‘Vertical village’ wins award for world building of the year

The Interlace The World Building of the Year  - key image.jpg

The Interlace The World Building of the Year – key image.jpg

It might look like an imaginary far off land seen in a sci-fi film, but this ‘vertical village’ is entirely real, and it’s just been named the world building of the year.

The Interlace development is situated in Singapore – and features 31 apartment blocks stacked at angles to each other – and won in the housing category.

The impressive block features 1,040 homes across eight hectares and finished construction two years ago.

Other winners included the plans for a proposed redevelopment of a war-ravaged Russian city, alongside a house made near entirely from scrap metal.

And the transformation of London’s Olympic Stadium into a new home for West Ham was also rewarded with the ‘Future Leisure-Led Development of 2015.’

Judges hailed it as being ‘sustainable, efficient and respectful of London’s Olympic heritage.’


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