Island (LA) 1856 4 400
10. Miami Hurricane (FL/MS/AL/Pensacola) 1926 4 372
11. LA (Grand Isle) 1909 4 350
12. FL (Keys)/S. TX 1919 4 287#
13.. LA (New Orleans) 1915 4 275
13. TX (Galveston) 1915 4 275
15. Camille (MS/LA) 1969 5 256
15.. New England 1938 3* 256
17. Diane (NE U.S.) 1955 1 184
18. GA, SC, NC 1898 4 179
19. TX 1875 3 176
20. SE FL 1906 2 164
21. Indianola (TX) 1886 4 150
22. MS/AL/Pensacola 1906 3 134
23. FL, GA, SC 1896 3 130
24. Agnes (NE U.S.) 1972 1 122
25. Hazel (SC/NC) 1954 4* 95
26. Betsy (SE FL/SE LA) 1965 3 75
27. Great Atlantic Hurricane 1944 3* 64@
28. Carol (NE U.S.) 1954 3* 60
29. Floyd (NC) 1999 4 56
30. NC 1883 2 53
ADDENDUM (Not U.S. Mainland Atlantic Coast):
2. San Ciriaco (Puerto Rico) 1899 3 3369
6. San Narcico (Puerto Rico, V.I.) 1867 3 811
6. San Lorenzo (Puerto Rico) 1852 1 800
12. San Felipe (Puerto Rico) 1928 5 312
17. U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico 1932 2 225
25. Donna (St. Thomas, VI) 1960 4 107
25. San Gil (Puerto Rico) 1888 1 100


Man Utd Star Sues Over Look-A-Like Nazi Doll

A Chinese toy manufacturer is being sued by Germany’s football captain after it produced a look-a-like doll dressed in a Nazi uniform.

Manchester United midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger began legal proceedings after the figure named ‘Bastian’ appeared on sale through Hong Kong based Dragon in Dreams (DID).

The company also sells figures depicting former Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin, British war leader Winston Churchill and civil-rights activist Martin Luther King.

Schweinsteiger sues Hong Kong company over Nazi doll. Pic:

Is it or isn’t it? The doll said to resemble Schweinsteiger

A spokesman for the 31-year-old, who won the World Cup with Germany in 2014, told reporters he was taking legal action as German media angrily reacted at what they perceived to be a depiction of the player as a Nazi.

“Filth,” said Munich’s TZ newspaper while Stern magazine said “Scandal doll Bastian. That is what it looks like,” next to a picture of the doll.

The resemblance to Germany captain Schweinsteiger is striking, although a spokesman for the company has insisted that it is purely coincidental.

“We think that all Germans look like that. Bastian is also a very common name in Germany,” spokesman Patrick Chan told Bild.

Schweinsteiger sues Hong Kong company over Nazi doll. Pic:

The doll is available with different uniforms and kits

Media lawyer Ulrich Amelung told Bild that the doll was “a clear violation of Schweinsteiger’s personality rights” and “constituted a gross defamation and insult”.

However users on the action figure community website One Sixth Warriors appeared to react more positively to the doll.

User Mailalan said: “I like everything about this one. This one has lots of nicely done small details. I really like it. I agree that it is Bastian Schweinsteiger, the nose gives it away.”

Schweinsteiger is among the most successful German footballers of his generation, having won the Champions League with Bayern Munich in 2013 as well as numerous domestic league and German Cup titles before joining Manchester United in the summer.

Church Emerges From Water During Drought

The ruins of a 16th century colonial church in Mexico have emerged from beneath the surface of a reservoir during a drought.

A lack of rain in the southern state of Chiapas has seen levels in the man-made lake drop by 75ft (25m), revealing the remains of the building dating from the mid-1500s.

The church was submerged in 1966 following the completion of the dam.

It is the second time the church has been revealed by receding waters.

In 2002 the level fell so low people could actually walk inside the building.

Fisherman Leonel Mendoza recalled: “The people celebrated.

“They came to eat, to hang out, to do business. I sold them fried fish. They did processions around the church.”

The church, built by monks headed by Friar Bartolome de la Casas, was linked to the nearby monastery of Tecpatan, founded in 1564.

It was located on the King’s Highway, a road designed by Spanish conquistadors which was still in use until the 20th century.

Measuring 183ft in length, 42ft wide and with walls 30ft high, the bell tower rises to 48ft above the ground.

Archaeologist Carlos Navarrete said: “Most probably the church was abandoned due to the big plagues of 1773-1776. It was a catastrophe.”

A previous dig revealed a mass burial site with the remains of plague victims.

Lego factories hit brick wall as Christmas worries build


Some children may not see their Christmas wishes fulfilled this year, as Lego’s factories, although running at full speed, may not be able to make enough plastic bricks to keep up with the demand from Europe’s toy stores.

The Danish company has become the world’s largest toymaker by sales, overtaking Mattel, the US manufacturer whose toys include Barbie dolls.

Lego’s success is thanks partly to toys linked to movies, including The Lego Movie. But difficulties in forecasting demand accurately means some orders may not be filled on time.

“We will not be able to deliver all of the orders coming from customers in the remainder of the year,” said spokesman for Lego, Roar Trangbaek. He did not specify which lines of toys or which countries would be affected.

Trangbaek said the company would be able to deliver the orders it had already received but may have trouble filling new orders later this year.

“It is really extraordinary and it has exceeded both ours and our customers’ forecasts,” Trangbaek said when asked why the company had not foreseen the surge in demand.

The Danish company’s sales grew by 18% in the first half of this year to 14bn Danish crowns (£1.36bn), putting it ahead of Mattel and Monopoly-board maker Hasbro, whose revenues came in at $1.9bn (£1.23bn) and $1.5bn respectively.

“We are running our factories at maximum capacity and will do everything we can to meet demand,” Trangbaek said.

The unlisted company, owned by the family of founder Ole Kirk Kristiansen, invested more than 3bn crowns in plants and equipment last year to manufacture more toys. Before Christmas last year, there were some shortages in some countries including Denmark and Canada.

The company is building a factory in Jiaxing, China, 100km from Shanghai, which is expected to be up and running in 2017 and should go on to produce most of the Lego toys for Asia. Lego already has factories in Denmark, Hungary, Czech Republic and Mexico.


Lamar Odom transported to LA hospital with Khloé Kardashian by his side

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The basketball star’s health is improving gradually – he is able to breathe on his own without the help of a ventilator and can move his arms and legs. He has also passed a swallowing test, a promising sign of neurological function, and has communicated using hand signals.

The athlete has reportedly managed to say “Hey baby” and “Good morning” to Khloé since waking up, although he is still struggling to communicate and writes on note paper. “He whispers but doesn’t talk,” a source told In Touch.
The former Lakers player is still on dialysis due to kidney failure, and is not yet able to stand up. He will need “a lot” of rehabilitation in the coming months.

Lamar’s move to Los Angeles will help Khloé, 31, remain close throughout his rehabilitation. The E! star has not left his side since he was admitted on Tuesday, and a source told E! News, “She goes everywhere with him. If Lamar leaves the room for testing, she follows.”
Khloé has remained by Lamar’s side since she flew out to Nevada to be with him
Lamar woke from a coma on Friday after being found unconscious in a legal brothel last week, having suffered a drug overdose.

Khloé has since been working with doctors to ensure that her ex-partner receives the best possible care, the source added, while another insider said that Khloé “won’t leave his side”.

Since being admitted into hospital, Lamar’s family has been rooting for his recovery. His two children Destiny and Lamar Odom Jr and their mother Liza Morales flew to Nevada to be with him, as well as the Kardashians.

Mutant extra-muscular dogs created by Chinese scientists


Chinese scientists have created genetically-engineered, extra-muscular dogs, after editing the genes of the animals for the first time.

The scientists create beagles that have double the amount of muscle mass by deleting a certain gene, reports the MIT Technology Review. The mutant dogs have “more muscles and are expected to have stronger running ability, which is good for hunting, police (military) applications”, Liangxue Lai, one of the researchers on the project, told the magazine.

Now the team hope to go on to create other modified dogs, including those that are engineered to have human diseases like muscular dystrophy or Parkinson’s. Since dogs’ anatomy is similar to those of humans’, intentionally creating dogs with certain human genetic traits could allow scientists to further understand how they occur.

To create the dogs, researchers edit out the myostatin gene. If that is inhibited, animals can gain significantly more muscle mass and become much stronger than usual.


Recent developments in genome editing allow scientists to edit out or change genes relatively easily. The scientists said that the muscular dogs were mostly a proof of concept, and that they hope to go on to create more edited dogs.

The gene was found in 1997, when geneticists created a strain of mice that lacked it, leading the extra-muscular mice to be known as “knockout mice” or “mighty mice”.

The beagles, who will be kept at the Guangzhou General Pharmaceutical Research Institute, are from the first dogs to be seen with the genetic quirk. Losing the myostatin gene happens naturally in whippets, and leads to the creation of double-muscled “bully whippets” who are much more strong than standard animals.

The change can also happen very rarely for humans. Doctors reported around ten years ago that a child had been born with extra muscles and unusually strong, as a result of being born without the gene.

Man clung to woman’s hand for an hour to stop her jumping from M4 bridge


A rugby player clung on to a woman for more than an hour after she threatened to jump off a bridge.

Heroic Michael Owen held the woman’s hand as he tried to stop her plunging onto a busy motorway.

The brave 22-year-old was travelling with girlfriend Jemma when they noticed the distressed woman standing on the edge of a bridge near Chippenham, Wilts.

The woman had jumped over the bridge’s safety railings and was facing the busy M4 motorway below.

The 6ft 5ins bouncer said: “We were driving over the bridge when my partner pointed out a woman standing on the other side of the bridge.

“I immediately pulled over to try and slow down the traffic and to help her.

“I got to her and started talking to her. She was clearly very upset, so I just talked about anything I could think of with her.”

Michael said the “clearly upset” woman immediately seemed to calm down after hearing his broad Welsh accent.

He made sure he held on to her hand to make sure she didn’t slip, despite having broken his playing rugby.

Two fire engines were soon on the scene, but Michael stayed with the woman for more than an hour as she was too scared to climb down.

Michael said: “We waited a good hour, because she was too frightened to go down a ladder, so they needed to bring out a second engine.

“The police closed off the road and parked a lorry underneath the bridge, just in case she fell off.”

Back home in Cwmavon, South Wales, Michael’s sister, Sarah, said she couldn’t be prouder.

Sarah said: “I am just so proud of him for his actions, I could just burst with pride, and I know the entire family could too.

“He has an amazing personality and a huge heart, which is evident from his actions here.”

‘London In Peril’ From Drug Gang Turf Wars

London gangs with members as young as 12 are in “open warfare” – and the police have “lost control” of the streets.

These are among the damning claims made to Sky News following the shooting of a police officer in Hackney last week.

A recently retired sergeant who ran a gangs unit for the Metropolitan Police says up to 35 criminal outfits are operating in Hackney alone.

You can even find a Google Map that claims to show the areas in east London controlled by rival gangs.

And it is not just Londoners who should be concerned.

Darin Birmingham, who earned 23 commendations during 30 years in the Met, claims gangs are going “unchecked” as they export Class A drugs to UK towns and cities as far away as Aberdeen.

Former Met sergeant Darin Birmingham.

Former gangs unit sergeant Darin Birmingham says police have ‘lost control’

He blames budget cuts, changes to stop and search rules, and the increased focus on terrorism.

“These gangs are in open warfare,” Mr Birmingham told Sky News. “London is in peril and Boris should stand up.

“The Met is losing about 50 good policeman a week. Within 18 months they’re getting rid of the whole chief inspector rank to save money.

“I don’t think there is enough quality in the police anymore and they’ve lost control of these gangs.

“The main thing for them is now radicalisation, people going to Syria. Everything domestic has been forgotten about and these gangs have become stronger.”

Mr Birmingham – whose claims have been refuted by the Met – established Operation Aries in Croydon seven years ago to disrupt gangs who dealt in extortion, organised violence and hard drugs.

His tactic was to put “constant pressure” on gang members by interacting with them daily wherever they congregated – which in Croydon in 2008 meant the local chicken shops.

But the 51-year-old, who retired in 2013, feels recent changes in stop and search guidelines designed to protect the black community have made officers wary of engaging with local crews.

“If you go out and stop 10 people who are gang members and don’t find anything you’re likely to get a mark against your name saying you’ve only stopped people because they’re black.

“A lot of the guys now don’t want to get involved in stopping a BMW with four guys in the car – it’s going to be a load of grief.”

Mr Birmingham describes gangs as “like football teams with senior players and others as young as 12 coming through”.

These children might be persuaded to sell cannabis after school, and before long school itself becomes an extracurricular activity.

It is a path that leads to trading crack cocaine and buying a firearm to protect your business interests.

“The older gang members start to s**t themselves,” says Mr Birmingham.

“They’re not worried about blokes their own age, they’re worried about the young ones, the tinys. To get their rank they have to do something completely mad. They have to draw blood.

“These kids are chaotic. If they see two lads from another gang on the other side of the street they go over and stab them.”

Play video “What Happens On A Police Raid?”

Video: What Happens On A Police Raid?

The gangsters described by the former sergeant are fearless because of their youth and, sometimes, because they arrive in the UK from some of the most brutal parts of the world.

Mr Birmingham remembers arresting a teenager from Rwanda.

“He was 15 or 16 years old and he said he was in a mud hut with his family when the hutus came in, chopped his family to death and he hid under their bodies.

“He said to me, ‘Do you really think I’m worried about being punched in the face in Croydon?'”

The new breed of gangster does little to affect the old order, however, with several long-established gangs retaining broader control of the streets.

“Some of these gangs have been established 20 years,” said Mr Birmingham. “You’ve got the Tottenham Mandem, the Star Gang in Haringey; in Hackney you’ve got London Fields, Haggerston Fields. These are the people who control the smaller gangs.”

In response to Mr Birmingham’s claims, the Met told Sky News that budget cuts – amounting to £600m so far – meant there were “challenges”.

But a statement added that murder, robbery and firearm discharges had fallen.

“Any suggestion that the Met is failing to tackle gang crime is an inaccurate reflection of the work being carried out on a daily basis by officers,” the force said.

On stop and search, there was a recognition that a “balance needed to be reached”.

A Home Office statement said: “This Government is also taking action against gang and youth violence.

“We are already working with 43 local areas facing problems with gangs and youth violence. This work includes supporting a network of over 80 experts with frontline experience of dealing with gangs and drug dealing linked to organised crime.”


Man Dies On Flight After Biting Passenger

A man has died on a flight from Portugal to Ireland after becoming violent and biting a passenger who tried to help restrain him.

The 24-year-old was on an Aer Lingus flight from Lisbon to Dublin, which was forced to divert to Cork Airport.

Medics on board the flight were among those understood to have joined efforts to calm the man, who bit one of those battling to restrain him.

He is believed to have fallen unconscious while the plane was in the air and was pronounced dead at Cork Airport.

Passenger John Leonard said two nurses and a doctor had tried to resuscitate the man after the captain asked if there were any medics on board.

He told Cork’s 96fm: “After that it got worse I would say, his seizure seemed to get worse. He was actually on the ground shaking violently.

“The noise he was making was like something I have never heard before.

“It’s not something you’d hear everyday. It was like deep anguish is the best way I could describe it, very, very troubled.

“Not screaming in a sense you know if you’d hurt yourself or something, just a very guttural, from deep within him.”

A post-mortem examination is due to be carried out and may help establish whether the man suffered a seizure, had an underlying medical condition or whether there were other factors involved in his death.

A Portuguese woman in her forties who had been on the plane was arrested after the discovery of amphetamines and was questioned on suspicion of drugs offences at Togher Garda station in Cork city.

It is not known if she was travelling with the dead man.

There were 168 passengers and six crew members on board flight EI485, which landed safely at 5.40pm on Sunday.

Aer Lingus described the incident as a “medical emergency”.

It is understood that all passengers on the flight were interviewed by police following the landing.

Oscar Pistorius released from prison: latest

Former Olympian Oscar Pistorius has been released from prison in South Africa one day earlier than expected, after serving less than one year behind bars for the killing of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

epa04983795 (FILE) A file picture dated 19 August 2013 shows South African Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius as he appears in the Pretoria Magistrates court in Pretoria, South Africa. Oscar Pistorius will be released on house arrest on 20 October 2015, after spending one year in prison for shooting dead his girlfriend. The prison's parole board said the athlete would be released on the condition that he continued psychotherapy and adhered to a ban on his carrying a firearm. Pistorius fired four shots at Reeva Steenkamp through a locked toilet door at his home in Pretoria in the early hours of Valentine's Day  2013. She died at the scene.  EPA/STR *** Local Caption *** 51262773

Paralympic athlete Oscar Pistorius appears in court following the shooting of Reeve Steenkamp Photo: EPA

• Athlete released from prison one day early
• Will spend rest of his sentence under house arrest
• Luxury home where he will spend the next four years 
• Timeline of the tragedy

Oscar Pistorius out of jail and hunkered down at uncle’s house under “mansion arrest”

Oscar Pistorius is currently hunkered down at his uncle Arnold’s house in the leafy Pretoria suburb of Waterkloof, with media camped outside, after being released from prison one day early. He will spend the rest of his five year sentence under house arrest. His family is expected to release a statement on Tuesday. Reeva Steenkamp’s cousin has said the family would be prepared to meet him at the right time but think he has gotten off lightly after spending less than a year in prison for her killing.


Pistorius’s early release from prison has been criticised by women’s groups in South Africa. The ANC Women’s League said they were “disappointed” by the decision.

“We pin our hopes on the SCA to repeal the judgment and that Oscar must serve a sentence that would bring him back a changed man and an advocate for women’s rights in future,” it said in a statement.


In the days after Reeva Steenkamp’s killing, Gareth A Davis wrote this indepth profile of Oscar Pistorius, which is worth revisiting today.


Reeva Steenkamp’s cousin Kim Martin has told the BBC that the family might consider meeting Pistorius when the time is right but believe he is “getting off lightly” for the killing.


Why was he released early? 

It seems the prisons department wanted to sidestep a media scrum. This from AP:

The correctional services department had originally said Pistorius would be released from the Pretoria jail on Tuesday in line with a decision by a parole board at the prison. 

“The handling of the actual placement is an operational matter of the local management, and how they handle it is their prerogative that is carried out in the best interest of all parties concerned, the victims, the offender and the Department of Correction Services,” Manelisi Wolela, a spokesman for South Africa’s correctional services department, said.


Oscar ‘hunkered down’

Pistorius family spokesman Anneliese Burgess said that he was at his uncle Arnold’s house in Pretoria, adding that the family was “hunkered down”.

She said that the family would issue a statement later Tuesday.


The media have started to gather outside Oscar Pistorius’s uncle’s home, where he is serving the rest of his sentence under house arrest.

Pistorius might be out of prison but the case isn’t over. He faces a further test at the Supreme Court on November 3 when prosecutors will appeal for a murder conviction and a tougher sentence that could see him jailed for at least 15 years.


News of his release, and the manner in which Pistorius will be serving the rest of his sentence have not gone down well on Twitter.

It’s official: 

AP reports – “Oscar Pistorius was placed under correctional supervision tonight,” correctional services department spokesman Manelisi Wolela said in a statement.

“The handling of the actual placement is an operational matter of the local management, and how they handle it is their prerogative that is carried out in the best interest of all parties concerned, the victims, the offender and the Department of Correctional Services.”


As Aislinn Laing in Johannesburg wrote earlier today that Pistorius could seek to meet the family of Reeva Steenkamp following his release:

Michael Masutha, South Africa’s justice minister, suggested it would be an important part of his rehabilitation and their healing process, even if his victims’ relatives were reluctant. 

“I can tell you everybody else can try and comfort you, but it is especially the person who is the source of your pain, who making peace with is likely to bring the greatest healing,” he told ENCA. 


Gillian Parker has the details on Pistorius’s uncle’s house, in Waterkloof, an upmarket Pretoria suburb, where he will serve out his sentence:

In a leafy suburb outside South Africa’s capital Pretoria is a three-storey mansion, boasting sweeping verandas, landscaped grounds and a swimming pool. 

An aerial view of Oscar Pistorius uncles home in PretoriaAn aerial view of Oscar Pistorius uncles home in Pretoria  Photo: imphiwe Nkwali/Sunday Times/Gallo Images/Getty


Oscar Pistorius released

Well, that was unexpected. Oscar Pistorius has been released from prison one day early, catching the world’s media by surprise.

Here’s what we know so far:

Oscar Pistorius has been released from prison, one day earlier than expected, after serving less than one year behind bars for the killing of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

The former Olympian will serve the rest of his five year sentence under house arrest at his uncle’s home in Pretoria.

Pistorius’ lawyer Brian Webber confirmed the athlete’s release to NBC. 

Pistorius was convicted of killing Steenkamp on Valentine’s Day 2013 by shooting her through the closed door of a toilet in the home they shared.


25-Year-Old Nudie Model Has Zero Concept of How Life Works, Surprise Surprise

You know what’s sadder than a hugely prolific Playboy model capitalizing on her rise to fame because of Hugh Hefner’s mansion? A non-prolific Playboy model trying to capitalize on her brief time as a Playboy model … but that isn’t stopping 25-year-old Carla Howe from flapping her gums about what’s been happening in the Playboy mansion this decade.

During a recent interview, Howe opens up about how different the mansion is these days, with parties being more board games-style than loud music and debauchery … claiming, “Hef is so frail he goes everywhere with a group of nurses.”

She continues, claiming that Hugh would rather spend his time playing chess with friends and watching old movies more than anything else.

Honestly speaking, and not knowing if this is true at all, put yourself in Hef’s position — who would you rather spend time with, like-minded friends who’d enjoy their time with you doing the things you both enjoy, or hanging out with your lowliest of “employees,” with whom you share absolutely nothing? It wouldn’t be a wonder, to be sure.

This man’s gonna be 90 years old — what else would you expect from a man who’s likely lived out a vast majority of his life?

Shame on you, Howe, for slamming an elderly man in his twilight years.

Guess they don’t teach class wherever it is you come from.

In a Relationship: Is It OK to Be Attracted to Other People?

In a Relationship: Is It OK to Be Attracted to Other People?

Portrait of unhappy confused woman, couple, flirting

Monogamy can be a challenge, but many of us sign up for it anyway to satisfy a fundamental need to love and be loved. Far from being a blind adherence to social norms, people around the world are still committing to each other for life despite increasingly negative opinions of monogamy.

More and more we are hearing scientific reports claiming that cheating may be in our DNA because that behavior has been studied in our closest relative. More and more, monogamy is scrutinized and judged as something that is holding us back from real meaning. But people forget what a great challenge marriage and lifelong partnerships actually can be.

In the Roman Catholic Church, marriage is considered the most sacred calling; marriage has such high status because there is so much sacrifice that goes into making a marriage and family work.

One of the greatest sacrifices in making monogamy work is forgoing the passing pleasure of other lovers. No matter how attracted we are to the one we love the most, as long as we have blood in our veins we will feel attraction and affection for other people. How are you supposed to feel if you are attracted to a person outside of your committed relationship, and what does it mean for your relationship?

Attraction matters

If you find yourself uniquely attracted to another person outside of your relationship, you can take a deep sigh of relief. It’s 100% normal. If you were to suddenly not be attracted to any person other than your spouse, there would be something wrong with you. But there can be a point at which attraction can overstep the boundaries of your relationship, and that is totally dependent on how you respond to the attraction.

Ignoring your feelings of attraction to other people is denying a fundamental aspect of your manhood: sexual desire. Your sexual desire is present so that you may create and extend the range of human experience through family and children. If you pretend that desire doesn’t exist, you are setting yourself up for trouble.

When you were single, the best way you could act on attraction would be to explore different people, to get to know them, and choose one you could partner with for life. But once you’ve already made the effort and commitment to grow with one person, what do you do with attraction to others?

I don’t think your spouse expects you to stop being attracted to others, and if that is the case, that would signal a major problem of distrust. One thing your partner would like is for you to remember how lucky you are to build a life together. You can use attraction to others as a reminder of the greatest love you have. This takes discipline, but if you can master your response to attraction then it will be something that actually improves the relationship with the one you love most.

One common complaint from women is that they feel lusted after and objectified by male culture. That isn’t too much of a surprise with how heavily conditioned men can be by pornography, but it can be changed with our thoughts. Women want and need to feel accepted and appreciated for who they really are — not just for how they look. This goes for extremely appealing women and plain-looking women alike. In reality, there is nothing plain about anyone because all people have an infinite universe inside of them waiting to be appreciated and explored.

Why Fat People Have Better Sex

#1 Science proves that fat men last longer in bed thanks to the hormone Estradiol.

Men with higher fat reserves produce more of this hormone, which inhibits orgasm. So sex just lasts longer when he’s chunky.

#2 On a subconscious level, he can’t resist her softness and curves.

74% of women surveyed said they just wouldn’t feel comfortable undressed in front of the perfect specimen of manliness.

#4 Overweight women are already in high demand as sexual parters.

A Survey of Family Growth (of 7,000 women) concluded that 92% of overweight women had been laid, as opposed to 87% of women with more standard dimensions.

#5 The long term benefits for overweight men: Relationship expert Tracey Cox says that women seek them out for marriage

“We feel more comfortable with a bit of flab over super toned abs. Women are already under extreme pressure to look a certain way and we figure that a man who appears less critical of his own appearance and obsessed with looks will be less critical of ours.”

London In Peril’ From Drug Gang Turf Wars


London gangs with members as young as 12 are in “open warfare” – and the police have “lost control” of the streets.

These are among the damning claims made to Sky News following theshooting of a police officer in Hackney last week.

A recently retired sergeant who ran a gangs unit for the Metropolitan Police says up to 35 criminal outfits are operating in Hackney alone.

You can even find a Google Map that claims to show the areas in east London controlled by rival gangs.

And it is not just Londoners who should be concerned.

Darin Birmingham, who earned 23 commendations during 30 years in the Met, claims gangs are going “unchecked” as they export Class A drugs to UK towns and cities as far away as Aberdeen.


He blames budget cuts, changes to stop and search rules, and the increased focus on terrorism.

“These gangs are in open warfare,” Mr Birmingham told Sky News. “London is in peril and Boris should stand up.


“The Met is losing about 50 good policeman a week. Within 18 months they’re getting rid of the whole chief inspector rank to save money.

“I don’t think there is enough quality in the police anymore and they’ve lost control of these gangs.

“The main thing for them is now radicalisation, people going to Syria. Everything domestic has been forgotten about and these gangs have become stronger.”

Mr Birmingham – whose claims have been refuted by the Met – established Operation Aries in Croydon seven years ago to disrupt gangs who dealt in extortion, organised violence and hard drugs.

His tactic was to put “constant pressure” on gang members by interacting with them daily wherever they congregated – which in Croydon in 2008 meant the local chicken shops.

But the 51-year-old, who retired in 2013, feels recent changes in stop and search guidelines designed to protect the black community have made officers wary of engaging with local crews.

“If you go out and stop 10 people who are gang members and don’t find anything you’re likely to get a mark against your name saying you’ve only stopped people because they’re black.

“A lot of the guys now don’t want to get involved in stopping a BMW with four guys in the car – it’s going to be a load of grief.”

Mr Birmingham describes gangs as “like football teams with senior players and others as young as 12 coming through”.

These children might be persuaded to sell cannabis after school, and before long school itself becomes an extracurricular activity.

It is a path that leads to trading crack cocaine and buying a firearm to protect your business interests.

“The older gang members start to s**t themselves,” says Mr Birmingham.

“They’re not worried about blokes their own age, they’re worried about the young ones, the tinys. To get their rank they have to do something completely mad. They have to draw blood.

“These kids are chaotic. If they see two lads from another gang on the other side of the street they go over and stab them.”

The gangsters described by the former sergeant are fearless because of their youth and, sometimes, because they arrive in the UK from some of the most brutal parts of the world.

Mr Birmingham remembers arresting a teenager from Rwanda.

“He was 15 or 16 years old and he said he was in a mud hut with his family when the hutus came in, chopped his family to death and he hid under their bodies.

“He said to me, ‘Do you really think I’m worried about being punched in the face in Croydon?'”

The new breed of gangster does little to affect the old order, however, with several long-established gangs retaining broader control of the streets.

“Some of these gangs have been established 20 years,” said Mr Birmingham. “You’ve got the Tottenham Mandem, the Star Gang in Haringey; in Hackney you’ve got London Fields, Haggerston Fields. These are the people who control the smaller gangs.”

In response to Mr Birmingham’s claims, the Met told Sky News that budget cuts – amounting to £600m so far – meant there were “challenges”.

But a statement added that murder, robbery and firearm discharges had fallen.

“Any suggestion that the Met is failing to tackle gang crime is an inaccurate reflection of the work being carried out on a daily basis by officers,” the force said.

On stop and search, there was a recognition that a “balance needed to be reached”.

A Home Office statement said: “This Government is also taking action against gang and youth violence.

“We are already working with 43 local areas facing problems with gangs and youth violence. This work includes supporting a network of over 80 experts with frontline experience of dealing with gangs and drug dealing linked to organised crime.”

Poison Deaths: Alleged Serial Killer In Court


An alleged serial killer has appeared in court charged with drugging and killing four young men said to have been contacted on gay websites.

Stephen Port, 40, is accused of murdering the victims over a 15-month period in Barking, East London.

All four men died from an overdose of the sedative GHB, known as a ‘date-rape drug’.

Mr Port of Cooke Street, Barking, is accused of killing art student Anthony Walgate, 23, Slovakian-born artist Gabriel Kovari, 22, trainee chef Daniel Whitworth, 21, and forklift truck driver Jack Taylor, 25.


He is also charged with administering poison with intent to endanger life or inflict grievous bodily harm.

On his Facebook page he says he works as a special needs catering teacher at a college of further education in Westminster.

He also says he was educated at Oxford University.


Mr Port, tall and balding, appeared in court without his wig and dressed in a police issue grey track suit. He was asked only to confirm his name, address and date of birth.

He lives at a small, ground floor flat on an estate in Barking, where neighbours said they saw little of him.

A week ago police issued a CCTV image of a suspect who was thought to have met the last victim, Mr Taylor, near Barking station the day before the discovery of his body.


:: Jack Taylor from Dagenham was found near the Abbey Ruins close to North Street in Barking on 14 September 2015.

:: Anthony Walgate from Barnet, was pronounced dead after being discovered on Cooke Street in Barking on 19 June 2014.

:: Gabriel Kovari, from Lewisham, was found by a dog walker near the graveyard of St Margaret’s Church in Barking on 28 August 2014.

:: Daniel Whitworth, from Gravesend in Kent, was discovered by the same dog walker near the graveyard on 20 September 2014.

One victim was found clutching a suicide note, but it’s understood that is now subject to more forensic tests.

A year ago a detective investigating the discovery of three bodies in a month, and within a mile of each other, said the deaths were “unusual, but not suspicious.”

Mr Port was charged on Sunday night and appeared on Monday at Barkingside Magistrates Court, where he was remanded in custody.

He will appear again at the Old Bailey on Wednesday.

Mum Pushes Son, 11, In Front Of Oncoming Train!!!


An 11-year-old boy has serious injuries after his mother pushed him in front of an approaching train.

According to German media reports, travellers watched as the boy fell onto the tracks at Hamburg’s Hoheluftbruecke railway station on Sunday.

The driver was unable to stop in time and the boy’s leg was crushed under the wheels.

His mother, known only as 31-year-old Jana, then attempted to flee but was quickly apprehended by police, Germany’s Bild newspaper reported.

According to Bild, it took rescue services almost 40 minutes to free the boy, who has been named as 11-year-old Leon, from underneath the train.

He is understood to have remained conscious throughout the ordeal.

Hamburg Police told Sky News the boy remains in a severe condition, but did not suffer life-threatening injuries. They would not comment on local media reports that doctors have had to amputate the boy’s leg.

His mother is currently undergoing a psychiatric evaluation amid reports that she is suffering from a psychological condition.

A newspaper vendor who witnessed the incident told the Hamburger Morgenpost newspaper she was “completely hysterical” as she was taken from the scene.

Miss BUM BUM Pageant Protest against Playboy!

The ladies from Brazil’s Miss BUM BUM contest wanted to let Hugh Hefner know they’re not happy about the decision to cut all nudity from the mag. So send him the photo as a protes.

Yeah, they’re not nude either, but are you really complaining? You might wanna bust it open to get his attention ladys. just a thought.

Read more:

Police officer shot and wounded in Hackney, East London


A police officer has been rushed to hospital after being shot and injured in Hackney, East London.

The officer was part of an operation from the Met Police Specialist Firearms Command and Trident Area Command in Scriven Streat when he was shot.

A man has been arrested close to the scene and is being questioned by police.

Scotland Yard said in a statement: ‘A male police officer, no further details at this time, has been taken to an east London hospital suffering a gunshot wound (a condition update will follow in due course). Next of kin have been informed.


Off-the-Court Losses: The Tragic Life of Lamar Odom

As NBA player-turned-reality star Lamar Odom remained on a ventilator Thursday after collapsing at a Nevada brothel, his precarious condition highlights a life that seemed to have it all — but was too often undercut by heartbreak and tragedy.

His mother died of cancer when he was 12; his youngest of three children died at 6 months; and two close friends succumbed to drug-related incidents this summer.

Odom had checked into the Love Ranch brothel on Saturday, and was found Tuesday night lying face down and foaming at the mouth in his VIP suite, authorities said. Dennis Hof, the owner of the legal bordello, told NBC News that the 35-year-old athlete was using a sex stimulant he referred to as “herbal Viagra.”

Sources close to Odom told E! that the estranged husband of Khloé Kardashian and former Los Angeles Laker, who has been in and out of rehab over the years, was found with multiple drugs in his system. They said he suffered a stroke and brain damage, but is not brain dead.

This latest downward spiral has added another layer to how a gifted baller once billed as the next Magic Johnson could appear to hit rock bottom so many times.

“This really takes me over. Lamar is just 35,” his paternal grandmother, Florence Odom, told NBC News on Wednesday. “It’s really shocked me. I don’t know what he was doing. Well, he’s a man … Only God knows.”

The dark side of drugs was introduced to Odom at a young age in his native Queens, New York, after his estranged father, Joe Odom, became addicted to heroin, according to a 2009 Sports Illustrated profile.

His mother, Cathy, died from colon cancer when he was 12 — it was the release of being on a basketball court that helped him cope.

In an online post in 2013 — in response to his father reportedly calling his turbulent marriage to Kardashian the “worst mistake” of his life — Odom made it clear who nurtured him when he needed it most.

“He was absent ALL of my life due to his own demons,” Odom wrote of his dad. “My mother and grandmother raised me. Queens raised me.”

Odom’s ball skills took him from the playgrounds of Queens to prep schools in Florida to the University of Nevada at Las Vegas. But troubles academically and off the court, including a citation for soliciting prostitution, plagued Odom before he transferred to the University of Rhode Island.

Following his freshman year, the 6-foot-10 Odom decided to make a play for the pros, and was selected by the Los Angeles Clippers in 1999 as the fourth overall pick. In just a couple of years, the roar of the crowd faded for him after he was suspended twice within eight months for smoking marijuana.

“I’ve made a couple (of mistakes) and I may make a couple again, but hopefully they won’t be as big as this one,” Odom told reporters at the time.

Image: LA Laker forward Lamar Odom shoots as he is guarded by Boston Celtics
Los Angeles Lakers forward Lamar Odom shoots as he is guarded by Boston Celtics’ Tony Allen, left, and Rasheed Wallace during Game 7 of the NBA finals on June 17, 2010. Mark J. Terrill / AP

After a short stint with the Miami Heat, Odom’s career rebounded with the Lakers from 2004-11, as he pounded the hardwood alongside superstars Kobe Bryant and Metta World Peace. They won the 2009 and 2010 NBA championships, and Odom was honored with the NBA’s Sixth Man of the Year award in 2011.

But the victories on the court as a fan favorite have been marred by tragedies off.

In 2003, Odom’s maternal grandmother Mildred, who helped raise him, died — she inspired him to wear his lucky No. 7 jersey. Three years later, his 6-month-old son, Jayden, died from sudden infant death syndrome while sleeping in his crib.

In 2011, a 24-year-old cousin he was close with was murdered while Odom was in New York to shoot a Nike commercial. And after attending his cousin’s funeral, Odom was a passenger in an SUV that was in an accident that claimed a 15-year-old pedestrian’s life.

“Death always seems to be around me,” Odom told the Los Angeles Times in 2011. “I’ve been burying people for a long time. When I had to bury my child, I probably didn’t start grieving until a year and a half later.”

Amid the tumult, Odom gained notoriety by marrying Kardashian in 2009.

Their whirlwind romance — he was her “Lammy” — and lavish wedding was featured on the E! series, “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” and they starred together in a spinoff, “Khloé & Lamar.” But the limelight of celebrity only seemed to prop up Odom’s party-boy lifestyle.

Image: Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian
Retired NBA star Lamar Odom with his then-wife, reality TV personality Khloé Kardashian, at a fundraiser in Century City, California, in 2012. Frazer Harrison / Getty Images — file

He and Kardashian were regular tabloid fodder after reports of infidelity, a $1,000-a-day crack cocaine habit and a drunken driving arrest.

The glare under the paparazzi took a toll on their marriage, and Kardashian filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences, as Odom reportedly entered into rehab. The paperwork from a divorce agreement still hasn’t been processed, according to Los Angeles court records, and Kardashian has been at Odom’s bedside in Las Vegas.

Odom was last signed to play professional hoops for the New York Knicks for their 2013-14 season, but was dropped for failing to meet the team’s requirements. That scuttled his 14-year career.

This past summer, in another bout of misfortune, two of Odom’s close friends died a week apart in drug-related incidents.

Miami Heat star Dwyane Wade had played with Odom in 2004 and shared a friendship that continued even after they were no longer teammates.

Wade tweeted Wednesday that “everyone will ask why or say how could he do this or that.”

But, he added, “if you’re not walking in life thru his eyes, you will never know what it’s like.

The evolution of the Playboy woman’s body type from the 1950s to now

More people might start reading Playboy for its articles after The New York Times reported the magazine will start phasing nude women out of its pages by March 2016.

In the early days of Playboy, the magazine was must-buy material for anyone seeking titillation and female nudity. But now, the internet makes pornography and explicit images readily available to anyone with a connection. Playboy has been looking comparably tame.

Rather than moving in a more explicit direction, though, Playboy is trying to make its product less graphic and therefore safer to consume anywhere. Its website stopped publishing nude photos in August 2014, and its print edition is now following suit. Chief executive Scott Flanders hopes the redesign will help the company reach more millennials both online and in print.

It’s another change for a company that has been evolving since it was founded with a $1,000 loan from Hugh Hefner’s mother in 1953. By the ’60s, what had started as a men’s magazine had transformed into a burgeoning lifestyle brand with nightclubs, and its own homegrown celebrities. And later, for Hefner, it also included a rotating roster of gorgeous girlfriends.

The women celebrated by Playboy — from the models to Hef’s girlfriends — have also changed drastically throughout the decades as body types, hairstyles, and fashions have gone in and out of style. Over the years, the Playboy woman has become ever thinner and blonder, and now with the magazine’s mission in flux, it remains to be seen how this aesthetic will morph as Playboy looks toward the future.

Keep scrolling to see how the Playboy bunny has evolved from 1953 to today.

The first Playboy Club opened in Chicago in 1960. The women who worked there wore bunny ears, a satin one piece, black tights, a tail, a bow tie, and cufflinks. Here, Hugh Hefner poses with “bunny-girl” Bonnie Halpin at the Chicago nightclub in 1961.

The “Playmate of the Year” contest also started in the ’60s. The women of this decade ranged in age between 18 and 23 years old with an average height of 5’4”, average weight of 115 pounds, average waist of 22.7”, and average bust of 36”.

The Uber driver made famous by the NYT profile of Rihanna lives a fascinating life

Twitter was buzzing yesterday when the New York Times Style Magazine released the online version of its Rihanna cover interview.

Written by filmmaker and artist Miranda July, the story was bookended by July’s interactions with her Uber driver, Oumarou Idrissa, who coincidentally had also previously met Rihanna while working.

It turns out his meeting Rihanna was far from the only brush with fame he’s had. Idrissa says he has worked on a Beyoncé music video, driven the Kardashians around town, and met countless other celebrities, all while also coaching youth soccer and sending money back to his 21 siblings in Niger.

As noted in July’s piece, Idrissa immigrated to the United States from Niger about 10 years ago. He first lived in New York City in a studio apartment with 11 other people while being paid a little more than $3 an hour to shovel snow — the first snow he’d ever seen in his life.

“You have to do what you gotta do to survive,” he told us.

But he couldn’t stand the cold, so he moved to Los Angeles.

He started playing soccer in the park with strangers and they were impressed with his skills, so they introduced him to some college coaches. A coach at Long Beach City College was interested in having him join the team. Idrissa got a job coaching and refereeing kids.

He was able to start playing soccer for the college while also supporting his family at home — he has 21 siblings in Niger. Things were looking up, but then he faced some immigration issues when his student visa was denied because he’d overstayed the first one, he said.

“I was kind of like hiding every day,” he said of the time that followed. “I’m worried I’m going to get deported. I can’t sleep at night. I’m thinking, They’re coming, they’re coming, they’re coming.”

But those worries dissippated when he got married and obtained a green card. The marriage didn’t last, he told Tech Insider — but now Idrissa is a U.S. citizen.

Things got even more interesting when he found a job opportunity on Craigslist to become an Uber driver. Now he drives UberX and UberBlack — UberBlack is the highest ranking and is often used by the rich and famous — and meets plenty of celebrities while driving his car. He also tells us he attends parties with some of them, which is where he met Rihanna and the Kardashians, who he says are “very friendly.”

“When I drive, sometimes my client wants me to come in with them so I can wait for them,” he said. “So then I go in and some people think I’m rich. I get them to think I’m a basketball player. It’s funny sometimes.”

He does have one horror story about his time as an Uber driver.

Once, a famous former basketball player tried to stiff him for a $534 ride after asking Idrissa to drive him around for seven hours one night. He told Idrissa he’d pay him cash, then said he didn’t have any.

He offered to pay Idrissa the next morning on the way to the airport. But then, Idrissa went to pick him up and he never showed..

“I text him, I call him, he don’t answer,” Idrissa said. “He said, ‘Brother, I’m sorry, I’m gonna call you in 45 minutes.’ He never called.”

But Idrissa’s friend had a plan. He texted the athlete and told him he’d report the incident to TMZ if he got stiffed. It took two months, but the NBA player eventually sent Idrissa the money he owed him, he said — and then the check was bad. Eventually, though, he got the money.

“He’s like a multimillionaire basketball player,” Idrissa lamented. “But sometimes you meet good people.”

Eastcote bar stabbing murder suspect Shane O’Brien hunted

Detectives investigating the murder of a man in front of customers at a bar in London have named a suspect.

The public have been warned not to approach Shane O’Brien, who is wanted following the killing of Josh Hanson.

Mr Hanson, 21, of Kingsbury, north-west London, was killed at the RE bar in Eastcote, Hillingdon, early on Sunday.

Scotland Yard said up to 40 people were in the bar when he was killed and directly appealed to Mr O’Brien, 27, of Ladbroke Grove, to contact them.

Mr Hanson, a roads planner, was confirmed dead at the scene, after being stabbed in the neck at about 01:10 BST

He described Mr Hanson as “a hard-working young lad, up at 5am for his job as a roads planner and often working seven days a week”.

He said: “He had everything to live for and when he went out that Saturday night, no-one could have imagined what would happen to him. His family is in pieces.

“I would appeal directly to Shane to contact us, or ask that anyone who has seen him or who knows where he is to contact us as well.”

The day after Mr Hanson died, his mother Tracey said those who knew him had “only good things to say”.

“And this is being reflected in the offers of condolence to myself, his friends and family,” she said.

“Please, if you know anything, come forward and tell police who committed this horrific murder.”

Have you seen this, its a video called DEAR FAT PEOPLE!

Check out some reactions by clicking here.

Despite complaints about her controversial ‘fat-shaming’ rant

Nicole Arbour isn’t apologizing for a controversial video she posted on Sept. 3 called “Dear Fat People”—in fact, she feels proud she’s started a conversation about weight, body image and what it means to be a female comedian.

The controversial “fat-shaming” message in the video—which has racked up nearly three million views and spread rapidly on social media—drew swift reactions from YouTube starscomedians and columnists, who slammed Arbour for apparently mocking those who weigh more than she does.

But in an interview, Arbour, who has 159,000 YouTube subscribers, maintained that the video is satire and anyone who doesn’t realize that is missing the point.

“I feel it’s really important that we make fun of everybody,” she told TIME. “I think [what] brings us together and unites us as people is that we can poke fun at all of us.”

Much of the criticism of Arbour has focused on her lack of subtlety in discussing fat-shaming, obesity and health. In the video, she says people are entirely responsible—or, as her tone implies, to blame—for their own weight. Among Arbour’s lines that drew particular attention:

“I don’t feel bad for you because you are taking your body for granted… What are you going to do, fat people? What are you going to do? You going to chase me? I can get away from you by walking at a reasonable pace.”

Arbour doesn’t see her comments as bullying, but rather an intense form of truth-telling. She said she hopes the video convinces people to exercise and eat healthier, and she bristled at the idea that people had found her words offensive.

“I find seeing someone’s head being blown off offensive,” she said. “I find children starving in a country with more than enough food offensive. I find women’s bodies being mutilated for religious purposes, that is offensive to me. But words and satire I don’t find offensive.”

Arbour said her comments were partly inspired by other comedians who have touched on weight issues, like Tina Fey, Ricky Gervais, Mindy Kaling and Sarah Silverman. One difference, though, is that these comedians tend to make fun of themselves—like Tina Fey and Amy Poehler at the Golden Globes in 2013—rather than treating fat people in general as a humorous topic.


The 10 Biggest Car Collectors In The World


Don’t we all love to hear rich people splurging their money on pricey hot rods
and amazing classic cars? Some people love to collect sports memorabilia or
jewelries but there is a handful of others whose love for sensational four or two-
wheeled vehicles never left their imagination. From Asia, America, Europe
and the rest of the world, the 10 biggest car collectors in the world will
give you a sneak peek on how the rich and famous splurge their hard-earned

10. Wyclef Jean and Nick Mason

1. Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah


With a staggering $20 billion net worth and the largest royal palace in the world with
diamond and gold gilded bathrooms, it is no wonder that he is able to amass
some 7000 cars consisting of 209 BMWs, 574 Benz, 452 Ferraris, 179
Jaguars, 382 Bentleys, 134 Koenigseggs, a slew of Lamborghinis, Aston
Martin, SSC, Cicero BDB Maestro, and so on. His limited edition and concept
cars made only for him like the Ferrari Mythos, Pininfarina-designed Jaguar,
Bentley Java and 4×4 Dominator, a Koenigsegg Agera CC GT and a Porsche
Carma are definitely a sight to behold. Definitely, this is one person who sees
collecting top-rated cars as child’s play.

2. Sheikh Hamad Bin Hamdan Al Nahyan


A billionaire member of Abu Dhabi’s ruling elite, the “Rainbow Sheik” is quite
renowned for his colorful collections of 7 Mercedes S-Classes, each one in a
different color of the rainbow. Additionally, he also has customized Mercedes
monster trucks, a slew of Jeep’s for the largest Bedouin Caravan, a Dodge Power
Wagon, and whatever sensational cars he can find to match his equally
sensational personality. What makes him unique is how he stashed his worthy
finds in a pyramid.

Next number 1. Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah

3. Jay leno


Move over Oprah and Conan, tonight’s show is all about Jay Leno. A famous
talk show celebrity, his car collection is quite astounding as is his Tonight
Show. His collections are usually made of cars that you would never expect in
a million years to still be working up to this day. From 200 cars bearing perfectly maintained a 1909 Baker Electric, a 1931 8-liter Bentley, a 1909 Stanley Steamer, a 1934 Phantom II from Rolls Royce, a 1927 Duesenberg Model X and a 1925 Hispano-Suiza plus 22 steam-powered vehicles and 25 classic cars, it is no wonder where Mattel’s Hot Wheels get their inspiration.

Next number 2. Sheikh Hamad Bin Hamdan al Nahyan

4. Ken Lingenfelter


Rivaling Jay Leno‘s ethereal collection, the U.S. based owner of Lingenfelter Performance Engineering also created quite a collection with 20 Lamborghini Reventon’s on the top of the list. He has more than 150 American muscle cars to his name and amazing collections of Corvettes, Mustangs, Bugatti, Porsche’s and other sensational items he can get his hands on. No wonder, he needed a 40,000 square foot building in Michigan for a garage.

Next number 3. Jay Leno

5. Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani


The richest man in India does not just have a immense Mumbai mansion he
adoringly calls Antilla but also an astounding collection of European cars
reaching to 168 or perhaps more. The 22nd richest man in the whole
world also has an avid passion for cricket, the country’s national sport, through
his co-ownership of the Indian Premier League Team. Understandably, this
extends his love for fast and sporty, yet elegant, European cars like Bentley,
Maybach, Bugatti and Mercedes as well as a few Porsche’s.

Next number 4. Ken Lingenfelter

6. Gerard Lopez


The renowned chairman of the Lotus F1 Team, this Luxembourg-born
businessman co-owned Genii Capital and Mangrove Capital Planters, a top-
rated venture capital business firm that specializes in technology like Skype.
He is also the managing director of CS Fola Esch, which is a football club. A self-
made entrepreneur, he is definitely more famous for his amazing car collection
recently shown to Britain’s Top Gear. Amassing quite a plethora of pixel-
perfect vintage ponies and muscle hot rods to racing cars, he has a Porsche,
Peugeot, Bugatti and other Euro-exotic sounding car maker’s names on his list.

Next number 5. Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani

7. Dmitry Lomakov


Moving up to Russia, the best way to find the best car collections in this area is
through a museum built by the Lomakov family headed by Dmitry. The current
president of Retromoto, Dmitry Lomakov’s fondness for antique cars and
anything of historic excellence is quite unparalleled up to this day. In a span of
40 years, he was able to collect 120 antique cars and motorcycles particularly
the antique 1914 Peugeot motorcycle, the last of its kind as well as other
Russian-made vehicles no longer in existence like the 1977 Chayka GAZ-13.
Recently he had also made waves in the media when he bought Adolf Hitler’s infamous Mercedes Benz from a private auction used largely during Hitler’s reign.

Next number 6. Gerard Lopez

8. Jay Kay


Apart from collecting hats, Jamiroquai’s front man Jason Luiz Cheetham (famously known as Jay Kay) also has a not-so-secret attraction to cars. This Grammy-winning English-born singing sensation has amassed quite a collection of at least 68 cars (last counted) including a number of Porsche’s, Ferrari’s, Rolls Royce’s, Lamborghini’s, Mercedes, Bugatti’s,
Maserati, Chevy, Aston Martin, among others. He even owns one of Coco
Chanel’s Mercedes 600.

Next number 7. Dmitry-lomakov

9. Ralph Lauren


Fashion mogul and style exemplar, Ralph Lauren may be best known for
his “Polo” design but in the world of hot engines and metallic sensations, his
all-red car collections have always been a sight to behold each time they open
for exhibition. Speed, style and beauty are the highest forms of
vanity and this eccentric combination perfectly conceptualized Lauren’s epic
collection of Ferrari’s, Alfa Romeo roadster’s, Bugatti, Mercedes, Bentley,
Jaguar, McLaren F1 and many others comprising a total of more than 60 cars.
This amazing collection is 98% red in color and are laid on an all-white
platform raised on a specially-done NYC garage carpeted in all-black

Next number 8. Jay Kay

10. Wyclef Jean and Nick Mason

Tying up at number 10, hip-hop sensation Wyclef Jean and Pink Floyd
drummer Nick Mason do not just share fondness for great music but also for
cars, lots of them. Both have more than 40 cars to their name with their
specially done garages. Wyclef’s collection of McLaren F1, Ferrari, Italian
Pagani Zonda, Cadillac, and Humvee as well as a customized Hummer
complete with a fish tank can be seen in his Miami garage.


Nick Mason, on the other hand, has a certain preference for Italian super sport cars
delving on models and makes that have a historical significance in the automotive world.
Some of these noteworthy cars are; a Bugatti T35, an Aston Martin LM18, a
Ferrari 213 T3, McLaren F1, Porsche 962 and the infamous 23M-pound Ferrari

Next number 9. Ralph Lauren

Some Deals For You Guys To Check Out

So we found some good deals and we thought we should share them with you.


PS4 Uncharted Collection Console (PS4)


This is actually an amazing deal and if you don’t want the game sell it on Ebay and make some of your money back quick. Click here to check it out.


Original XiaoMi Yi Ambarella A7LS BSI CMOS WIFI Sports Action Camera

Its basically an affordable GoPro, pretty good and at a decent price. Click here to find out more.


NOW TV HD Smart TV Box – Sports Bundle

Basically makes your TV smart LOL, its only £9.99 but it comes with SkySports Day Passes. Click here to check it out.


PHILIPS SHB5500 Wireless Bluetooth Headphones – Black

Decent pair of headphones at a good price. Click here.

Top 10 Infamous Mass Shootings in the U.S.

LITTLETON, CO - APRIL 20: (VIDEO CAPTURE) Columbine high school shooters Eric Harris (L) and Dylan Klebold appear on a surveillance tape in the cafeteria at Columbine High School April 20, 1999 in Littleton, CO during their shooting spree which killed 13 people.   (Photo by Kevin Moloney/Getty Images)

LITTLETON, CO – APRIL 20: (VIDEO CAPTURE) Columbine high school shooters Eric Harris (L) and Dylan Klebold appear on a surveillance tape in the cafeteria at Columbine High School April 20, 1999 in Littleton, CO during their shooting spree which killed 13 people. (Photo by Kevin Moloney/Getty Images)

Florida is home to the 1,000th U.S mass shooting, quite a scary thought, do you think there should be more gun control in the U.S?

Florida: home to the 1,000th US mass shooting since Sandy Hook

Just before sundown on Thursday 1 October, an old man charged across the main street of the little town of Inglis, Florida. He was expecting trouble. Someone had recklessly fired a pistol in public, and Buzz Terhune intended to have words about it.

The horror that unfolded in the next few minutes has become so mundane, so everyday, that it no longer makes national news. Terhune was marching headlong into the 1,000th mass shooting in the United States since the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre almost three years ago.

Just a few hours earlier, a gunman in Oregon had killed nine people and injured nine others at a community college. It shocked the American conscience. But what happened to Terhune and three other people, and has happened to thousands of others across the country, went unnoticed. Shootings that injure or kill four or more people – mass shootings – have become commonplace in American culture.

An examination of the details, though, reveals the mass shooting number 1,000 to be, like all the others, a human cataclysm. Broken hearts and bullets, an affair in which the roles of victim and perpetrator flip in an instant.

It started a few days earlier, when sheriff’s deputies responded to a missing person report. Walter Tyson, 57, couldn’t find his wife, Patricia. But when deputies arrived at the house, they found notes Patricia had left saying she wanted a new life. And so she had left.

Days passed.

Inglis sits on Florida’s west coast, in a swamp draped with Spanish moss. The town has been dying since the day, decades ago, when commercial net fishing was outlawed. Its population has dwindled to 1,300, and most residents are getting old.

Most of 1 October, 68-year-old Buzz Terhune ran errands in the tiny downtown. He stopped by city hall to leave a get-well card and balloons for the mayor, Drinda Merritt, who had been ill. The two had a friendly, sparring relationship: Terhune showed up at every city meeting, always sat in the same chair, and always spoke his mind.

“I’m not done with you yet!” he wrote in the card, and drew a little smiley face.

City hall’s main hallway was stacked with old wooden doors. The mayor had replaced them with doors of reinforced glass, and added a thick glass barrier at the front desk, after a man who lived across from city hall started stalking one of the women who worked there. Otis Ray Bean was his name.

“We knew we could have trouble when he moved to town,” the mayor said.

People in town didn’t like Bean. He wore a black leather vest and drank too much. His home looked like a southern gothic haunted house, with rotting clapboard sides and a rusted roof and strange stick-and-feather talismans hanging outside. It sat directly across from city hall and the town bank, looming over the comings and goings of Inglis.

Scotty Smith
 Scotty Smith, with the old sailboat he and Buzz Terhune planned to fix up together. Photograph: Matthew Teague

Just before 6pm on 1 October, Terhune and his friend Scotty Smith pulled up to the bank’s cash machine, in Smith’s truck. Terhune sat in the passenger’s seat. The truck sat too high for Smith to reach the machine, so he stepped out. As he keyed in a $100 withdrawal he heard Terhune, behind him in the cab, say something about a fire.
Smith looked at the sky.

“Nah, Buzz,” he said. “That’s just some mist coming in. Not smoke.”

He heard Terhune say, “ … firing a gun”, and saw him jump out of the truck and take off running.

“Where are you going?” Smith shouted.

Terhune called back, “The kids!” and pointed to a playground next to city hall. He apparently suspected Bean was drunkenly firing off his pistol in sight of the children, whose mother was scrambling to gather them.

Smith hadn’t heard the gunshots, and still didn’t quite grasp what was happening. “What has Buzz got us into now?” he thought.

He danced around the cash machine until it spit out his money, then hopped into his truck and pulled away, toward the Bean place.

Terhune, who served three tours in Vietnam, crossed the street to confront Bean.

Bean, though, lay dying in his yard. He wasn’t the shooter.

A man Terhune didn’t recognize stood on the steps of the side porch, with one pistol in his hand and another on his waist. Walter Tyson had bought them years earlier in New York state, where he had a concealed-carry permit.

Kendra Terhune
 Terhune’s daughter Kendra, who received a flag at his funeral. Photograph: Matthew Teague

In the bank parking lot, Smith looked through the windshield of his truck. He saw Bean lying in the yard and, a few feet away, Terhune now lying still in the grass. He heard four more gunshots, from the first floor of the house. Tyson had found his wife.

Smith pulled his truck past the house and on to the side of the road. He dialed 911, and an operator told him to stay clear of the scene. But he backed his truck up to the house and watched his friend Terhune, hoping for movement. Praying for a twitch.

“If he had moved, I was going to pull the truck up and throw him in it and take off,” Smith said later. “Like on TV, you know? But it didn’t happen like that.”

Tyson had shot Terhune twice in the head, and he never moved again.

Inglis has no police department. But according to Lieutenant Scott Tummond of the Levy County sheriff’s office, the town had a single stroke of luck that day.

A couple of blocks away, a tactical joint taskforce of US marshals, state police and sheriff’s deputies had just arrested a fugitive on unrelated interstate charges. When Smith called 911, the enormous taskforce responded within moments, arriving at Bean’s yard like a cavalry division.

“I have no doubt things would have carried on, and been worse, if they hadn’t been there,” Tummond said. “I believe Tyson would have fled the scene and it would have spilled into another town.”

Seeing the house surrounded, Tyson climbed to the second floor. He called his daughter, Jennifer Conklin, and told her what he had done. She begged him to surrender.

“I’m sorry,” he told her. “Goodbye.”

And he shot himself.

The town had never known violence like it. And yet it seemed familiar, and even inevitable. At a memorial service for Terhune, pastor Bobby Thompson addressed much of the town.

“So profuse has become the violence that we have become accustomed to it,” he said. “We expect it.”

The reaction of many citizens is, now, to reach more quickly for their own guns.

Mayor Merritt is a petite, middle-aged woman. “If I had been there that day, the difference is I would have stopped at my car for my gun,” she said. “Then I would have crossed the street. And I would have dropped the shooter.”

After Scotty Smith called for police, he went home and picked up his own pistol.

“Maybe I’m just paranoid,” he said.

His hands shook as he talked about what he had seen.

“I felt like I needed it. It’s crazy. People will shoot you for anything, these days.”

T-Rex Pole Dancing

The internet is a weird place, and that’s why this video exists.

Beautiful in its simplicity, this short clip shows someone in a dinosaur costume taking part in a pole dancing class. For whatever reason.


Mariah Carey Performs in China Forever Egg Foo Young

Mariah Carey will most certainly get the best room in the joint when she performs at the grand opening of the newest casino in Macau … because her billionaire boyfriend owns it.

Studio City — that’s the name — promises to be Asia’s answer to Vegas. We’re told Mariah’s getting a check in the high 6 digits for the one-off gig, set for Oct. 27th.

BF James Packer is an investor, but the booking is not rank nepotism. The owners are banking on Mariah being enough of a draw to bring Chinese bigwigs to the casino’s tables.

Times have been tough in Macau because of the free falling Chinese economy.

We’re told Packer’s got other celebs filling the front row, including pals Brett Ratner, Martin Scorsese, Robert De Niro and Leonardo DiCaprio.

Added bonus: Studio City one ups Sin City with a high tech Ferris wheel built into the casino’s hotel.

Read more:

This Guy Made The Worst Decision Ever On A Romantic Homecoming Date And Ended Up In Hospital

Although homecoming is not a tradition that we have over here in the U.K. I hear it is a pretty huge occasion for you guys in the States. What I do know is that the majority of homecomings are spent having a laugh, reminiscing about your school days, and tend to involve a parade through the streets. Not a trip to the hospital like this guy.

One unlucky high school grad, Seth, shared his story with DudeComdey:

“So it’s homecoming night and me and my girlfriend made reservations for all of us at Applebee’s. I know it’s not really the most classy of places but it worked living in a small city in Wisconsin. Anyways, I go sit down, order my food and my two buddies come up and tell me that they got an Audi lent to them by their friend who’s a doctor. They asked me if I wanted to go on a two minute ride in the Audi with them, said it would be fun. I told them yes and I could tell my girlfriend was mad at me for wanting to leave for a couple of minutes homecoming night, but I left anyways.

“We were going down this dead end road going 80 and we swerve off into a ditch, and me being me I wasn’t wearing a seatbelt and I smashed my face into the seat in front of me, bit my lip in half and ripped all the skin off my gums. I get out of the car covered in blood and this dude comes over and let’s me wipe myself off. I was able to stick my tongue through this hole in my lip.

“So two minutes after I left I called my girlfriend and had her give me a ride to the hospital, she was not happy.

“But it’s gonna be a pretty sweet scar. Never made it to homecoming though.”

Dell’s $67 billion EMC deal will transform it into an enterprise giant

Dell has announced that it plants to buy data storage company EMC for $67 billion. The deal will be the largest ever in the history of the tech industry reports The Financial Times, with EMC agreeing to a sale price worth roughly $33.15 a share. “We’re continuing to evolve the company into the most relevant areas where IT is moving,” Dell’s founder and chief executive Michael Dell told The New York Times. “This deal just accelerates that.”

The nature of the planned takeover is complicated, with the agreement reportedly including a “go-shop” provision that allows EMC to consider bids from rival firms. This is apparently intended to reassure EMC’s investors that they are getting the best value possible out of the sale. The company is reportedly under pressure from an activist investor, hedge fund Elliott Management, with the Times noting that a potential deal between EMC and Hewlett-Packard already fell apart prior to this. As well as cash, Dell’s acquisition will include a special tracking stock that will be issued to investors, accounting for EMC’s 81 percent stake in popular cloud software company VMWare (which will remain an independent business).

The deal, which is still pending shareholder approval, will make Dell one of the largest providers of enterprise computing products, with EMC’s digital storage business adding to the company’s own server and IT services. The company (which is still also the world’s third biggest PC manufacturer) says it will be able to offer “end-to-end” solutions to clients. However, the ambitious takeover bucks a trend in the industry, with other firms such as Hewlett-Packard and eBay choosing to break up their businesses — rather than make them bigger — to better deal with a changing market. Two years ago, Dell went private in order to reorganize itself without pressure from public investors. This deal could give EMC some similar breathing space.

Nine Weird Uses for WD40!!!


1. Preserve your Halloween pumpkin

Evidently, spraying down your jack-o-lantern with WD40 after you carve it will leave behind a protective coating that helps preserve it over the coming weeks. Just be sure not to light a nearby candle anytime soon after spraying…

2. Stop Cocaine Use

No, not for yourself – for patrons in your bar. (You do own a bar, right?) Reports say bars in England were advised by police to add a light misting of WD40 onto the backs of their toilets tanks. Apparently cocaine + WD40 turns the drug into a sloppy mush, preventing would-be partiers from snorting their way straight to problems with owners and bartenders.

3. Dig, I Said, Dig!

WD40’s a lubricant, so spray it on your shovel or spade to help slice through even the stickiest of soil. A useful tip if you’re friends with somebody who fails at the following….

4. Snake Charming

A bus drive in Asia reportedly used some WD40 to help remove a giant python wrapped around the undercarriage of his bus. It’s a good thing the WD40 worked, too – or his friends might have been using it to lube up their spades as they dug him a spot in the local cemetery.

5. Dog Sh*t Cleanup

If only I’d known this last week when I misstepped on the sidewalk outside my house. Liberally spray down the underside of your shows after stepping in poo. Give a few minutes to let the water displacement function of the WD40 to work, and then begin your cleanup job. Guaranteed to be unpleasant but now a heck of a lot easier!

6. Advanced Twister

One of the official uses for WD40 (we’re serious) is spraying down your Twister mat for an added challenge. I suppose this is a viable option if you’ve got no cooking oil on hand, but I’d steer clear of using it indoors. And be sure to wash yourself really well afterwards. (Hey, maybe that could be another group activity?)

7. Stop Bugs and Wasps From Eating and Nesting

WD40 is waterproof and quite unpleasant for bugs, so it sticks around for a long time and helps keep them at bay. Spray some around your flower boxes to keep snails out, or around the eaves of your house to deter wasps who are poking around for a new home.

8. Remove Ink From Jeans

This one actually seems pretty useful, but we were shocked to read that it works. If you’ve got stains from a blue pen on your jeans, just spray the stain, wait a few minutes, and wash the pants as normal. We’d avoid washing it with any other clothes, though.

9. Make Your Photography Sparkle

You know the mirrored effect in the photos of many e-retailers, where the product is reflected in the bottom of the shot? You can mimic this effect by shining your surfaces with WD40 just before taking your photos. Be sure not to get it on anything you can’t clean off, though, and make sure your photography space is well ventilated.

Two RAF Crew Killed In Helicopter Crash

Two RAF service personnel have been killed in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.

The pair from 230 and 33 Squadrons died when their Puma Mk 2 aircraft crashed while landing at NATO base Resolute Support in the capital Kabul.

They were among five people killed in the crash, while five others were injured.

A spokeswoman for the Ministry of Defence said: “The incident is currently under investigation but we can confirm that it was an accident and not the result of insurgent activity.”

Their relatives have been informed and have requested a period of grace before their names are released, she said.

All five killed were from Resolute Support, a NATO-led mission to train Afghan security forces following the stand-down of the International Security Assistance Force last year.

Around 500 British troops remain in Afghanistan as part of the mission.

The latest deaths bring the total number of British forces personnel or MoD civilians killed while serving in Afghanistan since the start of operations in October 2001 to 456.

Earlier on Sunday, at least three people were injured in a suicide attack on a convoy of British troops in Kabul.

Three civilians suffered minor injuries after the bomber drove his car into the armoured vehicle during rush-hour, causing slight damage to it.

UK Professor Killed In Rock Plunge On US Hike


A physics professor from Britain has died after falling 50ft on to rocks on a hiking trail in the US.

Alexei Likhtman, 44, tripped while taking photos at Annapolis Rock on the Appalachian Trail in Maryland on Sunday, police said.

Prof Likhtman had been leaping from rock to rock to take the photographs when he fell, Maryland Natural Resources Police spokesman Lieutenant Art Windemuth said.

“About 10.45am the victim was photographing the area and tripped and fell approximately between 40 and 50ft,” he said.

“He had a tripod with a camera on it, the camera fell and he fell.”

Other hikers tried to save the University of Reading professor but he died about an hour after falling, at noon local time.

A PhD student from Reading, named as Jian Zhu, was visiting the trail with Prof Likhtman.

Mr Zhu was uninjured, police said.

Prof Likhtman had been in the US to attend a conference in Baltimore.

He was from Moscow originally and had moved to the UK to study and teach, according to his social media profiles.

He worked at the University of Leeds between 1999 and 2007 and then joined the University of Reading as a professor of mathematical physics.

His family have been informed of his death.

Annapolis Rock is a popular spot for hikers along the 2,200-mile (3,500km) Appalachian Trail, which stretches from Maine in the north to Georgia in the south.

Bill Bryson wrote about the trail in A Walk In The Woods, which has been made into a recently released film of the same name starring Robert Redford.

Lewis Hamilton soaks Vladimir Putin while celebrating Russian Grand Prix victory


Vladimir Putin was in the firing line after Lewis Hamilton won the Russian Grand Prix.

The Brit took a huge step towards retaining his Formula 1 world championship with victory in Russia – and celebrated by dousing Putin with champagne.

Putin beat a hasty retreat after being showered, while Hamilton was snapped with a host of Russian grid girls after his success in Sochi.

Despite Nico Rosberg having to retire early in the race, a great result for Hamilton, the Brit’s win was enough to secure the constructors’ title for Mercedes.

Kimi Raikkonen was handed a 30-second penalty after crashing into Valtterie Bottas, meaning he was demoted from fifth to eighth, mathematically ruling Ferrari out of the title race.

Hamilton’s day was not without some drama itself, over fears his rear wing could snap.

“There was a bit of rear wing instability and it was a little worrying but in the end it turned out ok,” said boss Toto Wolff.

His victory leaves him 66 points clear of team-mate and title rival Rosberg with only four races remaining.

Will Hamilton win the title before the last race of the season?

Two Die After ‘Car Travels Wrong Way’ On M1


A car is reported to have travelled the wrong way along the M1 before a crash that left two people dead.

A white Ford Transit van and a Mazda Premacy were involved in the collision close to junction 24 of the motorway in Leicestershire at around 2am on Monday.

The 87-year-old driver of the Mazda and a 27-year-old male passenger in the van were pronounced dead at the scene.

A car was reported to have travelled the wrong way down the southbound carriageway before the crash, Leicestershire Police said.

Top 20 Highest Paid Athletes In The WORLD!

Sports require practice and skill and only a handful of people have the determination to make it to the top. From the PGA Tour to the Olympic medalists, these individuals get paid a hefty sum to remain above the rest. Endorsements, contracts, and personal preformance all help to build the wealth of an athlete. Take a look at our list and see whose net worths knock it out of the park.

  1. Floyd Mayweather Jr. (boxing): $300 million
  2. Manny Pacquiao (boxing): $160 million
  3. Cristiano Ronaldo (soccer): $79.6 million
  4. Lionel Messi (soccer): $73.8 million
  5. Roger Federer (tennis): $67 million
  6. LeBron James (basketball): $64.8 million
  7. Kevin Durant (basketball): $54.1 million
  8. Phil Mickelson (golf): $50.8 million
  9. Tiger Woods (golf): $50.6 million
  10. Kobe Bryant (basketball): $49.5 million
  11. Ben Roethlisberger (football): $48.9 million
  12. Rory McIlroy (golf): $48.3 million
  13. Novak Djokovic (tennis): $48.2 million
  14. Zlatan Ibrahimovic (soccer): $39.1 million
  15. Lewis Hamilton (racing): $39 million
  16. Ndamukong Suh (football): $38.6 million
  17. Fernando Alonso (racing): $35.5 million
  18. Gareth Bale (soccer): $35 million
  19. Jon Lester (baseball): $34.1 million
  20. Derrick Rose (basketball): $33.9 million

Mayweather technically is the highest paid athlete, though he is not the richest in terms of net worth, click here to find out who is.maxresdefault

Top 10 Richest Athletes

Michael Jordan Net Worth

 Michael Jordan

$1.1 B 52 United States
Michael Schumacher Net Worth

 Michael Schumacher

$800 M 46 Germany
Vince McMahon Net Worth

 Vince McMahon

$750 M 70 United States
Arnold Palmer Net Worth

 Arnold Palmer

$675 M 86 United States
Floyd Mayweather Net Worth

 Floyd Mayweather

$650 M 38 United States
Tiger Woods Net Worth

 Tiger Woods

$640 M 39 United States
Roger Staubach Net Worth

 Roger Staubach

$600 M 73 United States
Magic Johnson Net Worth

 Magic Johnson

$500 M 56 United States
LeBron James Net Worth

 LeBron James

$425 M 30 United States
Michael Buffer Net Worth

 Michael Buffer

$400 M 70 United States

Kim Jong-un’s recipe for success: private enterprise and public executions


Kim Jong-un, the third hereditary ruler of North Korea, gets a really bad press. He is widely seen as a capricious, overweight youngster, fond of executing his generals and threatening the world with war; ruler of an impoverished country ever on the brink of famine but equipped with nuclear weapons.

There is some truth in this description but it does not represent the whole story. He may have a penchant for executions, but Kim is also the first ruler of the dynasty to implement market-oriented reforms.

The oft-repeated cliche of North Korea as a “starving Stalinist country” is outdated – it is neither starving nor Stalinist. Experts agree that over the past decade the country has not only recovered from the disastrous famine of the late 1990s, but has also experienced significant economic growth. Pessimists put the annual growth rate at about 1.5%, while the optimists believe it may be close to 4%.

This growth was brought about, above all, by the emergence of the private economy. While on paper private entrepreneurial activities remain illegal, the law is seldom, if ever, enforced. As a result some North Koreans – the more entrepreneurial, lucky, well-connected and ruthless of them – have recreated the market economy from scratch. Nowadays, there are private mines, truck companies and oil refineries in North Korea.

Admittedly, the owner has to register the enterprise as state property, but this fiction misleads nobody. It is estimated that 30-50% of North Korean GDP is now produced by the private sector.

The presence of the new rich business people (many of whom are women) is much felt in Pyongyang and other major North Korean cities. They account for the majority of patrons in the upmarket restaurants popping up across the city. Although meals cost $15 (£9.8)  to $25 (£16.34), roughly equivalent to the average family’s weekly or fortnightly income, these places are always crowded.

Property prices are going through the roof. A good apartment in Pyongyang costs about $100,000, (£65,000) and the best homes go for $200,000 (£130,000). Over the past 10 years, house prices in North Korea have increased tenfold. Technically, houses cannot be owned privately so people buy and sell “residence rights” only, but few see this as anything but a convenient legal fiction.

There is a spillover effect: while rich people buy houses and European cars, more and more ordinary North Koreans can afford meat at weekends and pure rice gruel every day.

All these changes began in the late 1990s but the late Kim Jong-il, the father of the current ruler, did not quite know what to make of the growing private economy. Sometimes he initiated crackdowns (always partial and never successful), while other times he grudgingly tolerated the changes. Kim Jong-un is different: he quietly encourages the market economy.

The greatest success of the young dictator has been the reform of agriculture, similar to what the Chinese did in the late 1970s. Fields, while technically state-owned, are given for cultivation to individual households and farmers work for a share of the harvest (30%-70%).

The results of the reforms were predictable: the past few years have seen record-level harvests, and North Korea is now close to self-sufficiency in food production. This year a major drought prompted concern but it now seems that farmers, working not for the party’s glory but for their own gain, managed to fix the problem, and this year’s harvest is going to be high – perhaps even a record breaker.

If plans for industrial reforms (decentralisation and partial privatisation of what is left of state industries) are taken into account, the general picture seems clear. Kim Jong-un wants to apply to his country a model of authoritarian capitalism, a so-called “developmental dictatorship”. This model worked very well in Taiwan and South Korea and now is producing impressive results in China and Vietnam.

This is good news, and observers should not be surprised that recent polls among refugees from North Korea – a group not known for their sympathies towards the regime – indicate that Kim Jong-un is popular with his people.

In China, such changes were accompanied by significant political relaxation. North Korea is different: Kim’s economic reforms, however beneficial, are unlikely to lead to more personal freedoms. If anything, the young leader is more repressive that his father.

North Korea has a problem not faced by China nor Vietnam: the existence of a rich twin state in the south. South Korea’s per capita income is at least 15 times higher, while its population speaks the same language and is officially part of the same nation, which is supposed to eventually, somehow, unify. To put it in context, the per capita gap between the two German states in the 1980s was merely threefold.

This gap is the reason why the North Korean state has maintained a level of isolation no other communist regime could think of: even ownership of a tuneable radio is a crime. However, a relaxation could mean the populace learning about South Korea’s unbelievable prosperity and doing what East Germans did 25 years ago in a rather similar situation.

This threat was well understood by Kim Jong-il, and was the major reason why he did not dare to launch reforms. His son made a different decision, but in order to stay in power he cannot afford any political relaxation, so economic liberalisation is now combined with public executions.

This gives Kim Jong-un the chance to succeed in reforming his country without being overthrown and lynched by a revolutionary mob. Alas, the price for this strategy, which makes perfect sense to the elite, will be paid by common people.

Jurgen Klopp ‘agrees to become new Liverpool manager’


Jurgen Klopp has agreed to become the new Liverpool manager, according to Sky sources.

The 48-year-old German, who led Borussia Dortmand to two Bundesliga titles in his seven years at the club before taking a sabbatical in May, will fly to Merseyside on Thursday night.

The club’s American owners, Fenway Sports Group, have acted swiftly after sacking Brendan Rodgers on Sunday following the 1-1 draw at Everton.

Contact was first made with Klopp, and former Real Madrid and Chelsea manager Carlo Ancelotti, on Monday and with the Italian soon ruling himself, it accelerated the pursuit of the German.

Lambert on Klopp

Ex-Borussia Dortmund player Paul Lambert on Klopp

It would seem Klopp has already begun making his mark at Anfield with Sky sources revealing Gary McAllister was considering another coaching post at the club having been first-team coach under Rodgers.

Sean O’Driscoll, assistant manager under Rodgers, will leave the club, along with Glen Driscoll (head of performance), and Chris Davies (head of opposition analysis).

However, Pep Ljinders will remain as part of the first-team coaching set-up. It is understood that McAllister took training on Thursday despite hearing the news that he would not be retained in his current role.


Liverpool would not confirm any of these reported changes.

Klopp is expected to bring in his former Dortmund assistant, Bosnian Zeljko Buvac. Buvac is known as ‘The Brain’ due to his tactical knowledge and Klopp has described him as a “master of every form of training”.

The pair have known each other since 1992 when they were team-mates at Mainz. After their playing career, Klopp appointed Buvac as his assistant when he took over at Mainz in 2001.

Klopp could also bring another of his former Dortmund coaches with him. Peter Krawietz, who never played professional football, specialises as a video analyst.

Klopp’s first game in charge would be a trip to Tottenham in the Premier League on October 17.

Man pleads guilty to killing 5 relatives with meat cleaver


A Chinese immigrant who butchered five relatives, including four small children, with a meat cleaver in a fit of jealousy pleaded guilty on Wednesday to murder and manslaughter charges and must serve at least 125 years in prison.

Mingdong Chen admitted that he killed his cousin’s wife, 37-year-old Qiao Zhen Li, and her children, 9-year-old Linda, 7-year-old Amy, 5-year-old Kevin and 1-year-old William Zhou in October 2013.

The 27-year-old Chen showed no reaction as he entered his plea. Under a deal with prosecutors, he must spend at least 125 years in prison before becoming eligible for parole.

Prosecutors said Li called her mother-in-law in China on the evening of Oct. 27, 2013, saying Chen was in the house with a knife and threatening the family. When the mother-in-law heard children crying in the background, she called other relatives in New York, and they rushed to the home in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park neighborhood. By the time they arrived, the five relatives were dead and Chen was dripping in blood.

Police said the family had been slaughtered, each of the five repeatedly stabbed and slashed in the throat and neck. Their bodies were found strewn about the house, where Chen had been staying for about a week.

When detectives questioned Chen, he told them he was jealous of the success of his fellow Chinese immigrants, police said. Relatives said he had been fired from different restaurant jobs.

But what set off Chen’s rampage remained a mystery to family members, prosecutors and the judge.

“The question is why he’d do these things,” state Supreme Court Judge Vincent Del Giudice said. “It really doesn’t much matter.”

Assistant District Attorney Mark Hale said prosecutors offered Chen the deal because it would spare Li’s husband and other relatives from having “to relive the worst day of their lives.” Hale said they also wanted to ensure that Chen would publicly admit the killings.

Li’s husband was in court on Wednesday but declined to comment.

In 2014, a judge ruled that Chen was not competent to stand trial because he had exhibited signs of mental illness that made him incapable of being able to assist in his defense.

Del Giudice said Wednesday that Chen appeared to “be clear, lucid and competent.” He said he accepted the plea deal under the condition that Chen would “be incarcerated until the day he dies.”

Chen’s attorney, Danielle Eaddy, declined to comment.

Scotland’s four richest families ‘worth £1 billion more than poorest 20% of the population’


The four richest families in Scotland are worth £1 billion more than the poorest 20 per cent of the country’s population, according to new research which calls on ministers to do more to tackle inequality.

The combined wealth of the Grant-Gordon whisky family, Highland Spring water owner Mahdi al-Tajir, oil tycoon Sir Ian Wood and former Harrods owner Mohammed Fayed dwarfs that of the one million people who make up Scotland’s poorest 20 per cent, according to a report by Oxfam Scotland.

The four families – all of whom are either based in Scotland or have substantial business interests there – are worth an estimated £6.1bn, according to the most recent Sunday Times Rich List. Scottish Government figures show the combined wealth of the poorest 20 per cent of Scots stands at around £5.1bn. Researchers at the charity also calculated that Scotland’s 14 wealthiest families are better off than the most deprived 30 per cent of the population.

Oxfam’s report outlines a series of measures that MSPs could take to reduce inequality in Scotland. It suggests sending cabinet ministers and senior civil servants on a “poverty training course” so they fully understand the realities of living below the breadline.

It also calls on the Government to set a target for reducing economic inequality in Scotland, as well as creating a new Inequality Commission to identify how devolved powers can be used effectively. Scotland’s International Development Fund has remained frozen at £9m for the past six years and should be boosted to tackle global poverty, it adds.

Jamie Livingstone, the head of Oxfam Scotland, said ministers had a “duty” to end poverty in Scotland and beyond, adding that efforts to tackle the problem were being hampered by the country’s “extreme economic inequality”.

He said: “The Scottish Parliament has a number of powers which it could use now to reduce inequality and poverty. The upcoming Scottish election also creates a significant opportunity for every political party to transparently commit themselves to creating a more equal Scotland within a more equal world.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said it was tackling poverty and inequalities “head on” by investing £296m in measures to mitigate Westminster-led welfare cuts. “We have also appointed our first independent adviser on poverty and inequality who will advise Scottish ministers on how we can move forward with our efforts to tackle poverty in key groups,” they added.

“But we do this against a backdrop of a UK Government which is removing income targets from the definition of poverty and continues to introduce policies and implement cuts that will have a devastating impact on families in Scotland.”

In final moments before execution, Texas inmate finds forgiveness


Juan Martin Garcia was executed Tuesday for fatally shooting another man after robbing him of $8.

Mr. Garcia was pronounced dead from lethal injection at 6:26 p.m. in Huntsville, Texas, for the September 1998 killing of 36-year-old Hugo Solano. Mr. Solano had recently moved to Houston, Texas, from Guadalajara, Mexico, so his children could be educated in the United States.

Garcia apologized to Solano’s wife, Ana, and his daughter who were present at the execution.

“The harm that I did to your dad and husband – I hope this brings you closure,” he said in Spanish from the death chamber gurney, according to the Associated Press. “I never wanted to hurt any of you all.”

Solano’s relatives sobbed from the death chamber witness room and told Garcia that they loved him. After the execution, Ana Solano said she wished the execution had not taken place because she accepted Garcia’s apology. It came “from his heart,” Solano told AP. “It’s about God. It’s about Jesus.”

Ms. Solano had testified at the penalty phase of Garcia’s trial, saying she did not support a death sentence. The widow said Garcia deserved to live so he could share the lessons from his mistakes with others in similar situations.

Garcia, who was 18 at the time of Solano’s shooting, already had a history with law enforcement. He was linked to at least eight aggravated robberies and two attempted murders only in the few weeks before.

In a jailhouse interview with AP last month, Garcia seemed to accept his fate. “If it’s God’s will, it’s his will,” said Garcia.

Eleazar Mendoza testified that Garcia, a street gang member, approached Solano as he was getting in his van to go to work, asked for his money at gunpoint, and then shot him when he refused. Mr. Mendoza was sentenced to 55 years in prison for aggravated robbery.

Garcia, Mendoza, and two other accomplices had already carried out a carjacking when they spotted Solano on Sept. 17, 1998.

Garcia claims that Solano, who was shot four times in the head and neck, was killed accidentally while the two struggled over Garcia’s gun. “He punches me,” Garcia said from death row. “First thing that came through my mind is that the dude is going to try to kill me. He grabbed the gun with both of his hands and it discharged.”

Garcia denied the robbery of $8, an accompanying felony that made the murder a capital case. Garcia claimed jurors unfairly penalized him because he didn’t take the witness stand in his own defense trial.

The US Supreme Court refused to review Garcia’s case in March and the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles rejected a clemency request in a 5 to 2 vote last Friday.

Texas typically carries out the death penalty more than any other state. Garcia was the 11th person to be executed in Texas this year, meaning that the state has already carried more executions this year than any other single state within the past ten years. The Lone Star state has three more executions scheduled for 2015.

Ex-Top Gear trio Clarkson, Hammond and May begin filming of Amazon TV series



Ex-Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson – sacked from the BBC following his – has tweeted a picture of the first day of filming for a new car programme to be shown on Amazon.

It shows the controversial presenter alongside his two sidekicks, James May and Richard Hammond, and three hypercars: the LaFerrari, Porsche 918, and McLaren P1.

In the background is a pair of trucks and what appears to be a huge film crew, causing Clarkson to quip: “With a skeleton crew, filming for Amazon Prime’s new motoring programme has begun.”

The tweet has been retweeted more than 26,000 times and attracted 40,000 favourites – with keen-eyed tweeters identifying the circuit as Portugal’s Autódromo Internacional Algarve.

Curiously, motoring journalist Chris Harris later tweeted a picture of the hypercar trio, prompting rumours that he was involved with the new show.

MH17 victims’ bodies ‘found to have shrapnel from Russian missiles in them’


Shrapnel from a Russian-made BUK missile was found in the bodies of victims of the MH17 air disaster , it has been claimed.

The shocking new claims were made by a Ukrainian investigator, who was part of the international probe into the horror which killed all 298 on board the Malaysia Airlines jet.

The official report from the Dutch Safety Board is due next week.

Vasyl Vovk also alleged that the missile and its system was Russian in origin and that Vladimir Putin’s senior officials must have known it was being deployed in support of pro-Moscow rebels to shoot down an aircraft.

Investigation claims to have found that Russia shot down flight MH17

The investigators had “evidence that the BUK was ordered by the terrorists and that Russian politicians and high-ranking military knew (it was) brought to Ukraine in July last year, aiming to knock down a plane,” he said.

A general in the Ukrainian SBU intelligence service, he said: “The transportation of a weapon like a BUK through the Russian – and shooting from it without any instruction from above – is not possible.

“Soldiers were not able just to take this heavy weapon away. The Russian Minister of Defense must have known about it.”

He went on: “Nobody disputes that the Malaysia Airlines plane was shot down by a Buk missile from a Buk system, which was delivered from the territory of the Russian Federation.”


Vovk claimed that ‘fragments’ of a BUK ‘were found in the bodies of the victims’.

These were ‘similar’ to samples of a BUK missile which had been subjected to in-depth analysis by investigators, he said.

Previously, investigators had indicated fragments suspected to be this type of weapon were found at the crash site.

Vovk worked on the case for nearly a year, up to June 19, in the international Joint Investigative Team probing the crash, officials confirmed to Dutch broadcaster NOS.

But the body criticised Vovk for not exercising caution with his statements.

The JIT has not denied the evidence points to a BUK missile downing the Boeing 777 but has not gone public in blaming Russia over the incident and said “other scenarios cannot be excluded”.

The plane was carrying 283 passengers and 15 crew when it left Amsterdam on July 17 2014 bound for Kuala Lumpur.

It was shot down over a conflict zone in eastern Ukraine.

Russia has said it will not make comments ahead of publication of the report.

“It is up to the Dutch Safety Board to announce the official results of the technical investigation. It will make public the final report on the MH17 crash causes on October 13. Until then we will abstain from making untimely comments and urge others to do the same,” said a senior official.

“The Russian side as an official participant of the investigation commission had received the final draft of the report.

“We immediately voiced our opinion on the document and our serious objections to some of its conclusions and passed them on to the Dutch authorities.”

Syrian woman branded ‘unclean’ after being gang raped found dead in suspected honour killing

(GERMANY OUT) 12..11.2012 // Dessau, Marienkirche und Schloà Dessau  (Photo by Schellhorn/ullstein bild via Getty Images)

(GERMANY OUT) 12..11.2012 // Dessau, Marienkirche und Schloà Dessau 

A woman branded unclean after she was gang raped has been found murdered – apparently on the orders of her own family.

Rokstan M, 20, is a Syrian refugee who fled her homeland after being subjected to a brutal gang rape by three men.

Police are now hunting for her father and brothers, who are suspected of stabbing her to death because ‘she brought disgrace upon the family’ through the attack by three men.

Shortly before she was found dead in an allotment garden in the eastern German city of Dessau it seems she predicted her awful fate.

On WhatsApp, Rokstan wrote: ‘I am awaiting death. But I am too young to die.’

She had been living in a house for single women before returning to her family a few days before she was found  dead, buried in a shallow grave.

Rokstan arrived in Germany two years ago following her ordeal. Authorities say she was well integrated into society and worked as a translator for asylum seekers navigating their way through German bureaucracy.

Author Mark Krüger, who employed her to interpret interviews he conducted with refugees for a book he is writing, said: ‘Rokstan told me her terrible fate after she had helped me with translations.’

He listened to a tape she made in which she said: ‘I was taken by three men. Ever since that time my family have regarded me as unclean. My mother and my brothers mistreat me. They say that I deserve to die.’

On Friday last week her body was found in the allotment of the family in Dessau. An autopsy showed she had been stabbed several times.

Local prosecutor Christian Preissner said: ‘There is the suspicion that the act was carried out by persons in her close circle with a culture motive in the background.’

The Federal Police believes the father Hasso has fled Germany and is now in either Turkey or Syria.

Krüger claimed the mother actually ordered the killing and once tried to hire a hit man to carry it out.

‘Rokstan heard this from a friend,’ he said. Her mother denies the accusations.

Police have made no arrests so far.